But best title ever!
I kind of prefer John Hurt as the Time War Doctor. Not to diss McGann but John Hurt was amazing as a weary version of the Doctor, and he also acted as a nice bridge between the old era and the new one. I'm not sure I buy that the doctor would keep the regeneration that fought in the Time War a secret but not the fact that he ended it, but whatever.
The special might not have been perfect, but I really enjoyed it. Best Moffat story in a while, and a worthy celebration for 50 years of tv history that avoided the usual pitfalls of this kind of thing. Yeah, there were a lot of little nods, but the story also worked as a proper story and could reasonably work for a casual fan (though I wouldn't go with that for a first-timer). Looking forward to the Christmas Special and to Peter Capaldi's era... man, he has one mean stare.
The special might not have been perfect, but I really enjoyed it. Best Moffat story in a while, and a worthy celebration for 50 years of tv history that avoided the usual pitfalls of this kind of thing. Yeah, there were a lot of little nods, but the story also worked as a proper story and could reasonably work for a casual fan (though I wouldn't go with that for a first-timer). Looking forward to the Christmas Special and to Peter Capaldi's era... man, he has one mean stare.