Do you consider this mod more a Fallout game than Fallout 3?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Arin Matthews
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It's not even complete and it's already a better Fallout story even with the needless Enclave and all.
I don't know, Beyond Boulder Dome drags on a lot and has some rather dumb use of the BOS and NCR.
Nope, I don't. Simply because they use this stupid ugly anime hair on most females. God, I hate it so much.
Completely different games to Fallout....

At least these two's gameplay is far closer to Fo1,2 than fo3.
and I think modding is waste of time since there are tons of new and old games that haven't played yet or worth to replay
Too much mods could be a waste of time, but one shouldn't underestimate the work of non professionnal develloper.

Counter Strike & Team Fortress were amateur mods for Half-Life before getting the right to be commercially released.
Same for the ongoing Black Mesa mod, that put HL1 storyline in a modern engine with a lot of gameplay improvements.
Duke Nukem reloaded is an amateur game, that 3D Realms was afraid to release because they considered it better that Duke Nukem Forever. (they hired the team for another game they released)
On a more personnal way, i much prefer playing or replaying Fo1 Fixt, Fo2 RP or Fo2 Van Buren Mod, than replaying Fo3...
I was also amazed by Point Of View, the mod for HL1, playing as a vortigaunt.
yes, some mods are worthy but most of mods of beth's games are not that worthy to search because not much things are new.
Uhhhh... You don't like a mod (game) just because the hair... Uh... You're like a graphics whore... but worse.
So, is this mod fun or what? And does it connect to the main game or is it separate?
and I think modding is waste of time since there are tons of new and old games that haven't played yet or worth to replay

Then I guess Indie games are a waste of time too?

Uhhhh... You don't like a mod (game) just because the hair... Uh... You're like a graphics whore... but worse.
Or maybe people tend to find that kind of anime shit on a game were it doesn't fit to be completely jarring and unbearable? I almost closed the mod right there when I first saw that shlocky anime hair, but I soldiered on.

So, is this mod fun or what? And does it connect to the main game or is it separate?
It literally has it's on start up, you don't play your file of New Vegas, get to some cave and it starts but you choose from the main menu as a new game. Kind of impressive actually.
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From what i read Project Brazil put a great emphasis on choices that impact what the character could do next, as it is shown on their quest tree of the first installment. So you could play it ten times while having a different experience.
(My computer is too much lagging to make their nexus page appear, but the quest tree is on it)

Personnally i only tried the beginning, and i was amazed by the voice acting and quality of recording, and the characters i talked with were great. Also, the videos are impressives. It does look more like a spin-off than a mod...

I am also quite excited to see how they will depict the super-mutant leader. I am hope it would be a smart one.

But there is only one installment for now, so i rather wait to play it, hoping it won't be a vaporware.
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Cool, I'm in. Downloaded the mod and I'll give it a try later tonight. Mmmmm... new content. Does the mod include any custom textures, weapons or models or anything?