Pisis said:
I know and I think the thoughts of Marx were great.
This is the crucial point. In the beginning Communist theory is quite realistic. I'm not sure about Leninism, but Marxism is quite reliable. If you know what I mean.
Pisis said:
Please bear in mind that Stalinism was a complete croocked ideology of Communism....
100% true. Stalinism has little connection to Communism.
It is impossible to construct Communism without democracy. Tyranny's something very far away.
Pisis said:
which you are propagating
Damn. I'll think of it.
Pisis said:
Is enough that I talked with several people who were arrested in Siberia for a heck of years JUST because they fled from the Nazis during WWII? And other dictatorships killed innocent people just in case of their paranoia and in the "name of the Party".......
Yeah. Injustice is everywhere. But there's no point in accusing Communism alone.
Hitler was not a Communist. But It didn't mean all he was doing was watering flowers and helping old women cross streets.
The US did not support Communism when they nuked Japan.
If you count losses caused by Communism why not be punctual to the very end and count the victims of Capitalism? Eh? And then compare the toll taken by both systems.
Communism killed 100 million… Who invented that crap? Doesn’t look convincing at all. Tomorrow it will be claimed 200 million. And in a fortnight somebody’ll say it’s 300 million. And he is sure to succeed and find crowds of supporters. But I’ll be the first. My favorite number is 1,000 million people!
duckman said:
The way the world is not perfect under capitalism... But neither will it be in a Communist state...
It won’t be perfect. But I’m telling you, it will be *better*.
duckman said:
We just have to put up with what we have...
Put up?! Never!!
duckman said:
Look at Russia's economy now, it may be growing fairly steadily, but that is due to it's transitional economic stance.
It’s not growing. Every second factory in Russia is a heap of decayed rubbish. The might of the Russian army is a fake. Because Putin’s in the Kremlin, and he’s not interested in a strong Russia. Neither was his ancestor Yeltsin.
This Capitalist revival in Russia’s a false way. It can completely destroy the country within several years. The scale of catastrophe that was perestroika and the successive breakup of the USSR is unprecedented.
And I terribly apologize, phomax, for my excessive offtop!