Dogmeat & K-9


First time out of the vault
I have greatly enjoyed having Dogmeat as a member of my party. Watching him get at enemy critters can bring an aspect of enjoyment to the game that dog-lovers can appreciate. Those times he makes big hits, scoring 30+, 40+ or even 50+ points of damage can be as large as thrill as can be found in FO I think. And K-9 also, whom Per Jorner dismisses in his walkthrough as "useless" I have found worth having along when there's room - especially teamed up with Dogmeat. One of the most memorable experiences I've had playing the FO series of games was watching Dogmeat & K-9 team up with each other to destroy a floater all by themselves without any help from others in the party. I found myself cheering them when the final kill came! Per assesses K-9 only in relation to his low resistance to EMP. Let's see, there's a robot in the Toxic Cave outside of Klamath & those in SAD - how big a part in the game do they play?
Dogmeat is a very cool companion. Too bad his turn always lasts too long because of the numerous attacks he can perform in one.
K-9 wass always labelled as useless in my head too, is he worth hiring when you've got a Marcus or a Cassidy instead?
Izual said:
K-9 wass always labelled as useless in my head too, is he worth hiring when you've got a Marcus or a Cassidy instead?

Obviously not. The question is not even worth asking. But if you have an open slot in your party's membership & you're in Navarro you have the option of taking along K-9. The odds of his surviving the surrounding area full of Navarro patrols is of course very low. I happen to enjoy the companionship of dogs & Dogmeat especially acts like such a dog in my estimation. I have many times seen him put the finishing touches on a kill. It is humorous to me to see him literally throw a critter down in his ferociousness of a final kill reminiscent of Sulik's Super Sledge. It's not at all a matter of his (or K-9's) being an essential fighting element to the party - obviously they are not. It is purely a matter of ENJOYMENT - a factor not normally taken into consideration in walkthroughs or discussion in the forums.

Per's statement in his walthrough regarding K-9, "Another useless robodog (albeit the best dog NPC..." is nonsensical, IMHO. Something cannot be "useless" & at the same time "the best." Dogmeat far outshines any other dog NPC in FO 2. Yes there are times he's quickly killed off, as is K-9. Other characters get killed also, but then of coure resurreted by s "save." I am talking here, as I stated before, purely from the standpoint of one who appreciates the presence of a dog. It's not a matter of preferring the dog to Marcus or Cassidy. If I have an opening I put him in it. As far as Marcus is concerned, I consider Broken Hills an option - many times I do not even stop there. Like Modoc, it's not essential to the story. And Marcus is not an essential character to have.

Aw well shucks, my basic question concerning FO games is "Am I enjoying it" or not. If I am not, I shut it down & do something else.
Izual said:
K-9 wass always labelled as useless in my head too, is he worth hiring when you've got a Marcus or a Cassidy instead?
Not really, you have enough firepower, but when your me, and every time time you beat the game the following companions die... Vic, Sulik, Marcus, Cassidy. In my LP this is the death list of companions ,and Goris is about to die as well.
Hellsbane said:
Per's statement in his walthrough regarding K-9, "Another useless robodog (albeit the best dog NPC..." is nonsensical, IMHO. Something cannot be "useless" & at the same time "the best."

Sure it can. The best dog NPC can be useless if all the other dogs are useless too. Nothing nonsensical about that.
G-Flex said:
The best dog NPC can be useless if all the other dogs are useless too. Nothing nonsensical about that.

Yes it is nonsense, & so is your statement (1) I've shown through my own observation that Dogmeat is NOT "useless." He is capable os making kills. (2) If, on the other hand, K-9 is indeed "useless" (Per did not prove this, but he is welcome to have his opinion as is everyone else) then at what is he the "best"? Per's statement is nonsense if he cannot state & prove exactly why K-9 is the "best." The "best" at what? The "best" according to what? Again, if a thng is "useless" according to whatever standard you might apply to it, then it is utter nonsense to say it is "best." To say it is "best" implies it has use, it's good for something.

Dogmeat in FO 1 was iconic. He was loved - something that could not be said about any other NPC in any of the FO games. All I am trying to do is to state my opinion but I might as will be talking to a wall.


I think I'll go pick up Sulik, K-9 & Dogmeat & do some adventuring. See how far we get. Why not? There's nothing or nobody says I can't do it that way if I want. You can disdain me from your lofty perches for not being "proper" but so what. I'm used to doing things that aren't "proper."


