Does anyone remember ANY Fallout 3 characters?


Vault Senior Citizen
Just as a quick topic I was wondering if anyone actually remembers any. I'm really thinking here but none were very memorable.

I'll just say the ones I do remember: James, Fawkes, Dogmeat, Three Dog, Reilly's Rangers, Tenpenny. There was that cowboy guy in Megaton and uhh...oh boy I thought I remembered more but no, that's it. What about you?
There are little to none memorable characters in FO3. I think Desmond Lockheart and Ishmael Ashur were the only ones that seemed interesting to me.
Moira wazzerface, Threedog, Burke, cartoonishly evil racist dude in that hotel, Col. Autumn, Dad, Fawkes, That stupid kid at the gate in little lamplight, Dave.
You guys are exaggerating, right? That game had tons of characters regrettable enough to leave an impression. The Tunnel Snakes. Tenpenny, Burke, and Roy Phillips. Sierra Petrovita. Mechanist and Ant-Agonizer. Those lousy Hot Topic vampires in the subway station. Mayor McCready of Lamplight, who I hated so much that I turned against NCR when I ran into an officer with the same last name in New Vegas. The similarly aggravating Princess who guarded the way into Vault 87. The Bigtown whine-and-pine committee, featuring Bittercup. Star Paladin Cross, Holy Knight Errant of Ye Olde Brotherhoode of Steele. The list goes on.

Maybe I just I lack some vital mental safeguard that would allow me to repress these memories.
Yamu said:
You guys are exaggerating, right? That game had tons of characters regrettable enough to leave an impression. The Tunnel Snakes. Tenpenny, Burke, and Roy Phillips. Sierra Petrovita. Mechanist and Ant-Agonizer. Those lousy Hot Topic vampires in the subway station. Mayor McCready of Lamplight, who I hated so much that I turned against NCR when I ran into an officer with the same last name in New Vegas. The similarly aggravating Princess who guarded the way into Vault 87. The Bigtown whine-and-pine committee, featuring Bittercup. Star Paladin Cross, Holy Knight Errant of Ye Olde Brotherhoode of Steele. The list goes on.

Maybe I just I lack some vital mental safeguard that would allow me to repress these memories.

I haven't played it in a few years so I don't really remember any "characters" Of course I remember Little Lamplight, and how dumb that was, but I won't be able to remember any of the dumb kid's names (oh god i just remembered "I'M MAYOR MCREADY" thanks for bringing back THAT repressed memory :P )

Yeah, I am known for my amazing memory repression abilites. I can convince myself that the Star Wars prequels don't exist (including JarJar) so maybe it's that.

Oh yeah, the "Tunnel Snakes" I reeally remember them. :shrug:
And who the hell is Sierra Petrovita?
Three Dog, Dukov (he amused me), James, Amata, Moira voicelikenailsonachalkboard Brown, The laughable "President" Eden, those fucking lamplight kids that sent me into a fit of rage every time I saw them simply because they were invincible...
Earth said:
And who the hell is Sierra Petrovita?

Stupid retarded shop owner with her stupid retarded "wasteland survival guide", where every single twist and turn is for "comedic relief".
How. I. Laughed!
It depresses me that there's over like a hundred characters and more in this game but only a few are relevant, and even less are interesting. As Yamu pointed out, most of them are only memorable for how terrible they are.

I know it's unfair seeing as I've been playing it more recently, but in New Vegas I even remember some of the more obscure characters, let alone the companions and main ones. The Toaster from Old World Blues was more memorable than "Name's Lucas Simms"
zegh8578 said:
Earth said:
And who the hell is Sierra Petrovita?

Stupid retarded shop owner with her stupid retarded "wasteland survival guide", where every single twist and turn is for "comedic relief".
How. I. Laughed!

Your comment made me laugh good sir :D but wasn't that Moira?

edit: OK I looked up this Sierra Petrovita character. What the fuck? How is she even alive? In a game where all the irritating fans scream "it's all about the atmosphere" how can some idiotic woman obsessed with a radioactive drink be living alone in a shack in the wasteland? Apparently she's right next to a raider camp. What? How? I thought this game was supposed to be about the struggle for survival, people murdering each other to stay alive. But apparently there's some woman living alone in a shack doing nothing all day other than asking dangerous people with guns to get her a dangerous soda drink.

I get the feeling I now know why I didn't care much for this game....
It gets better. There's a guy living next to her in another shack whose sole mission in life is to sleaze his way into Nuka Girl's pants via subterfuge (AND everyone in the game recognizes this two-shack collective as a town, but now I'm getting a little off-topic).

Don't know how I forgot about Dukov. He was the only character in the game that did make me laugh, and he was actually semi-plausible: a party-guy mercenary living up his retirement in the wasteland as he chose because he was competent enough to extend his protection to his choice of companions. I didn't like him on a personal level, but he was an actual character, and amusing.
I was always asking myself if the guy in that shack next to Sierra wants it so bad, why didn't he just take it if you know what I mean. He's sleazy enough and who's gonna stop him?
Earth said:
It depresses me that there's over like a hundred characters and more in this game but only a few are relevant, and even less are interesting. As Yamu pointed out, most of them are only memorable for how terrible they are.

I know it's unfair seeing as I've been playing it more recently, but in New Vegas I even remember some of the more obscure characters, let alone the companions and main ones. The Toaster from Old World Blues was more memorable than "Name's Lucas Simms"

The toaster was great. One of my favorites ^^
Earth said:
Your comment made me laugh good sir :D but wasn't that Moira?

You are right!
I mistook one insane pointless female for another :D

Yamu said:
Don't know how I forgot about Dukov.

This is my first playthrough where I just shoot Dukov. I am just sick of reloading these dialogues... Idunno what it is, cus I can reload like a mantra in FO2, but in FO3 I hate reloading. It's probably the fact that I have to listen to the voice recordings each time.
But yeah
I offer to save Dukov's dumbass hide, and he tells me to go fuck myself. I offer to save his whore from a life of whoredom, and she tells me to go fuck myself. You know what? Massacre.
Alesia said:
I was always asking myself if the guy in that shack next to Sierra wants it so bad, why didn't he just take it if you know what I mean. He's sleazy enough and who's gonna stop him?

Exactly. The guy has a gun and she's defenceless. It's just so stupid beyond belief. It's an apocalyptic wasteland. You can do what you want without ANY consequences. If you have a gun and someone else doesn't, that person is your bitch.
Earth said:
Alesia said:

Exactly. The guy has a gun and she's defenceless. It's just so stupid beyond belief. It's an apocalyptic wasteland. You can do what you want without ANY consequences. If you have a gun and someone else doesn't, that person is your bitch.

I wouldn't want to survive an apocalypse in a bunker with you guys :x what the fuck. What you're really saying is "Why didn't he rape her?! I'd rape her!!!"
Earth said:
...only a few are relevant

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Bethesda also has a tendency to stick characters in cities who have random fetch tasks for you or are somehow associated with the main quest. That makes no sense all.

I'll be honest - I don't remember much details of the game overall. Except the gameplay trailers from 2008 - the only time I was truly excited for Fallout 3. When I got my hands on the game it was a painful experience.