Confirmed Retard
this can include spiritually dead franchises that haven't really had a solid entry in... well a long ass time. for example, silent hill. there hasn't been a good one of those since what 2004? Contra barely exists anymore. that last one i remember was contra 4 back in like 2007. hell same for castlevania. we had that reboot a while back then a sequel and then radio silence. come to think on it Konami is pretty great a running a franchise into the ground. and not with something simple like over-saturation (guitar hero, or skylanders and its assorted ripoffs) no just look what they did with silent hill. 3 shitty mainline entries in a row with a shit remake/spinoff for wii. then a wierd dungeon crawling hack and slash "silent hill" game that no one anywhere asked for. then there was the complete butchering of silent hill 2/3 in they're HD collection. if anyone wants a comprehensive look at the disaster that was then check this video out. oh and then they not only canceled silent hills but then basically deleted its playable teaser from existence itself. which, i know, is all old news but its still a very disheartening precedent.
or hell look at metal gear.
the story was concluded with such finality that the only available option for a fifth entry was yet another prequel. problem was that we already got the point in MGS3. MGSV is a solid game but almost completely pointless in the franchises grand narrative which lets be honest... Metal gear has had a huge focus on ever since Metal Gear 2: solid snake on the MSX.
anyways after the whole fuck you kojima fiasco they released this mod called metal gear survive. a survival focused game with micro-transactions, crafting, and almost no story. oh and then they made you pay for save slots.
the series lost its creative vision and then immediately shifted gears to an entirely different genre. not a great sign for the series future.
banjo kazooie is dead. not really sure why or who even owns the rights.
fallout is looking pretty grim what with fallout 4 and 76 being polar opposites to the most critically acclaimed game in the series.
holy shit legacy of kain. what a great fucking series. the last entry was in... 2003.
a sequel went into development in 2004 but was cancelled after a few months. then another sequel entered development in 2009 and was for some reason targeted as a playstation 4 launch title... anyways that was cancelled too but square enix salvaged the multiplayer and released it under the title of nosgoth... yay?
remember how long doom was dead for? i mean it was never *really* dead because holy fuck that mod community. but we had doom in '93, doom 2 in '94. doom 64 in '97. then we got doom 3 in 2004 which was this atmospheric corridor shooter with monster closets much like area 51 on ps2 (hey look another dead franchise). then doom was rebooted as an arena shooter that brought back most of the appeal of the original. fast paced balls to the wall combat with no reprieve and a rockin soundtrack. also since everyone remembers doom being gory for some reason this one is stupidly gory as all get out. its not doom proper but as modern re-visioning of the series.. i couldn't be happier with it.
anyways i mean fucking bubsy came back so its hard to imagine any franchise is absolutely 100% guaranteed to stay dead 100% forever so we never know but is still find this an interesting subject.
or hell look at metal gear.
the story was concluded with such finality that the only available option for a fifth entry was yet another prequel. problem was that we already got the point in MGS3. MGSV is a solid game but almost completely pointless in the franchises grand narrative which lets be honest... Metal gear has had a huge focus on ever since Metal Gear 2: solid snake on the MSX.
anyways after the whole fuck you kojima fiasco they released this mod called metal gear survive. a survival focused game with micro-transactions, crafting, and almost no story. oh and then they made you pay for save slots.
the series lost its creative vision and then immediately shifted gears to an entirely different genre. not a great sign for the series future.
banjo kazooie is dead. not really sure why or who even owns the rights.
fallout is looking pretty grim what with fallout 4 and 76 being polar opposites to the most critically acclaimed game in the series.
holy shit legacy of kain. what a great fucking series. the last entry was in... 2003.
a sequel went into development in 2004 but was cancelled after a few months. then another sequel entered development in 2009 and was for some reason targeted as a playstation 4 launch title... anyways that was cancelled too but square enix salvaged the multiplayer and released it under the title of nosgoth... yay?
remember how long doom was dead for? i mean it was never *really* dead because holy fuck that mod community. but we had doom in '93, doom 2 in '94. doom 64 in '97. then we got doom 3 in 2004 which was this atmospheric corridor shooter with monster closets much like area 51 on ps2 (hey look another dead franchise). then doom was rebooted as an arena shooter that brought back most of the appeal of the original. fast paced balls to the wall combat with no reprieve and a rockin soundtrack. also since everyone remembers doom being gory for some reason this one is stupidly gory as all get out. its not doom proper but as modern re-visioning of the series.. i couldn't be happier with it.
anyways i mean fucking bubsy came back so its hard to imagine any franchise is absolutely 100% guaranteed to stay dead 100% forever so we never know but is still find this an interesting subject.