Means I drink and enjoy tea quite a lot. If the Kettle was golden it means I REALLY enjoy and drink tea a lot. But due to health problem I had to cut tea back quite a bit.What's silver kettle for?

He mentions the Brotherhood in the East, including how the legion has captured some of them:I’ve heard this before but I never remember Caesar saying this. When does he say this, and what does he say exactly?
Also, what were the two factions within the Midwestern Brotherhood fighting about?
This is a direct jab at one of the things Fallout Tactics got wrong in the lore (and was criticized a lot because of it). In Fallout Tactics the BoS think they came out of a Vault or something like that, breaking the lore of the origins of the BoS and it's creator Roger Maxson.The Brotherhood seems to have formed not long after the great atomic war. It's hard to know - they care little for history.
Some of the Brotherhood scribes we captured further East didn't even know the name of their founder, Roger Maxson.
Even FO3's BoS know they were created by Maxson.
And it makes sense that the Legion has captured Midwest BoS members, since the Legion's territory has borders with the Midwest BoS territory:

It wasn't two factions in the Midwest BoS fighting, it was the original BoS that divided itself in two factions. One wanted to stay the way they always were, isolated, the other one wanted to open their doors and recruit outsiders, due to the decline of the BoS numbers.
The faction that wanted to openly recruit others from the wasteland got sent to eradicate the remnants of the Master's Super Mutants (basically this faction was exiled and sent on a suicide mission), and left using zeppelin-like airships. Because of a massive thunderstorm, those airships got off course and ended up crashing in the USA's Midwest and the survivors formed the BoS in Fallout Tactics.
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