First time out of the vault

If you are telling about the gameplay of fallout tactics, you are most likely right. But the midwestern BoS isn't that retarded.To be fair, I think ignoring Tactics' retarded Midwestern empire was actually a good decision. In general, I mean. Even Caesar's mention of the Brotherhood "out east" could literally just be a reference to Van Buren's remote chapter of the Brotherhood that was rooted in east Arizona. Ironically enough named the Maxson Bunker.
The Brotherhood never struck me as a faction with massive amounts of disposabal manpower. Whilst deploying squadrons eastward is actually within their ideology, I could only see it as justifiable if they were aware of specific dangerous technology that would warrant that. As it stands both in the context of Tactics and Fallout 3, the Brotherhood just sent massive amounts of men that they got from somewhere on a completely blind expedition east to basically see what's up, or to chase down Super-Mutants that were running away. As the actions of a populous and well-driven empire/nation, that would make sense. For a reclusive order of techno-monks living in scattered bunkers across California, not particularly.
They did not travel to Chicago to fight mutants, they wanted to recover technology from vault 0. They recruited outsiders only because of the lack of personnel, unlike Lyons who just want to do 'good'. The ending makes BoS balanced(losing calculator) unlike fo3 where they become op with Liberty Prime.. Tactics happen before fallout 2, so they might be still fighting mutants
I agree eastern and midwestern BoS sound too similar. There is even some cut content that proves the theory of BoS coming east to be reasonable. But for me, Fallout 3 bos just sound too much like bethesda wanted to redo the midwestern bos, but also wanted everyone to ignore the idea being used from tactics.