Water Chip? Been There, Done That

maximaz said:No, my idea of an exclusive is all games on one system, two of which later got ported to a different console. The other consoles got a single game in the series much later. Hell yes, it's an exclusive. MG may not have started on said system but MGS did. FF didn't originate on PS either.
BTW, I just watched the Castlevania trailer and it does look pretty good. That's what I'd expect MGS Rising to be. It said Kojima Productions was involved but is the guy himself working on it?
For the series to have been exclusive then all of the games would have had to stay exclusive, they did not. If it was ported at a later date does not matter.
I was not even thinking of the Twin Snakes, I was assuming we were talking about the port to the PC. I really wish they would have left that bullet time nonsense out of TS.

This argument could go on for ages and have no good come of it so I will agree to disagree.
And yes, he is directly involved. With some other European studio although the name escapes me. I will dig around and update my post when I find it.
Right now I am on Team Xbox in the E3 temp forum talking to a bunch of people about the new Metal Gear games and Kojimas statements towards Peace Walker/Rising. Some of them did not like the cold shoulder he gave towards Rising while praising SW as the "true" successor to the series.
gamesarefun said:It was funny hearing Kojima talk about the game, stressing that this was the true sequel to MGS3 and that the MGS4 team is working on it. He was millimeters away from saying, "This is the real Metal Gear Solid sequel, not that multiplatform Raiden crap I showed at the Microsoft press conference."
trooper11 said:yeah that is pretty frustrating to hear. does he really hate a platform so much that he refuses to even attempt to do a good game? i hope thats not the case because id love to support his franchise. If he doesnt care about it, its going to be Substance all over again, and that would be a shame. personally, Id rather they just not waste there time if its going to be a hollow gesture.
Personally I think people are jumping to conclusion a bit to fast. Change is not always a bad thing. It is a gamble sure but something great might still come of it.