Characters that i supposed to remember :
- Sarah Lyons / Amata : Cliche underdevelloped love interests. (too bad i was female for my only playthrough... And unfortunatly hasn"t got any extra caps, for that...)
- Owyn Lyons : Cliche old leader, who suddenly forgot everything about super-mutants... It's not like your faction thought & studied them in the four previous games. Seems they copied too much traits from Maxson.
- Augustus Autunm : An Enclave face with no deph that happen to appear more than once.
- 3 dogs / Eden : I found them both great when i started playing. They tend to become repetitive after a few 1000 hours of exploring generic metros, killing generic ghouls. Both were disapointing when met. I expect them to be more talking since that's they're supposed to do, but they seem to talk less than generic rivet city guards. Also Eden can be to easily and casually asked to kill himself (why not change his goals ? Does he need to kill all his personnal and civilians ?) and 3 Dogs only talk about you, which get old pretty fast. It was a nice surprise to see Eden as robot, but a great disapointement to see that 3 dogs had no fucking crew....
- Moira Brown : I think i will reload my Megaton savegame and take the dream crusher perk...
- Alphonse Almodovar : Kind of okay, but you can't beat old Jacoren...
- DAD/James : I very don't like Fo3 main storyline, as it make me feel i am special/destined to a fate, was born as unique, a storytelling device that i hate with all my guts, in any medium. (reminds how great was Fo2, when you could make fun of that kind of storytelling, by telling any other npc you see that you're the chosen one). Also, i don't like how personnal it get. The game (doesn't) manage to be at the same time a wide open sandbox, and do a main quest that make anything else irrelevant. Who would want to be Moira Brown personnal errand, if you were just kicked home, with no real purpose or interest in the outside, and looking for your only family member, not mentionning the fact that he hasn't told you yet why he left ? If it was the real deal, the lone wanderer would be dead, trying to find him less than a day later. Beside not liking the role on its own, i found myself liking the guy enough to care about him, being impressed by his calm and the things he managed to do. Considering that i (unroleplayingly) got to him after doing everything else, he got to live well long, for a character expected to bite the dust soon.
Characters that i will actually remember :
- Little Lamplight, as the worse human community of any medium. Considering they don't allow children killing, they make fool of us, by making them jerkass AND unable to be avoided, (I wish eulogy jones quest was repeatable), not mentionning the fact that they make no sense at all. (are jerkass children falling from the sky because of radiation ?)
- Brotherhood Outcast : The faction i was the most interested in. Like any faction besides Lyons BOS, you barely scratch the surface...
- Burke : He made one hell an impression when i first met him. Then there was painfully nothing more to learn about him.
- Stanislas Braun/Betty : Considering the isolation of Vault 112, it's like a DLC, but i really think that they actually did something that make some sense and is intriguing. I kinda like both the man, his avatar, and the wolrd he created. Too bad there is no consequences afterwards. Also, considering that the failsafe couldn't be found without a game guide, the game actually force you to be a kid and kill adults, while forbid you to be an adult and kill children. What the developper are trying to say ?
- Horace Pinkerton : Don't remember much of what he is saying, but i liked the jerkass skilled hermit, that everyone has long forgotten, and know more about the waste, but don't care.
- Dashwood/Argyle : Not lore relevant, but fun anyway...
- Bigsley : At the time i met him, i was so surprised a Fo3 character could still have a personnality. His thoughts are great, while some of his quests makes no sense. Before acqua pura, clean water was rare, so expensive. Afterwards, it was produced in large quantity, and given for free. So it doesn't have any value and it is not worthy to attack water caravan, or even care about them. I would rather see dead brahmin, water on the side, but dead guards striped for their guns and armors.
- Butch : At the time i got him as a companion i though it was a good character developement, and a nice twist. Butch wasn't a bad man. He was just dumb. Then i also realised he is almost the only companion that has a background and personnality. Most other companions got bought for 1000 caps, have no dialogs before the trade and only generic answers after that. Fawkes was also a disapointement. The only mutant that can talk and he has half the charisma of Harry the dumb dumb.
- Werner : Quite a nice twist to find out he is at least as bad as Ashur. (to be fair, Ashur is underdevellopped, and has his share of "attributed" evilness)
- ALL THE ROBOTS ! ! ! Seriously, i think the robots are the only redeeming quality of Fo3... Until New Vegas came along and topped that...
Still hasn't finished Point Lookout, so that's it.