Do you think Fallout 3 is guilty pleasure?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
To be honest I think the game is very mediocre. Bad writing, bad characters, etc. It has at least one to two redeeming qualities and that lies in the setting of the Capitol Wasteland and mod support. Sorry, to me this game as much as I want to distance myself from it I find myself wanting to play it sometimes. To me, it's guilty pleasure. I know how bad it is and how crappily made it is but I find myself liking it to a very small extent. Do you feel it's guilty pleasure?
Not really. To me Skyrim is a guilty pleasure, but that's because the crap elements don't overshadow the good elements. Fallout 3 on the other hand really doesn't do it for me. There's pretty much nothing I like about it more than Fallout New Vegas. Because of this, when I want to play a FPS Fallout game, I go for FNV and never for F3.
A couple of months ago I decided to re-play Fallout 3 for scientific purposes and I just couldn't get into it. I finished some quests for Moira, wandered a bit and deleted it from my hard drive after something like 2-3 hours. It's just so bland and boring.
I agree with Askorti. If I want to play one of the newest Fallouts, I'd rather play New Vegas than FO3. It allows me to be more immersed in my character's roleplaying, especially with many more roleplay-friendly mods.
I played Fallout 3 once or twice and that was enough for me. As I've said before on here, it was an OK adventure game, but a major disappointment as an RPG and Fallout follow-up.

New Vegas and the original Fallout though? Still playing 'em. I should get copy of Fallout 2 but then nothing will get done around here.

If I want a guilty pleasure I'll play Postal or something like Chainsaw Lollipop... but then I rarely feel guilty about anything these days.
I played Fallout 3 once or twice and that was enough for me. As I've said before on here, it was an OK adventure game, but a major disappointment as an RPG and Fallout follow-up.

New Vegas and the original Fallout though? Still playing 'em. I should get copy of Fallout 2 but then nothing will get done around here.

If I want a guilty pleasure I'll play Postal or something like Chainsaw Lollipop... but then I rarely feel guilty about anything these days.

Pretty much what you said Bubba. I enjoyed 3 at first since it was the first Fallout game I played. Then I played the originals and NV and haven't really gone back to 3. Sure it was fun to explore, and I'm someone you loves to explore the hell out of places, but there wasn't really anything for me to come back to. Bland characters, a hackneyed story and illogical locations left me with a little to come back to.

Although I would say that Skyrim for me is a guilty pleasure but that's only because I have it modded to high hell. Without that Skyrim would probably just be sitting uninstalled on my hard drive alongside Fallout 3.
Played through it about a month ago using Tale of Two Wastelands. The story of the game actively irritated me throughout, but with the New Vegas engine and my other mods like Project Nevada improving the gameplay, I had some fun playing in hardcore mode in the Capital Wasteland. I might end up just killing most of the npcs to make it even more barren, so I can have the map as a place to just play like a survival game, with random survivors here and there.
I revisit Fallout 3 from time to time, thinking maybe I'll see some redeeming qualities I missed before, and I usually enjoy it for a while, but about midway through the game (right around the time that Dad bites it usually) I just get sick of it and think "I could be playing a better game."

So a normal experience with Fallout 3 for me is "do a bunch of the sidequests, visit the Pitt and Point Lookout, then quit." Occasionally I see new things, like I hadn't seen the "warring ant colonies" thing before the last time I played it (the actual unmarked quest associated with it is pretty uninteresting, but it's kind of a neat idea.)
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I revisit Fallout 3 from time to time, thinking maybe I'll see some redeeming qualities I missed before, and I usually enjoy it for a while, but about midway through the game (right around the time that Dad bites it usually) I just get sick of it and think "I could be playing a better game."

So a normal experience with Fallout 3 for me is "do a bunch of the sidequests, visit the Pitt and Point Lookout, then quit." Occasionally I see new things, like I hadn't seen the "warring ant colonies" thing before the last time I played it (the actual unmarked quest associated with it is pretty uninteresting, but it's kind of a neat idea.)
Pretty much this, but sometimes I can't even make it to midway through the game. I just play it for a few minutes and think "Fuck this" and go back to New Vegas simply because it's such a better game all around.
I know Fallout 4 will be a guilty pleasure at the most. Gamestop emplyee told me it had over 600 hours of gameplay. It took all I could not to laugh in his face. I feel like the guy off Seven writing about throwing up on the guy at the Subway and laughing about it.
Can't even get the piece of shit to work with the mods i have or whatever, I just stick to not being a massive masochist.

Fallout 3 is easily the worst RPG i've ever played.
No, Skyrim and Oblivion (more specifically, Oblivion) are guilty pleasures, because unlike Fallout 3, I am not baffled by idiotic world-building decisions and locations that have zero reasons to exist.
No, Skyrim and Oblivion (more specifically, Oblivion) are guilty pleasures, because unlike Fallout 3, I am not baffled by idiotic world-building decisions and locations that have zero reasons to exist.

Oblivion? God, I hated that game.
At least races still had different stats, and the game had classes. The fact that anyone would be glad that classes were removed in Skyrim just blows my mind.
No, Skyrim and Oblivion (more specifically, Oblivion) are guilty pleasures, because unlike Fallout 3, I am not baffled by idiotic world-building decisions and locations that have zero reasons to exist.

Oblivion? God, I hated that game.
At least races still had different stats, and the game had classes. The fact that anyone would be glad that classes were removed in Skyrim just blows my mind.

Yeah but the stats were worthless and so were the classes.