Doctor Who

Yes, I watched The Enemy of the World this morning.

Excellent story, loved every minute of it.

Though I am annoyed I had to hand money over to apple to watch it.

50 anniversary trailer. It's pretty...nothing, though.

As for Moffat's regeneration count problem, who knows. If he just means something like 2 to 3 wasn't a regeneration (just a "face-change") that's ok. I hope we don't start confusing the count too much tho. Not looking forward to the Who nerd debates what the count is.
Brother None said:
Plenty. Though I'm not too fond of the 11th Doctor. Or rather I am fond of him, but I'm not fond of the generally poorer quality of writing in episodes since Russell T Davies left. And I am really, really fed up with that annoying wrinkly old hagbag River Song.

I miss the 10th. And 9th. And 8th. And 4th. Not so much the 6th.

Still, it's still the Doctor and quite enjoyable, just not as enjoyable.

I've seen a lot of Doctor going back to, well, everything except the first three Doctors. My favorite episode is probably Paradise Towers. Or Blink.

I agree, the 11th doctor is an interesting incarnation of the character and Matt Smith does a superb job. With that being said, Moffat's writing/direction has been poor. What annoys me the most is the clever ideas that they built up during the plot then end up dropping them. (I.E The Silence as a religion/cult). The 50th special will hopefully be better.

9th is my favorite as of late along with 3rd, 4th and 8th. The 3rd is my second favorite doctor but was much like the 11th. Enjoyed the portrayal of the character but didn't care for the writing. I wasn't a fan of him being stuck on Earth the majority of his time. I always thought that they could of have the Doctor meet UNIT and ended up saving the Earth from some threat while not physically having the episode take place on it.
Quarto said:
Brother None said:
Plenty. Though I'm not too fond of the 11th Doctor. Or rather I am fond of him, but I'm not fond of the generally poorer quality of writing in episodes since Russell T Davies left. And I am really, really fed up with that annoying wrinkly old hagbag River Song.

I miss the 10th. And 9th. And 8th. And 4th. Not so much the 6th.

Still, it's still the Doctor and quite enjoyable, just not as enjoyable.

I've seen a lot of Doctor going back to, well, everything except the first three Doctors. My favorite episode is probably Paradise Towers. Or Blink.

I agree, the 11th doctor is an interesting incarnation of the character and Matt Smith does a superb job. With that being said, Moffat's writing/direction has been poor. What annoys me the most is the clever ideas that they built up during the plot then end up dropping them. (I.E The Silence as a religion/cult). The 50th special will hopefully be better.

9th is my favorite as of late along with 3rd, 4th and 8th. The 3rd is my second favorite doctor but was much like the 11th. Enjoyed the portrayal of the character but didn't care for the writing. I wasn't a fan of him being stuck on Earth the majority of his time. I always thought that they could of have the Doctor meet UNIT and ended up saving the Earth from some threat while not physically having the episode take place on it.

I think the ninth is under-rated, I love him he was well , FANTASTIC!
DoctorWho_ said:
[quote="Quarto" I think the ninth is under-rated, I love him he was well , FANTASTIC!

It's a shame he only did one season. He'd probably ended up being more accepted if he had done so.
eccleston only did one season to revive the show, but he didnt want to get tied down for multiple seasons on a tv show.

thats what i heard.
TheWesDude said:
eccleston only did one season to revive the show, but he didnt want to get tied down for multiple seasons on a tv show.

thats what i heard.

That and I heard he had disagreements with production and the direction of the show. It's a shame he won't be part of the 50th anniversary. With that being said, They've slated Peter Davidson supposedly and we have John Hurt's mysterious Doctor.
I watched the "Silence in the Library" 2-parter, continuing my slow sampling of pre-Moffat Moffat. It was OK, worse than Blink, better than The Girl in the Fireplace. There are some nice touches but there's also:

1. Everyone is just so damn obsessed with how cool the Doctor is (supposed to be) and takes every opportunity to make speeches on the subject.

2. Plot elements make no sense if you stop to think about them.

3. Some fairly cheap emotional appeals.

I'm wondering if these things are Moffat things or if they've always been Doctor Who things.
After having to subsist on nothing but wikis, highlight clips, and stories from my old-guard Sci-Fi uncle at Thanksgivings and Easters, I finally got to watch a little more than a season of Tom Baker Who this week (specifically, all of the Leela episodes).

I loved it, as expected. Tom Baker is a strong front-runner for President of my own personal Council of Time Lords. I am, however, more certain than ever that all the old fans denouncing Modern Who as the profane ruin of the franchise must have been watching the originals with a rose-tinted scarf over their eyes. Davies and Moffat have done some questionable stuff, but most if not all of the flaws inherent in the new series can be traced back to the old ones, even the classic old ones, in varying proportions.
Doctor Who is a silly show for children. Anything you see that is silly or places imagination over sense remember what the show is really about.

Anyway here is the prequel to The Day of the Doctor.


What what what, Prequel spoilers:

[spoiler:51f7f8e6b1]Moffat is all like the return of the Eighth Doctor and a regeneration between the 8th and the 9th was a secret. I mean I'm not into the Doctor Who community but I thought all of that was like common knowledge for months. I mean during the airing of The Name of the Doctor everyone was saying it was going to be a missed regeneration between the 8th and the 9th. Like you know whatever.[/spoiler:51f7f8e6b1]
BBC Children in Need Special...

Ah, that was really enjoyable. Hurt did a great job feeling like a genuine character, Tennant and Smith were fun together, Clara her usual brilliant self.

I really liked how the episode was really just about The Decision, and they found various clever ways to frame the debate, memories and experience. Really well-done, with appropriate epic final scenes.

[spoiler:48c12d7e93]Not sure I agree with retconning the destruction of the Tim War away but they did do it well, explaining any inconsistency (such as the High Council's plan that was happening simultaneously) fairly well.

It is kind of weird that an ep about the Time War would feature so little of the daleks. But I guess they wanted to make it about the Doctor, not his enemies.

And we're at 13 Doctors now, officiously! That seems pretty unnecessary since there was nothing Hurt did that couldn't have been done by McGann, so that decision is still odd. It would've been nice if Eccleston had returned for the regeneration and McGann played the War Doctor, but oh well.[/spoiler:48c12d7e93]