Duck and Cover interviews Tim Cain

shinymans said:
I can understand that people come in posting stupid things but its really the way that people smugly shit all over this imagined fallout 3 fan when no one has actually posted in the thread.

both extremes are just as bad.

hey man, like...don't even worry about it, man! i woke up this morning, wrote a letter addressed to the hive and i'm going to hand deliver it on my way (to the hive) today! my guess is that the hive will all agree (we all have to agree on everything, as a hive) and we'll stop doing all the things you hate.

you're welcome man. and i know how hard it is to get somebody to take action. you're just lucky the hive had me on scout duty. 8-)
Sorry said:
Improved interface, improved turn-based combat, larger game and better marketing is the real evolution. Not FPS gameplay.

It's rare to see someone argue that FO3 was not large, nor had good marketing.
terebikun said:
Sorry said:
Improved interface, improved turn-based combat, larger game and better marketing is the real evolution. Not FPS gameplay.

It's rare to see someone argue that FO3 was not large, nor had good marketing.
0/10, too obvious :D .
TwinkieGorilla said:
shinymans said:
I can understand that people come in posting stupid things but its really the way that people smugly shit all over this imagined fallout 3 fan when no one has actually posted in the thread.

both extremes are just as bad.

hey man, like...don't even worry about it, man! i woke up this morning, wrote a letter addressed to the hive and i'm going to hand deliver it on my way (to the hive) today! my guess is that the hive will all agree (we all have to agree on everything, as a hive) and we'll stop doing all the things you hate.

you're welcome man. and i know how hard it is to get somebody to take action. you're just lucky the hive had me on scout duty. 8-)

praise the hive! obey! obey!
shinymans said:
praise the hive! obey! obey!

awww, no dawg (3 dawg?) we're like...a communist hive...but like, pure-communism y'dig? we all work together against oppression and the rapid creative and intellectual decline of our own inner being. y'know like when somebody steals your registration code and then sells it on ebay and you're the one who ended up buying it. we all make sure that doesn't happen. nobody grows hungry here because everybody is farming, dig? like...once we learned about crop rotation we knew we were definitely on to something. i mean...some people think that in these sorts of utilitarian environments people lose their individuality and personal freedom but that's just like, an opinion, man! we all take part in this like...democratic process of deciding what is good or not and then just, say stuff out loud once we like...all flip to the same page, hear me?
I guess this must be the point short before the colapse and apocalypse of this community ... since you guys are all going nutz!
Am I the only one reminded of Planescape Torment?

All NMA users have been replaced by cranium rats! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Crni Vuk said:
hey! this is still not the codex yet :p

True but it's only a matter of time before people start replying with a single expletive to show how smart and sophisticated they are.
Alphadrop said:
Crni Vuk said:
hey! this is still not the codex yet :p

True but it's only a matter of time before people start replying with a single expletive to show how smart and sophisticated they are.
That's bullshit. See? Two words! Technically three!
Alphadrop said:
Crni Vuk said:
hey! this is still not the codex yet :p

True but it's only a matter of time before people start replying with a single expletive to show how smart and sophisticated they are.

I would not worry to much though. As stated in the hidden Fallout bible Ausir the Vault apostle has the only copy the appearance of the death claw will herald the NMA apocalypse.

So as long Roshambo doesnt appear on NMA again we are pretty save. Though there might be other signs ... but its not like Ausir talks much about the bible.
And people wonder why the FO3 forum section get vatted so often.

Seriously, if any of them bother to go through the FO:BOS section, they would know that most if not ALL of their arguments have already been posted and argued before. Some of us oldies just get too tired to repeat ourselves. I mean it, really. If anybody goes through that section and compare it to some of the threads in FO3, you would find it to be eerily the same! I mean, what's up with that?? What does that say gaming today?
Brother None said:
King of Creation said:
Even if he hated it with a passion, he probably wouldn't have been able to say it. Bethesda's lawyers would probably find some way of suing him.
I doubt it.

But as one developer once explained it to me, the gaming industry is highly "incestuous". "You don't shit where you sleep" applies - in the gaming industry - not just to your own company, but to the entire industry. Why? Well, one moment you're working for BioWare thinking "heck, we're an independent, I can rage on EA's shitstain of a game", the next you're owned by EA. Job security in the gaming industry is really low, especially with this crisis, and a company you have nothing to do with now might be your employer in a month.

Very true, BN. This situation can be compared to any workrelated situation where past employers or competitors come up - you should be careful with talking dirt about former employers or competitors.

For one you never know where you end up or who knows who, and furthermore you just make an ass out of yourself when pissing on others. It is better to outperform them or focus on your own products/srvices - nobody likes a slanderer ... :shrug:

A very good read by the way - thanks for the heads up.
Brother None said:
Sometimes I feel that Fallout 1 was basically an advertisement for Fallout 2. :-)

Wow, that bothers me on a few different levels. Beyond being less buggy and making the game larger and more expansive, I wouldn't have really changed much. Is it bad to say, I enjoyed the game for what it was "without trying to modernize it" [sic]