Do you have hope for the next Fallout?

Ghost Machine

First time out of the vault
It's simply a personal question to anyone willing to respond. Meanwhile, it's also a question that seems to have been asked many times before, just not word for word. But seeing as how members of the forum collectively state that Fallout titles made under Bethesda are basically the closest things to a failed abortion, and how F:NV was well received it seems, then I say that it wouldn't hurt to see if anyone has doubt or goodwill to the next Fallout game in development.

Although there are currently no confirmed news leading to the next Fallout's location, characters, etc. there is the confirmation that it is going to happen. But will it deliver? If Bethesda was to have learned anything, then it would have been what they learned from New Vegas. Specifically from Obsidian. It may sound obvious, but you never know if Bethesda was dumb enough to avoid their needed lesson. We can only hope that some logic was implanted into Bethesda's mind when it came to what the fans want and what the fans need out of Fallout.

*Before I end this post though, there's one more thing I want to fit into here just for the sake of not having to wait sometime before I can post again [and due to laziness]. I see that there are many veteran fans of the game here on the forum that know very well of what they talk about when it comes to criticism over the horrible aspects that stand out in Fallout, whether it's opinion or not. As a 4 year old fan of the game and being introduced to the series through F3, I have relooked the game for what I thought it was and what it is now. And when I say it's shit, that means that everyone else who says so too are not joking. [Although I still love the game for getting me into the series to start with.] However I see much potential in the sense of a 'formal demand' to Bethesda coming from some of the oldest fans of the game.

Consider me a kiss-ass, but if the game developers for Fallout were to listen to the wisdom in the advice of such fans, then perhaps the game wouldn't be as horrible as people here deem it to be. All I'm saying is that we, the people of NMA, should take the initiative and at least attempt to raise our voices in concern to Bethesda as a whole to show that our points of interest are aimed at something that can make Fallout: A.) Still a popular game to the mainstream society & B.) A game undoubtedly worthy of receiving the title 'Game Of The Year'.
A completely new game from other developer - O NO, No hope. After burying of the real Black Isle and Van Buren there are no more Fallout. To have a hope and waiting for next Fallout, this is nonsense. Who will make Fallout ? The only way to have "next Fallout" is to waiting for the good mods, there are few out there in progress.
Yeah ,Wasteland 2 is damn good choise.
Bethesda seems to learn by increments. I have all the faith in the world that Fallout 4 is going to be a more solid game overall than Fallout 3 and that most of us here are going to end up adding it to our collections, even though some of us are knowingly going to be shelling out $60 primarily for the right to complain about it later.

Now, does "more solid game" mean that the story and the setting are going to be any more coherent than on the last go, or that they're going to retain any of the improved mechanics introduced in New Vegas? Anything's possible, but I haven't seen anything yet that would get me to lay money on it.
I am pretty much with the idea that Bethesda does not listen to customers but rather its marketing department and follows the 'rule of cool' rather than making a product that feels both good as a game and as a Fallout title.

In a sense their marketing strategy is sound and they attract many customers with it which is basically the goal of the company; make games to make money, and not making games that are quality wise good and hopefully make the money back that has been invested in it so new games can be made.

As for us raising our voices OP, we are pretty much seen by Zenimax Bethesda as a bunch of old school lout mouths who don't know how the game industry functions (though we have people on the forum who I think are working in the game industry right now, and people who are preparing for career into it).
Though we probably come over as quite insulting and angry at time, we can be polite and respectful if we are also treated in the same way.

But there is no reason for Bethesda designers to interact with us, hell perhaps they are fucking arrogant as hell and think they are god's latest gift in game development, or perhaps the higher ups at Zenimax Bethesda to speak to us.
We are also not the core group anymore Bethesda caters to, they created their own group for that.
Oh I do think Beth oes hears their customers.... but most of them are pretty dumb people. I mean if you go and tell someone how dumb Fallout 3 is, with sound logic and perfectly structured points you are gonna be called a troll most of the time because "FALLOUT 3 IS THE MOST IMMUHRSIVE GAEM EVUR! HOW DARE YOU FAG!".

We are but a portion of their customers, and one that is not writing GAME OF THE YEAR! everywhere with their games, so they don't need to hear us.
Walpknut said:
Oh I do think Beth oes hears their customers.... but most of them are pretty dumb people. I mean if you go and tell someone how dumb Fallout 3 is, with sound logic and perfectly structured points you are gonna be called a troll most of the time because "FALLOUT 3 IS THE MOST IMMUHRSIVE GAEM EVUR! HOW DARE YOU FAG!".

