Donald Trump is now the Republican nominee

Dunno why people are even listening to Trump when it comes to stuff like that. He doesn't really distinguish between truth or lie, he just talks and says things that are convenient to him at the moment. It's about the image, not reality. There'll be no wall, but it fits his image of "maker" and "guy knowing what to do".
I don't think he's actively lying, he just habitually talks out of his ass because that's what he does and always did. Actually, I don't think he can lie, because he really just doesn't know the difference or importance anymore.
Dunno why people are even listening to Trump when it comes to stuff like that.
Because he is entertaining? *shrugs*
I have to give this guy at least that. No politican or character in general, is as easy to mock like he and his speches. Well, Bush maybe.

We have great times ahead of us, as Europeans that is, with Trump as President. But like I said. I really feel sorry for the Americans.
He's not a scientist! In particular not a physicist. Everyone knows those are the worst. Party poopers! I mean if you let something like reality come in your way, what would be next? Facts being the base of your decisions? As Carlin Said, that's not what America is about today. It's about emotions.
I really feel sorry for the Americans.
It's just going to be more of the same deadlock, only this time Trumps own party will be doing the cock blocking. Career politicians who want to keep their job know that come the next election cycle it's going to be fashionable to say they went against Trump. Democrats obviously won't give him an inch, so really all he's good for are gaffs.
And also, I heard Kasich dropped out of the race too. He was my favorite candidate. He was the most moderate one and most reasonable republican I've ever known. Yep this election is hopeless. I think I'll pray that someone JFK's Donald Trump. I don't care how they do it. I would personally thank them and throw the biggest damn block party ever. It'd actually be the first time I threw a party for a dead president. Considering this one was a ass not deserving honor.
I'm really envious of the AlphaPromethean that lives in an alternate universe where Rand Paul became the Republican nominee and Bernie Sanders became the Democrat nominee.
It could have been worse though, as there is one AlphaPromethean that lives in an alternate universe ...

On the other side ... we don't know what the future might look like ...

So this is happening again, lol. I will not be surprised if Hulk Hogan will be the next president in 2020.
Yes! I want him to win. Not because he's right for the job but because he's so wrong for it. I think it'll make for some interesting history. Is that childish?
Sure, but, like, people actually believe that he will build a wall :confused:
Why do people believe anything he says?
Because America's education system sucks and the average joe and jane are dumb, a country's population usually has more dumb people than highly educated ones and big countries like the USA will have way more dumb ones than small countries... Also USA's average mentality has always been "We are great, everyone else sucks" and so the average dumb (because not every dumb people is bad, there are nice ones too) has this idea that USA is only for USA people (if they are nonmuslin and white).

So Trump comes by, shows those average dumb people he can talk their language (simple and agressive), promise to do what they want the big boss to do (keep america for americans and kick out all muslins and mexicans and whoever else that is not a "real american"), so they believe anything the guy says... Which proves that people that like what someone says, tend to ignore the stuff that that person says that they don't like (Trump has more retcons of stuff he said or did than Bethesda has in the Fallout lore and he already said bad stuff and insulted pretty much everyone that is a woman, non white, has disabilities or supports someone that is not Trump) so people should be outraged and kick him out, which the "educated" people of America are, but those are a minority.

I only say that if Trump wins the presidency, the USA has the president they deserve, and I am like @Crni Vuk , I will be sorry for them (probably only for the smart ones that do not deserve this).
Because America's education system sucks and the average joe and jane are dumb, a country's population usually has more dumb people than highly educated ones and big countries like the USA will have way more dumb ones than small countries
I am not so sure about that, even supposely highily educated people seem to follow a lot of the rhetoric. At least I noticed that education, while it sure can help a lot, is not a shield from irrational fears and arguments. What I believe, if you really want to actually protect your self from this rhetoric, than you have to actually get out of your comfort zone, you have to talk to the people, hear their view and opinion. In other words, you have to challange your self. For example, in the media you always hear something about people you actually don't know, be it positive or negative news. But it is a whole different story if you actually talk to a muslim, a black person, a mexican or simply people with different cultures than yours. It's much more difficult to get instrumentalized, if you actually know the groups they talk about.
See, in Saxonia, a relative high number of the population is islamophobic and xenophobic, yet only 0,4% of the population are muslims, and there is no evidence or sign that Saxonia will adobt the Shariah law tomorrow. And yet, even educated people and academics can be found in the ranks of the AfD (kinda our popullist right wing party) or with PEGIA and all the other similar groups.
Fear, has always been a very powerfull tool in politics and when it comes to gaining votes.