Dutch Ghost final post

Hello all

I am not gone completely but I need to work through some issue at the moment.
I am currently staying at a mental health clinic after I sufferered a mental breakdown and experienced a psychotic episode during which I heavily hallicucinated people contacting me from other times.

Please pray for me as I am suffering of voices tha manipulate me and make me deeply sad and confused.
We love you and have you in our thoughts. I was very saddened as I thought you might be gone. Thank you for writing a little about your situation. Sounds though! Stay strong.
Good to hear that you are getting help, I hope your situation improves fast, and best of luck with it
It's good that you are seeking help. Don't worry about responding to us knuckleheads, focus on yourself first and get well. :)
Hello all

I am not gone completely but I need to work through some issue at the moment.
I am currently staying at a mental health clinic after I sufferered a mental breakdown and experienced a psychotic episode during which I heavily hallicucinated people contacting me from other times.

Please pray for me as I am suffering of voices tha manipulate me and make me deeply sad and confused.

Hang on in there Dutch.. frankly the worst part is just the beginning, and later getting the right meds, after that, if the additional "effects" don't go away, you'll just have to learn to adapt, and live with it, the same way as it was with me and the same way famous Nash a.k.a "beautiful mind" did it, the most important part is to get the spontaneus fear effect to go away, the rest, can be delt with normaly i think. Just my 2 cents from my "life experience" so to speak..
Good Luck on your bumpy road ahead, and whatever you do, don't ever allow them to get you lobotomized, this barbarism is still considered scientific treatment in USA for example. EU has it banned as far as i remember.
Hello all

I am not gone completely but I need to work through some issue at the moment.
I am currently staying at a mental health clinic after I sufferered a mental breakdown and experienced a psychotic episode during which I heavily hallicucinated people contacting me from other times.

Please pray for me as I am suffering of voices tha manipulate me and make me deeply sad and confused.
Dutch, take all the time you need to take care of yourself. I'm glad that shared your situation, & I hope that all goes well for you from here!

:ok: :smile:
Hello all

I am not gone completely but I need to work through some issue at the moment.
I am currently staying at a mental health clinic after I sufferered a mental breakdown and experienced a psychotic episode during which I heavily hallicucinated people contacting me from other times.

Please pray for me as I am suffering of voices tha manipulate me and make me deeply sad and confused.
Thanks for informing us of your situation.

You're going through some tough stuff, I'm glad you're getting help. That takes a lot of strength and courage and I hope and wish you to get well soon. But even if it takes longer than that, please keep fighting, it might not be easy, but everyone here is rooting for your recovery and wishes to see you back once you're well again.

Good luck mate.
We love you and have you in our thoughts. I was very saddened as I thought you might be gone. Thank you for writing a little about your situation. Sounds though! Stay strong.

Thats some heavy stuff bud. Rooting for you like many here.

It is the most surreal thing you can experience. Like suddenly being in one of those fictional game scenarios like a Sims game but you are at war with the player who tries to send you through the trip of hell. That is how I describe it, an evil Sims player trying to take control of you.

Hold on in there, man.

I try but it aill be a while before I am myself again. I did some stuff I regret so very much.

Good to hear that you are getting help, I hope your situation improves fast, and best of luck with it

I still really need to see a therapist but I have no idea how one gets therapy for a psychotic break down. Trying to relive the memories? Not sure if I want that.

It's good that you are seeking help. Don't worry about responding to us knuckleheads, focus on yourself first and get well. :)

Eh, I feel rather than healing will help more if I talk about it with people because I feel that part of this has happened because I have always been so much on myself. But I don't know what would be best.

What I want most in life now is knowing if this is the only time it ever happened or that it could happen again which has me frightened.

Hang on in there Dutch.. frankly the worst part is just the beginning, and later getting the right meds, after that, if the additional "effects" don't go away, you'll just have to learn to adapt, and live with it, the same way as it was with me and the same way famous Nash a.k.a "beautiful mind" did it, the most important part is to get the spontaneus fear effect to go away, the rest, can be delt with normaly i think. Just my 2 cents from my "life experience" so to speak..
Good Luck on your bumpy road ahead, and whatever you do, don't ever allow them to get you lobotomized, this barbarism is still considered scientific treatment in USA for example. EU has it banned as far as i remember.

The worst part is indeed the beginning, realizing that you have a problem like this and that it may be something I need to live with for the rest of my life.
Life won't be impossible but definitely very different and suddenly this is the new 'normal' and that in order to keep the new normal under control you may need to take pills for the rest of your life and that is something getting used to.

And yes, I experienced a spontaneous fear effect a couple of days ago and that can be terrifying as I was afraid I was having the beginning of another breakdown until I calmed down again.

I have no intention of having any neurosurgeon touch my brain and promising me that it will 'help' make everything again as it used to be, especially not anything like a lobotomy or other cutting of neuron matter.
I didn't know it was still being practiced.

I’ll keep you in my prayers brother, glad you’re getting help.

