UncannyGarlic said:
Crni Vuk said:
I would not be so sure about that. The shared paragorn system is nothing like the Synergies from D2.
How good or bad it will be is another question though.
I think he meant that Loot 2.0 will be an equivalent quality improvement that Synergies were, which is quite possible. The crap drop rates were a major problem when I played and I know that they have been improved since. That said, all of Loot 2.0 (including the Loot Runs?) will be included to the base game so I would give it a shot before buying the expansion.
Thats a rather complex problem though. There is a magnitude of problems with the loot system of D3, and to be honest, what I have seen so far with the expansion doesn't impress me. Not even slightly. But to be fair, we don't know yet enough about "what" changes they really want to do, if any at all. Thats the point. We have to wait and see ...
As far as D3 goes for now, the game is in dire needs of changes. Its a very dull experience, a very unrewarding experience. Particularly when you reach a certain point where the finding of upgrades for your character becomes equal to playing the lottery. literally I mean, as far as the odds goes. Except when you start playing the "economy" of the game, which is either directly paying money on the real money auction house or if you start to look specifically for items that are under priced and sell them later for a higher price, also called "flipping". Then you can totally negate the effect of randomness on loot, since you can simply "buy" what you need. And this is so efficient that you can reach in maybe 1 or 2 months, if you're doing it seriously, what people with farming for 2 years cant achieve. A major problem in my eyes, because it makes Diablo 3 at the moment in its core a "pay 2 win" game. Even if its not really a competitive game, but you can buy directly power in the game with money.
With patch 1.04 they increased a few mechanics around drop rates, like for Legendary Items and Set items. but that didn't really helped at all, because the CHANCE to get a legendary item with the right stats is simply to low. Its absurd really. Its like 0.01% or something like that. What does it help to increase the drops here? Not much, if it is now 0,01 or 0.02%, what does it really matter in the end? You still spend years playing the game for nothing. And I love D3 even ... but it simply isn't motivating. God knows how many legendary items I found so far, 300? No clue. Yet most of them simply don't have the stats you need on them ... another issue with the loot hunt, as from the 20 stats that can be on items just a handful of those are REALLY useful in the end.
a lot of people hope for changes with the so called loot 2.0. But knowing Blizzards recent history, I would not get my hopes to high. Yes, I would be happy to see big and great changes. But I am also realistic.
Makenshi said:
Garlic understood me correctly, that is what I meant: "equivalent quality improvement".
this has yet to be proven. You are right, if it works like most people hope it does. But we have simply to wait and see. I like D3, a lot even. But nothing I have seen so far impressed me really. Yes, I am a very critical person, but I am usually not a person that gets a lot in to "hype". D3 is almost more then 1 and a half year old by now. They had plenty of time to fix the game, but instead they have spend time creating the console verison, now they are working on the expansion rather then fixing the current game. That somehow doesnt feel right for me as consumer.