Does Anyone Miss the 90's


Your Local Scrub
I would go back to the 90's any day.

The music.

The video games.

My first time playing fallout.

Experimenting with drugs.

Damn I miss those days.
Welcome to the NMA Fallout community, Big Boss.

Someday, someone will invent a time machine so we can all go back to the best times in our lives. The 90s, the year 2001, whenever. Then I can invest mad money and be rich and stuff. Yeah....

And invent Facebook.
The 90s were good but I can't say I miss it apart from actually having less obligations like going to work or paying bills. My biggest hurdle was probably how to get hold of a better PC (and still get grades. Wasn't a big fan of school at the time). I remember downloading Duke Nukem 3d in the mid 90s too. 35 MBs, took forever on a 56.6. Other than that not much have changed for me.
I wound't go back to the 90s. I had way too much to learn about life...
The past 5-6 years are so far the most rewarding.
The 90's were cool... But for me, everything good from the 90's is still there, and most of the bad stuff is gone.
No point in wishing back the past.
Thanks for the welcome. I have actually been ghost riding these forums for a while, since about 2005-06. However my internet has been turned off and on, and I was finally able to join up.

If I could go back to the 90's and stay my same age, I would do it in a heartbeat.
But you can still listen to the music of the 90s, play the games, all that. Whenever people pose the question of going back to or just plain going to a certain decade, it's just not appealing to me. I can enjoy the media of the 90s, of pretty much any decade within the last century, without giving up the good things we have now. It's not like once a decade ended we had to turn in our albums, games, and whatever else we liked.

Experiences? Yeah, can't relive those, but you can have new experiences and grow.

I don't know, don't really seen the appeal. Especially the appeal of people who wish they were born in a different decade, or even say they were born in the wrong decade. Sure, when I was younger the thought crossed my mind about it being "cool" to have been around to enjoy the music and movies of the 1920s/30s/40s/50s etc. when it was new and whatever, but I can enjoy the stuff now and continue to enjoy it for decades to come until I die, all the while still enjoying the great products of today and living a more comfortable life with the advances we have today and will have in the future.

Hassknecht said:
The 90's were cool... But for me, everything good from the 90's is still there, and most of the bad stuff is gone.
No point in wishing back the past.
I miss the extacy of the 90s. Not that I really pine for drugs like that, but it was good.
Not really. My country was not doing well at the time - two wars, bankruptcy, lots of crazy mafia and corrupt cops not afraid of the law... Dangerous stuff.
No. No internet, fresh post-soviet life, crime, economic deprivation and it was the time when older kids would occasionally rob me and some times try to kick my ass. I was weak and not very bright (might be the case for my current state also).
BigBoss said:
If I could go back to the 90's and stay my same age, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I'd go back, but rather as the teenager I was back then.
I would have loved to be in the 90's as a teenager. Music started going to shit in the 00's. It's getting worst now with the dub step plague and the seemingly whole entertainment Industry being dumbed down for people who don't want to think anymore.
And I thought the music was shit in the 90s.

Btw. if you think that music is dumb now, you probably don't remember much music from the 90s.
....Or the music from the 80s.

Like others said, If I want the good stuff of the 90s I cab easily access to it now, while avoiding the negative stuff from back then, well maybe except the part where The Simpsons was still good and hadn't overstayed it's welcome.
Lexx said:
And I thought the music was shit in the 90s.

Btw. if you think that music is dumb now, you probably don't remember much music from the 90s.

I guess every decade has highs and lows for particular genres. Most of the music I listen to now happens to be from the 90's.

To me 80's music seems tacky except for The Smiths, I fucking love The Smiths.
The 90's had Eurodance and Boybands. Some might say that those genres suck worse than everything else, but all I can say is
Also, the 90's saw the rise of second wave Black Metal, Prog/Tech Death Metal and Pantera.
The 90's ruled the knaves.

/edit: This thread is now a rave.
Rename this thread to music from the 90s.

Dj Rolando - Jaguar

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Balkan legend Dino Dvornik - Imam rep (he dead now)

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He had his last party in my town and i missed it, a week later he OD'd on painkillers. Thats something for the regreat thread.
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Reggae Dub Sweden!