There is the same kind of people on the other side of the fence too.. "F3 sucks because it's not F1!"
"Beth made it so i would even try it and it will be the worst thing since the last game by Beth!"

Thank god i like and disslike both sides so i can throw my rocks at both directions :twisted:
Well yeah, there are people that confuse bitching with critiquing. I don't like those either.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I am pretty much with the idea that Bethesda does not listen to customers but rather its marketing department and follows the 'rule of cool' rather than making a product that feels both good as a game and as a Fallout title.

In a sense their marketing strategy is sound and they attract many customers with it which is basically the goal of the company; make games to make money, and not making games that are quality wise good and hopefully make the money back that has been invested in it so new games can be made.

Bethesda following their marketing department sounds given since it would keep their head on when competing with other companies of the same level. While it does make sense, it's no excuse to for them to not show quality in both their interest in the fans of the series they produce nor the games that are produced in the series. I believe that showing concern into criticism added by fans and responding by reasoning with suggested elements by fans can both extend to and maintain grasp on newer or older audience's while improving their products to something that multiple types of fans may enjoy at the same time, with the necessary kept benefit of giving and receiving market value back to their expected criteria.

The Dutch Ghost said:
As for us raising our voices OP, we are pretty much seen by Zenimax Bethesda as a bunch of old school lout mouths who don't know how the game industry functions (though we have people on the forum who I think are working in the game industry right now, and people who are preparing for career into it).
Though we probably come over as quite insulting and angry at time, we can be polite and respectful if we are also treated in the same way.

But there is no reason for Bethesda designers to interact with us, hell perhaps they are fucking arrogant as hell and think they are god's latest gift in game development, or perhaps the higher ups at Zenimax Bethesda to speak to us.
We are also not the core group anymore Bethesda caters to, they created their own group for that.

Funny how Beth would see NMA as a place of inconsistency whereas many of their 'fans' are either one-sided to TES or are just too fucking stupid to understand how to digest a game, let alone remain a true fan to the series when they constantly bitch and whine about the very thing they say is a 10/10. I also plan on preparing myself to start working in the game industry myself, so it's good to hear that there are people here who are on the same track. :D

Also, your last statement and your last paragraph seem a bit... ironic.
Makta said:
Walpknut said:
Oh I do think Beth oes hears their customers.... but most of them are pretty dumb people. I mean if you go and tell someone how dumb Fallout 3 is, with sound logic and perfectly structured points you are gonna be called a troll most of the time because "FALLOUT 3 IS THE MOST IMMUHRSIVE GAEM EVUR! HOW DARE YOU FAG!".

There is the same kind of people on the other side of the fence too.. "F3 sucks because it's not F1!"
"Beth made it so i would even try it and it will be the worst thing since the last game by Beth!"

Thank god i like and disslike both sides so i can throw my rocks at both directions :twisted:

Save me a stone because I'm on the same boat with you on that one. Superiority in one game can't conflict to another when they're both different on many levels of aspect. (Especially in Fallout's case.)
Yamu said:
Bethesda seems to learn by increments. I have all the faith in the world that Fallout 4 is going to be a more solid game overall than Fallout 3 and that most of us here are going to end up adding it to our collections, even though some of us are knowingly going to be shelling out $60 primarily for the right to complain about it later.

Now, does "more solid game" mean that the story and the setting are going to be any more coherent than on the last go, or that they're going to retain any of the improved mechanics introduced in New Vegas? Anything's possible, but I haven't seen anything yet that would get me to lay money on it.

Well Bethesda might learn by increments, but that only makes them take one step forward and two steps back. I don't really see Skyrim as an improvement over Oblivion in the quest, characters or writing department.

I'll definitely get Fallout 4. But if I'll pay for it, that's another matter.
I'm actually waiting for both FO4 and Wasteland 2. I plan to get both games, but I'm pretty sure W2 will turn out to be far superior to Bethesda's new, ahem, Fallout.
I feel like i'm the only one who haven't really looked into Wastlenad 2 :| Think i saw some early parts of it ages ago but that's it.. AFK!
Makta said:
I feel like i'm the only one who haven't really looked into Wastlenad 2 :| Think i saw some early parts of it ages ago but that's it.. AFK!

I never fully felt like I introduced myself properly into Wasteland, so that's why I can't really feel anything for it. Other than that, I don't have a good computer to run it on. Mine's older than shit. I'd still love to try it out though... Get a good feel to it.