Deus Ex Human Revolution trailer released

Hmm...I'm still skeptical because of how they screwed up with Invisible War. I don't know whether I like this new Adam character as much as I like the Denton's. I'm sure he's a huge step forward from the failure that Alex D was in Invisible War. He, and actually all the characters in that game, were just horrible. This new character seems like he might turn out to be pretty good.

Also, even though its just a cinematic trailer, the possibilities shown with the arms are pretty interesting. If they go the fairly realistic sci-fi route again, with viable stealth and action approaches, multiple routes of attack and so forth, it might turn out to be pretty good. Well, lets hope for the best.
I liked the reserved nature you could take in Deus Ex 1. This is just... Flashy & attentionwhore-y. :)

Anyhow, time will tell.
How sad is it that the only thing that I felt bore any resemblance to the original Deus Ex here were the riot cops?

Like Invisible War, this looks to be yet another episode of the Jetsons, with guns.
I've read up a bit on the DX:HR forums. Seems like they've got a third person cover system and standard regenerating health. Basically, it'll turn out to be the like every other game that's been made in the last few years.

It's weird really how games can go down in complexity. I'll miss the time when games' tried to go for more interesting but complex systems such as locational health. Nowadays every character is just some big bullet jello who regenerates his holes when waiting a few seconds and might just as well be hit in the head or the feet without a sodding difference. The explanation the dev's gave on the DX:HR forums was that 'it breaks the flow' if you have to search for health kits and such. Bloody bastards. That only counts when 'the flow' means that you're an idiot who just goes runnin' and gunnin' through a Deus Ex game.

Reading the forums over there didn't really give me much hope.
Regenerating health is a sign for lots of "epic" battles already.


And why third person? Everyone knows that first-person is most immersion!
Lexx said:
And why third person? Everyone knows that first-person is most immersion!

De-personalization. Via games the System will try to invade the minds of the young to de-personalize them. Third person makes them view themselves as a tool that can be ordered to do things, FP makes them think they are individuals that can actually do something.

It's all a big conspiracy, man. They get to you via games. The System gets you wherever you are.
Oh joy. Looks like they've really gone down the action road. Some snippet of info rebounding through the interwebs:

From July's PC Gamer issue:

Earlier this year, lead game designer Jean-Francois Dugas told PC Gamer, "We want to remove the RPG aspect of the fighting and make it more straightforward, like you see in games such as Rainbow Six. So if you're good at shooting, the game will not tell you you're not good at shooting because your stats are low."
This design decision will no doubt broaden the game's appeal, but our love of Deus Ex emanates from the lateral-thinking approaches we come up with when guns don't work. If spray-and-pray can get you through from one end to the other, Eidos Montreal risks making alternative approaches feel pointless.

Edit: That's july last year, of course, so hopefully stuff has changed. Hahaha, no of course it hasn't, it can only get worse. Good luck playing Deus Ex: Modern Warfare.
Wow, I could at least get through Invisible War, but if it stays with "Yeah we're just liek totally gonna remove all that RPG stuff cuz it's it'z like a dying genre and we're just gon make it totally kewl with lots of guns and no stats" then yeah, it's more than over.
Edmond Dantès said:
Hmm...I'm still skeptical because of how they screwed up with Invisible War.

And cause I am pretty fucked up from all this "Prequels" right now actualy ...

THough there is some hope they might return to the roots. And make Deus Ex from the quality of the story more similar to Deus Ex 1. But ... I have the feeling they will go for the lowest denominator. Action. Action. Oh and action.


When I am thinking of it. Its a real tragedy. Its so sad to see this once shining game beeing declared to a mindless shooter (which already started with Idiotic wars). I mean Deux comes Right after Fallout for me. It was one of the first shooters I played where it didnt "feelt" like a shooter but more a great story you explored and really decied what should happen it feelt pretty real cause of the well done characters in my eyes. It was one of those few games that made really a impact.
Seriously, I wouldn't really care about Deus Ex loosing some of its RPG aspects (on the mechanics side, not story wise)

A mix of Rainbow Six and Deus Ex seems perfectly fine to me. After all, Deus Ex was a shooter.

Also, whatever the final product, this video kicks ass...
So? It was a shooter that means letz make it more "simple" so you can walk around gunz blazing like the hero you should be ?

Hell yes letz make it more simple/shooter like, I would support your idea when the system in Deus Ex was broken (like Fallout 3 for example). But the way it worked in Deus Ex was pretty good in my eyes.

I cant know it but considering the recent history of games and just the comments from above its quite clear that they want to give the kidz these days what they crve "asploding heads" or something.

And that video really gavea me a bit of hope once :

*by watching it I notice how awesome the music of Deus Ex 1 still is !
Edmond Dantès said:
Oh joy. Looks like they've really gone down the action road. Some snippet of info rebounding through the interwebs:

From July's PC Gamer issue:

Earlier this year, lead game designer Jean-Francois Dugas told PC Gamer, "We want to remove the RPG aspect of the fighting and make it more straightforward, like you see in games such as Rainbow Six. So if you're good at shooting, the game will not tell you you're not good at shooting because your stats are low."
This design decision will no doubt broaden the game's appeal, but our love of Deus Ex emanates from the lateral-thinking approaches we come up with when guns don't work. If spray-and-pray can get you through from one end to the other, Eidos Montreal risks making alternative approaches feel pointless.

Edit: That's july last year, of course, so hopefully stuff has changed. Hahaha, no of course it hasn't, it can only get worse. Good luck playing Deus Ex: Modern Warfare.
Well, shit.

Seems that the casual console industry can't handle stat-based aiming after Alpha Protocol anyway, so it would probably be in their best interest to take it out all together if they want to make a profit anyway. Not that that's a good thing, not at all.
I have high hopes. There seem to be an implant system vaguely similar to that of the first game...

The story offers a lot of hope, in my opinion. If anything, the very title "Deus Ex" implies it must have more complexity than Halo, its sequels, or most modern games honestly.

On a side note: watching me scrambling into ducts for cover in the first Deus Ex made a friend of mine coin the term "level six screaming coward" in regards to the way I treated combat in the first game (on harder difficulties).
RedConversation said:
The story offers a lot of hope, in my opinion. If anything, the very title "Deus Ex" implies it must have more complexity than Halo, its sequels, or most modern games honestly.


Let's try that again.

RedConversation said:
The story offers a lot of hope, in my opinion. If anything, the very title "Fallout" implies it must have more complexity than Halo, its sequels, or most modern games honestly.

Hm... no.

RedConversation said:
The story offers a lot of hope, in my opinion. If anything, the very title "X-COM" implies it must have more complexity than Halo, its sequels, or most modern games honestly.

Damn, this just isn't working.
At least this one won't go with a crappy graphical engine to the market judging by the screenshots, and with a nice art style as well.

I'm still dismayed by the comment of removing the RPG part though.