Determinists Piss Me Off.


What is important is to always try to.

Ever read Either/Or? Read it. You seem to be in the textbook 'ethical' phase.
Ah, Kirkegaard. Since being on Danish highschool, and having Philosophy as primary subject, i`m probably going to hear more of him soon.
We already scraped a little bit on the surface.
We are the first course on this school to have it ever.
Many generations before us fought for it.
It is quite funny, since there is a lot of discussion in small groups, and a big discussion in the end, i`ve just finished a project called philosophy in computer games.
And i do not know if all Danish highschools have, since we are a Danish highschool in Germany (the only one) and our situation is,well, a little bit special.
The school is in Flensburg, near the border (i live 1 hour and 30 minutes from there, so i have a nice little tour by bus every morning).
It is of the Danish minority, and due to som special agrements we can use our education as well in germany and Denmark.
Ah. Good old Prussian expansion into Danish territory. So, near Kiel?

I'm going to Germany in a few months, hopefully I'll be in the area.
Actually it is a little more complicated. Denmark invaded Slesvig, which now is a part of Slesvig -holstein, and then was some kind of nomansland between Germany and Denmark, somehow whon a war against Germany ,then making the mistake to atack Germany again when Bismark was in charge, believing they where invincible, which they were not.
After Bismarck whining the war there where held elections about which parts of Slesvig-Holstein should become Danish and which should become German. The Danish population remaining i Germany then became the Danish minority.
I had far to much of this in history.
Here is a map of the area:

And if you somehow find your way to Slesvig you should visit Haitabu, it is and old viking settlement, quite interesting.
Ps:might be a good to stop now before we get lynched, we derailed this topic quite efficient.
Commissar Lauren said:
You called?

Tee hee.

I thought about giving my stance on what the self is and so forth, but decided against it. Some notes though:

The thing about skepticism and postmodernism is that they abolish themselves along with everything else. If nothing is certain, then it could be true that everything is certain, which is obviously a paradox. But maybe that's not really a paradox, and so on. Maybe I really have absolute knowledge of everything (after all I cannot be absolutely sure the opposite is true), but some circumstance prevents me from realizing this. But if that's the case, what do we mean by "know"? We intuitively know this is a misuse of the word, which is where postmodernism comes in. But if it's true that communication and reasoning is futile, then postmodernism has never been formulated either. If we want to have philosophy in the first place, logic and shared understanding must be taken as axiomatic. We also know intuitively that language is used precisely because it has communicative value and not because it represents some threat of confusion and delusion; those are just fallout that we can work to minimize. (This touches on the subject of Goedel's theorem and the popular misconception thereof that it somehow abolishes science or logic, but let's not go there.) Skepticism and deconstructionism may still have academical value (and "The Library of Babel" is one of the most ingenious texts ever), but let's leave them for the French, eh? In conclusion, logic > everything, because the alternative is defeatism and absurdity. I think Kant is pretty much on the spot here, and he predates stupid contemporary French intellectuals by centuries.

Anyone with a sense of humour can see that the Principia Discordia is a total hoot. And I should know, I wrote it.

To pick Christianity for an "if we were all the same we would all be happy" tautology is ludicrous considering its bloody history; try Buddhism.
Bradylama said:
Weren't the Japanese still largely Shintoist before they opened up to the West?

Shintoism only really got in style in the interbellum.
Eh. Xenophobia isn't exactly a symptom of Buddhism anyways. Kinda like how Jesus lacked a tendency for Holy Wars.
Jebus said:
Shintoism only really got in style in the interbellum.
Yup. Buddhism's generally a pretty weak religion, as the preexsisting polytheistic religions came back in two of it's most important areas (India and Japan). That's like the Baahl cult coming back in Isreal.
Per said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Buddhism has a more violent history then Christanity.

This was supposed to be a joke, right? Right?

After the Sengoku period the Emporer got rid of Christanity in a way that would have made the Thirty Years War era Hapsburgs come in their pants.

Not to mention the supression of Gnosticism in Tibet, as the Gnostics where once in a majority.
Ahhh, Per. I see you do not yet know the intellectual delights of debating with CCR.