We just recently visited the Military Base & had a real time with the Mutants there - especially on level 3. It was a real fight, but Dogmeat got in the final strike. He gave the coup de grace to the last standing Mutant with a 47 point kill . Call that "useless"? I may later do a little tweaking of my Charisma stat & bring Vic & maybe even Cassidy into my party - but that won't be for a while. Maybe I'll visit the Enclave first. We'll see.

Do not double post - BN
Hellsbane said:
We just recently visited the Military Base & had a real time with the Mutants there - especially on level 3. It was a real fight, but Dogmeat got in the final strike. He gave the coup de grace to the last standing Mutant with a 47 point kill . Call that "useless"? I may later do a little tweaking of my Charisma stat & bring Vic & maybe even Cassidy into my party - but that won't be for a while. Maybe I'll visit the Enclave first. We'll see.

You could allways get the second robo dog from NCR :twisted:
Makta said:
You could allways get the second robo dog from NCR :twisted:

I almost never have the required 80% in Science to qualify for the opportunity to get Cyberdog, who appears to me to be more machine than dog. Is he worth it compared to Dogmeat & K-9? Is there someone here who has had him & can make an unbiased comment concerning him? Someone who likes dogs & is not prejudiced against the dogs in FO.
Out of curiosity I used the editor to tag Science & qualify for the conversation with Dr. Henry in NCR that would lead to acquiring Cyberdog. My observation of him leads me to the conclusion that his performance is below that of either Dogmeat or K-9. In fact, though I have seen Dogmeat & K-9 join together in combat, I have not seen Cyberdog do that, but is solitary on combat & seems not to display any of the ferocity that is displayed by both Dogmeat & K-9 in combat.

Since I am now in SF, I may visit the Enclave then after that proceed to the Den to drop Cyberdog & pick up Vic. We will see.
I've used K9, Robodog, and dogmeat--and robodog is effective in combat, but not near as much as k9 or dogmeat. I once had all three of those dogs, but it's been a long time since i've done that. I think I need to do another playthrough where I get the dog companions.

I think they are effective when they group up and attack the same enemy--I suppose you could get them to do this by setting all of them to 'attack the strongest' or 'attack the weakest' or even 'attack the closest.'

In general, I like all of the dogs in the fallout games. I think Dogmeat and K9 are my favorites, though.
While yes, Dogmeat, K-9, etc. can do damage, kill enemies, and be generally productive, Per's point was that they fail (abysmally) to measure up to other party members. Goris is similar; is he fun, yes, and he tears through the weaker enemies -- but heavily armed ones rip him apart. Per compared every party member to the Trinity (Vic, Cassidy, Sulik), and rightly found them all lacking. Not to say you can't use them for RP or flavor purposes, but Per was strictly correct in a min/maxing, power-gaming sense.

Also: I love to use Dogmeat, and Goris.
Ohh I see now. I do agree that Cas, Sulik, and Vic are the three best followers outside the RP. If you throw the RP in there, Kitsune is damn good--not sure about Dex or the other guy tho, never used em yet.
They're all good. The Cat is my personal favorite, but Kitsune is okay and Dex is relatively sub-par.

Back on topic? Just for sentimental reasons, I can't NOT have Dogmeat once I find him. He gets told to wait a lot, and set to the most cowardly settings possible for him (which, iirc, is still borderline suicidal), though -- after Redding/Reno or so, he'll just die entirely too easily.
I still have dogmeat in my RP playthrough after having beaten the game. Of course, I did get the K9-Kevlar, so that may have something to do with it. THe thing is, between myself, Vic, Cassidy, Sulik, and Kitsune, (me, Kitsune, Vic, and Cass armed with Gausse rifles), dogmeat doesn't get much AI attention :D

I too always get Dogmeat once I find him; I always do in every FO game. Hell in FO3, he is one of he FIRST things I get. That's why I was pissed in NV when my doggy companion was effing REX!
I always wind up with the pooches in my party.
Then I usually drop them off in San Francisco, in neat formation, by the entrance.
haha, that is tooo funny. In FO3, I get dogmeat as my first companion, and drop him off in my house when I get it. He becomes a house pet :D :D
SealyStar said:
I always wind up with the pooches in my party.
Then I usually drop them off in San Francisco, in neat formation, by the entrance.

Hah! Sounds like what i did back in the early 2xxx's. I got all the companions and dumped of the ones i never used at the entrance of San Fran.
Makta said:
SealyStar said:
I always wind up with the pooches in my party.
Then I usually drop them off in San Francisco, in neat formation, by the entrance.

Hah! Sounds like what i did back in the early 2xxx's. I got all the companions and dumped of the ones i never used at the entrance of San Fran.
I'm beginning to think this might be an unspoken rule to many (if not all) of us... =)