maximaz said:
Either way, the fact that MGS is on 360 is a pretty big deal, whatever form the game takes. Even the fact that Kojima was there. It made me go Holy shit!.
It was not as much of a stretch as you might think. On Team Xbox it was actually a fairly popular pre E3 prediction. What everyone had fierce debates about was if MGS4 was going to be ported to the 360 with extras and what not.
Kinda like that.
To be honest I am somewhat surprised Microsoft did not buy out the exclusive rights to the game. That is the only real incentive these days to make a third-party game exclusive to one system.
The PC thing in particular is actually what took a lot of us by surprise. I was not aware there was a big calling for it on the PC. Does this also mean that the PC would be lead platform and later ported to consoles?
Regardless overall I am pleased. My only wish was that he leave MGS4 alone and let the "Solid Snake Saga" officially end. It was going to be painful for me if they continued to try and cash in on it after MGS4. That game pretty much tied up every loose end and unanswered question for a story which was 20+ years in the making and to see them milk it past that would have not felt right.
I do not mind a new direction at all. Truth be told a hack and slash Raiden game might be kinda cool. Gray Fox would have been better however.
If anyone has any speculation on what they think the gameplay would be like I would like to hear it. This is new territory for all of us and I really have no clue on what to expect.
I would say like the Gray Fox missions were in VR Missions but Raidens "combat style" in MGS4 was much more fitted for a Devil May Cry type game.
For those of you who have not played
You can see him at a few points in that video iirc taking on a a bunch of frogs.
maximaz said:
More than likely he is related to the PSP game that was leaked and will be officially announced today. I cannot imagine them announcing two major console titles.
On an unrelated note...
What did everything think of Project Natal? I have mixed feelings on it personally. Truth be told I am still happy with just using controllers.
I must admit however that the demo video looked pretty impressive and I am very interested in hearing more.