DOOM 2016 SinglePlayer Preview

Refreshingly old school in a lot of ways (like in numbers of fucks given by the Doomguy, which is a dead zero at all times).

Games with bad writing could really take a cue from this, nothing worse then trying to impose a feeling of caring on a player when there is nothing worthwhile to care about.
Games with bad writing could really take a cue from this, nothing worse then trying to impose a feeling of caring on a player when there is nothing worthwhile to care about.
It's kinda awesome, really. "You need to take out the lenses one by one. Be very careful."
*Doomguy kicks the shit out of the thing*
A gleeful machismo rarely found in games anymore.
Oh, and why the hell do we so rarely have this "pull yourself up on ledges" mechanic?
Damn, reading all these reactions from people does make me want to give the new Doom a try, even if just to find out for myself what it is like.
Sadly I don't have the disposable income at the moment and I suspect that my computer would not be able to run it fully.

Heh, if any of you people feel general for poor old TheDutchGhost? ;P
Oh, and why the hell do we so rarely have this "pull yourself up on ledges" mechanic?
Because Mirror's Edge was a commercial flop and too much work with layering no one will appreciate. /s
Damn, on videos Doom looks great, but the music is pure horror... Someone's an avid Meshuggah fan. Which is actually cancer for Doom.
Which is actually cancer for Doom.

I wish people would stop saying this and that is cancer (even more that something is literally cancer). It makes you sound dumb.

Anyway, I spoke too soon on the enemy design lacking the cyborg stuff. Finally those elements appeared, and I must have missed them in previews. Still find the overall design boring, but whatever.

Other minor gripes I have: there's a little too much platforming for my tastes. A certain amount is fun, but DOOM overuses it. It doesn't get better with the crappy precision of jumping, which is my second complaint. When landing, you will glide if you're not careful. Which can make landing on small areas difficult. Holding shift helps. But this together with the amount of platforming really slows down the game. Another thing is not being able to go back and grab things you missed in some levels. In a game that relies heavily on map exploration and collecting hidden things, you should be able to reach the beginning on a level if you missed something, without having to restart the entire level.

But I'm impressed at how much there is to do. All the little challenges and upgrades to collect makes it so much more enjoyable. I'm curious to see if upgrades carry over to the next playthrough. If not, I have a hard time believing you can actually unlock everything.
I wish people would stop saying this and that is cancer (even more that something is literally cancer). It makes you sound dumb.
No it doesn't actually. But 'I'm right and you are not' sure does.
No it doesn't actually. But 'I'm right and you are not' sure does.

So basically what you just said?

At least use it in a proper manner. Something can be cancerous, ie a bad thing that grows and spreads and eventually ruins or kills something. Metal music in a game that has always had metal music is not cancerous. Using the word for something you just don't like is both distasteful and simple minded.
Metal music in a game that has always had metal music is not cancerous. Using the word for something you just don't like is both distasteful and simple minded.
No, not about me.
It's not just Metal. It's boring djent-wannabe. Mixed with ulgy electro.