Trumps rise is multi-faceted.
Frustrated members of the GOP that are sick and tired of career politicians, AKA, the establishment. I couldn't believe fellow GOP members would go for a problem ridden, non-reform, money burner that is Obama care. You still have deductibles and co-pays. There is still no transparency from medical providers on what shit costs ($10 dollars for a tiny box of fucking cereal??). What does Obama care cover, not near enough to make it worth while and too expensive overall if it were to fully cover peoples expensive treatments (the help they actually NEED insurance for), like rehabilitation, AIDS, Cancer, Alzheimers, etc. These are not one shot costs but a LIFETIMES worth of money vacuum for some.
Pandering, fear mongering, outright lies, etc, from the left. Yeah we live in a fascist police state that, actually allows us to run our mouths with inane banter like, 'Fuck The Police, or all policemen are SWAT officers'. Other hits include, using buzzwords and memes like, 'I support terrorism because Trumps buildings need to have a few planes crashed into them', or comparing Trumps words to Hitler when Bernie and Hillarys promises and buzzwords are taken straight from Lenins or Robespierres playbook. You know, words like 'wealth-redistribution, forced if necessary', 'Revolutions' (this one used ALOT), 'pie in the sky dreams are just around the corner if you vote ME', 'white people and others do not know how it is to be poor, only blacks', the silliness continues.
As Cimmerian points out, leftists can be some of the biggest fucking hypocrites ever. Can't make fun of blacks and Mexicans but make fun of whites, Asians and others, that's perfectly ok. Amuricans force democracy yet socialism is the end all be all answer to the worlds problems. We cannot discriminate against non-religious folks but those same folks can talk as much shit about religious folks all they want.
As I said, our elections a shit show because EXTREMISTS/DEMOGOGUES from both sides have hijacked it. Both sides resort to more and more insane bullshit, just to outdo the other.