Thank you. I am agnostic but I could sure use the help from a higher being

Dutch, take all the time you need to take care of yourself. I'm glad that shared your situation, & I hope that all goes well for you from here!

:ok: :smile:

When the time is there I will share more details but I hallucinated heavily and my mania I destroyed many things including my brand new PC that i only owned for a year as well as throwing away a mint copy of Metroid Fusion and Metroid Zero Mission which were some of my favorite collector pieces along with other GBA games I really cared for.
It may have been boxes and cartridges but they were very special little treasures for me I may never be able to afford again in this life. I hate this evil voice so much for pushing me to do this.

I try my best at having things get back to normal again. So far it feels like a weird break in my otherwise uneventful life that really has put things upside down since I suffered my bout of hallucination and breaking down mentally.

The most painful things are that I scared people like my neighbors including my female neighbor who called in the police who did little to nothing and later the medical services to come to my aid

Thanks for informing us of your situation.

You're going through some tough stuff, I'm glad you're getting help. That takes a lot of strength and courage and I hope and wish you to get well soon. But even if it takes longer than that, please keep fighting, it might not be easy, but everyone here is rooting for your recovery and wishes to see you back once you're well again.

Good luck mate.

Thank you Risewild
Based on the bits you shared i think i know whats bothering you, i have a friend who is going through the same thing.

Dont do drugs, stay on meds, reach out and everything is gonna be alright
The worst part is indeed the beginning, realizing that you have a problem like this and that it may be something I need to live with for the rest of my life.
Life won't be impossible but definitely very different and suddenly this is the new 'normal' and that in order to keep the new normal under control you may need to take pills for the rest of your life and that is something getting used to.

And yes, I experienced a spontaneous fear effect a couple of days ago and that can be terrifying as I was afraid I was having the beginning of another breakdown until I calmed down again.

I have no intention of having any neurosurgeon touch my brain and promising me that it will 'help' make everything again as it used to be, especially not anything like a lobotomy or other cutting of neuron matter.
I didn't know it was still being practiced.

As for the getting used to take pills on regular basis to be of "the new normal" just wait till you get older.. when diabeties, heart, cholesterol and other pills will be mandatory.. Your whole day is going to revolve around taking pills, so don't worry, You'll get used to it, and yes after finishing the process of geting the right meds, if the correct meds are taken on regular basis, the spontaneus fear effect, should show up no more ( as long as you take the meds), however there are side effects to this, I'm for exampe not allowed to drive any vehicle, nor operate any machinery, as long as i'm on the meds, due to regulations in my country. basically without MD level education, I'm allowed to only be mop or shovel guy only, can't even work in my learned proffesion due to inability to operate a drill due to meds or inability to lay wires due to deuteranomaly in bad lighting conditions ( and for some weird fucking reason all electricians in this damn country work at night on any construction site under sodium lamps or worse..

At least my meds finally recived govermental funding back in 2011, so instead of dumping all of my social support on only one box of theese, i can actually buy a whole amount for a monthly treatment, and have some extra savings for allergy pills..

Anyways best regards and good luck Dutch..
Hello people,

I have a question. Shall I tell you what has happened three weeks ago or do you feel that I best keep that private and just tell how I have been doing since.

For example I am now entering my second week that I am home again, and do thinks like cooking for myself and getting groceries.
I also still go to the day activity organization twice a week though I have been slowly building that up because sometimes I still feel very tired.

And I am taking care of my own pets again.

I haven't heard the voices again thanks to the medicines I have been using. Twice a day someone from a support organization comes knocking on my door to make sure that I take them in.

Most of the time now I spend on writing my story ideas or playing games though my laptop doesn't do modern games well.
I hope to have my desktop repaired or a new one build so that I can play Terminator Resistance + DLC, Robocop Rogue City, Aliens Fireteam + DLC, and Aliens Dark Descent, or Alien Isolation again as I am in the mood to play those games,

I should be able to run Live A Live which is also a good game,
Hello people,

I have a question. Shall I tell you what has happened three weeks ago or do you feel that I best keep that private and just tell how I have been doing since.

For example I am now entering my second week that I am home again, and do thinks like cooking for myself and getting groceries.
I also still go to the day activity organization twice a week though I have been slowly building that up because sometimes I still feel very tired.

And I am taking care of my own pets again.

I haven't heard the voices again thanks to the medicines I have been using. Twice a day someone from a support organization comes knocking on my door to make sure that I take them in.

Most of the time now I spend on writing my story ideas or playing games though my laptop doesn't do modern games well.
I hope to have my desktop repaired or a new one build so that I can play Terminator Resistance + DLC, Robocop Rogue City, Aliens Fireteam + DLC, and Aliens Dark Descent, or Alien Isolation again as I am in the mood to play those games,

I should be able to run Live A Live which is also a good game,
Good to hear that you're doing well Dutch! :-)
Good to hear that you're doing well Dutch! :-)

I am definitely working towards that, TheKingofVault14
Fortunately the Netherlands has a lot of support organizations for people with psychological ailments who need short term or long term support because they need some extra help to keep their minds and their lives in order.