Doom by Bethesda??

yeah, they are as well publishers. Does not mean they really will develop the game.

By the way ... isn't this kinda the wrong section of the forum?
In the game development business there are the people who make the games and the people who sell it. Look at the doom 3 wiki page, id was the developer while activision was the publisher. It's a bit like the situation with obsidian and bethesda with new vegas
And to those saying this is old news, suck it. I don't know everything about everything all the time. Derpderp. Big jerks! ::cries::

Formerk but why? Id shouldn't need help from anyone, I would be surprised if they weren't all bajillionaires, what with singlehandedly creating almost twenty years of a genre with both Doom and Quake, as well as the movie. Especially a douchebag fuckoff loser like Bethesda. They are the gaming industry equivalent of Scumbag Steve, just like Activision-Blizzard and I assume others.

EDIT: And why would they sell to Bethesda anyway. I just don't understand this at all. But, I can guess: Money Money Money
Sduibek said:
Formerk but why? Id shouldn't need help from anyone, I would be surprised if they weren't all bajillionaires, what with singlehandedly creating almost twenty years of a genre with both Doom and Quake, as well as the movie.

I remember Carmack saying he did it because he wanted to concentrate on development alone.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Sduibek said:
Formerk but why? Id shouldn't need help from anyone, I would be surprised if they weren't all bajillionaires, what with singlehandedly creating almost twenty years of a genre with both Doom and Quake, as well as the movie.

I remember Carmack saying he did it because he wanted to concentrate on development alone.

Totally off-topic: That Cosby quote is really great.
And why would they sell to Bethesda anyway. I just don't understand this at all. But, I can guess: Money Money Money

A business needs money to survive. Imagine that.

In the current scenario, id has no money, but Bethesda has. So Bethesda buys id, publishes their games, a take their cut of the profits. Since Beth handles everything else, id can also now concentrate on the conception, and ignore the rest, such as marketing. Of course, it also means they need to answer to Bethesda execs, because it's their money after all.

Id shouldn't need help from anyone, I would be surprised if they weren't all bajillionaires, what with singlehandedly creating almost twenty years of a genre with both Doom and Quake, as well as the movie

The movie that was a flop? Also, creating a game 20 years ago hardly guarantees revenues today. Doom may have a been a genre-creator, but that hardly means every single FPS ever pays royalties to id.
Ilosar said:
And why would they sell to Bethesda anyway. I just don't understand this at all. But, I can guess: Money Money Money

A business needs money to survive. Imagine that.

In the current scenario, id has no money, but Bethesda has. So Bethesda buys id, publishes their games, a take their cut of the profits. Since Beth handles everything else, id can also now concentrate on the conception, and ignore the rest, such as marketing. Of course, it also means they need to answer to Bethesda execs, because it's their money after all.

Id shouldn't need help from anyone, I would be surprised if they weren't all bajillionaires, what with singlehandedly creating almost twenty years of a genre with both Doom and Quake, as well as the movie

The movie that was a flop? Also, creating a game 20 years ago hardly guarantees revenues today. Doom may have a been a genre-creator, but that hardly means every single FPS ever pays royalties to id.
The part about calling the shots is obviously what I'm concerned about. As we all know, Bethesda makes good decisions for their wallets but shitty decisions for the gamers and fans.

As far as the other stuff...

Who really cares, just boot up the oldies and enjoy. Id haven't been any good since Quake 3, and ZeniMax bought them for over 100 million I think. I'm sure Doom 4 will have plenty of bells and whistles, but there's a good chance it will be another mediocre effort from Id. They need to hire Warren Spector and Ken Levine.
Sduibek said:
The part about calling the shots is obviously what I'm concerned about. As we all know, Bethesda makes good decisions for their wallets but shitty decisions for the gamers and fans.
right. Because doom was such a rich and deep franchise in the first place.

Dude I hate Bethesda as much as you. But really doom was always a shallow shooter with barely any story attached with the only target to kill creatures. I think that fits rather well to Bethesda since they do shallow first person games with killing creatures in mind.

I would not be to much worried. For example quite a few have been a bit disappointed by Rage. I don't think ID needs Bethesda to make mediocre content.
What Crni Vuk said. There is not much to fuck up in a straight shooter. And the setting is right up Bethesdas alley. Good/Evil, simple story, not much lore to piss on… brighten up the marine armor a bit so it resembles a shining knight's one, add some daddy-issues and you are good to go. Apart from that, Bethesda is the publisher and that is frankly the one area where they excel: hype like fuck and sell shit. I don't mind Bethesda as a publisher. It's development that they suck at.

Now, if they would be involved on the technical side… imagine hellknights standing in a corner, staring at walls, falling out of the sky, demons flying backwards, clipping issues…. *shudders*.
By modern standards Doom has great level design, in that you feel like you're traversing a complex, rather than a corridor made to look like one. They might of already fucked this with Doom 3 though, I haven't played it.
34thcell said:
By modern standards Doom has great level design, in that you feel like you're traversing a complex, rather than a corridor made to look like one. They might of already fucked this with Doom 3 though, I haven't played it.
You should at least check it out for a few minutes, to see if you like it. I liked Doom 3 a lot. It's funny, a lot of people bitched and moaned about the sucky AI, but in that way it stayed 100% true to the series -- monsters appeared and were triggered by scripts, events, switches, etc., and the monsters that were there from the beginning generally didn't move around until alerted to your presence. I think they did a great job of modernizing the exact AI of Doom 1 and 2, but apparently people didn't care and wanted Far Cry-level AI (remember these were released roughly the same year) from what was originally a mindless, but frantic and epicly awesome, shooter -- not a doging-behind-cover tough-AI-that-seeks-and-destroys game.
same here I really liked doom 3. A mindless shooter. What more to expect?

Also level design is "ok" in doom 3. I really love the look of the levels.