Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

It might not be related to the shotgun after all. It's the silver one, HW Claws or something like that (the one between the combat shotgun one and the jackhammer one in RP power progression order). I've been up and down fallout 2 so many times, but was never even slightly into guns in my life. If their name consists of random letters and numbers or company names I tend to remember them by color :oops:. Other weapons have crashed the game for me too an attack (the late game SMG which uses the first pistol ammo crashed a few times when I tried to burst), but using the silver shotgun on Vic seemed to crash it more often.

A suggestion, or question: Why did you change the Sniper Rifle to use the FAL ammo? FAL is allready ok enough to use and it was a nice ammo type to not mind wasting in the mid game. There's a pistol that uses the... 14 mm is it amo, the small black clips, which I never ever seem to fit into the progression. Since it's the only gun which uses that kind of ammo, and neither it or the ammo is plentiful or rare, I'd immagine that'd be the better choice for the Sniper Rifle. This way I can use the FAL in order to save the Assault Rifle ammo for a minigun later on and spend the FAL ammo while it's worth it, but now I have a reason not to spend FAL amo and neither reason or a way to get use out of the 14 mm (if that's what it is).

Ok, checked - the 14 mm pistol is the only one that uses the 14 mm ammo. It seems to have a decent range and stuff, so I wonder why I'm not using it more often. Still, that ammo could probably use a second gun.

The shotgun that's a bit crashy (maybe) is H&K Caws.

(I'll try to get the exact names of all this stuff, I swear if this was a text based game with no pictures I'd have 0 clue what my characters were shooting at stuff with. Also, it might be interesting to note that from the perspective of someone who never had any touch with guns the names of some of the weapons are really, really obscure XD It's also probably why the 14mm pistol was never appealing - the name doesn't tell me anything and the picture doesn't indicate improvement over any of the guns, and the AP costs uset to be worse than the magnum...)
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Feedback about tazer.
Almost useless for now, but not completely, because I finally have revenge upon Kaga for my infinite deaths with it. :mrgreen: Skip-next-turn-and-rest-in-piece, Kaga :lol:

Why almost? Well, in Vault City I could exchange 800 coins for much more useful Desert Eagle (plow quest), and on harsh economic rebalance Tazer looks like golden one for 3000+ coins. Price is only slight drawback, tazer costs 7+ Pancors. A little wandering around VC and some luck in random encounters, that`s all.
Range 4 makes tazer almost useless. And very small damage (half from 10mm pistol, I believe). And 1 cell per clip like in pipe rifle (by the way, where I can buy SEC for tazer on ealy stages?). I know, tazer deals non-lethal damage and have realistic low range etc, but I just want something more usable.

Enough criticism, now suggestions:
1. Make tazer unreal. I mean more range, damage, extended clip. I would pay 3000+ coins for range 10, damage 11-16, 5 in clip. :smile:
2. Edit script to apply knockdown effect for everyone not just humanoids with electrical DT less than 10.
3. Give it early and for free (almost), for example from broken car in Klamath with fuel regulator or from dead body of MrHandy in Klamath.
4. Replace Desert Eagle with Tazer in plow quest in Vault City.
5. Add weapon perk Night vision. Just imagine that tazer equipped with flashlight. Looks realistical enough. :wink:
That`s all. From more appealing (1) to less appealing (5).

I have another idea again. :cool: My suggestion about some gift from the past failed, so... How about to give one or two perks from almost useless perks for free on the start depending on stats or skills? Just like some backside story in Arcanum. :monocle:
For example:
-Stonewall for high strength or tagged unarmed
-Explorer for high perception or tagged any ranged weapon
-Faster Healing(3) for high endurance or tagged melee
-Cult of personality for high charisma or tagged barter
-Empathy for high intelligence or tagged speech
-Pathfinder(2) for high agility or tagged outdoorsman (This one is tough. Everyone will take AG10. But we have only 13 years to play :smile:, so it`s just a matter of convenience)
-Fortune Finder for high luck or tagged gambling
I think 9-10 stats are high enough. And you can max out 4 stats, so it may be better to choose free perks depending on tagged skills only or stat AND skill combination.

Thanks in advance.
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Possible bug - did you or did you not change the bozar ammo?

Because I just got a bozar from the Toxic Caves, it has a small gun (rifle) animation, behaves like a sniper rifle and uses .223 ammo.
Is this mod compatible with Jim's mod? The one that adds various system changes and changes to ranged to hit calculations?
Possible bug - did you or did you not change the bozar ammo?

Because I just got a bozar from the Toxic Caves, it has a small gun (rifle) animation, behaves like a sniper rifle and uses .223 ammo.
I did. It doesn't hurt to read mod description, it's all there. As for the .223 ammo, I think it's because weapon stored in the locker holds the ammo that it used when developers put it there, you should not be able to reload it with this ammo (only .50 BMG or 14mm depending on mod installation options).

Is this mod compatible with Jim's mod? The one that adds various system changes and changes to ranged to hit calculations?
In full extent (with all features enabled), most certainly not. You can try with minimal settings like combat rebalance only with all sub-features disabled (I wouldn't try to combine my economy rebalance with Jim's, as it uses same scripts and basically very similar).
Looking at his mod descriptions, I would say that he changes the game mechanics considerably. The point of my mod is only to polish existing stuff mostly, and not to change mechanics too much. I'm a more of a purist right now (that might change in future, but this mod will remain with conservatism in mind.)
Thanks for reply. Another question: does this mod combing elements of Weapons Redone and YAAM? I've seen references of both i believe and last time i played with them combined (luckily YAAM script allows to install it over almost any other mod).
Thanks for reply. Another question: does this mod combing elements of Weapons Redone and YAAM? I've seen references of both i believe and last time i played with them combined (luckily YAAM script allows to install it over almost any other mod).

YAAM certainly (it's integrated into sfall, and my mod relies heavily on it for weapons balance). As for WR - it shares some basic ideas like laser weapons and Bozar being sniper rifle. You can read description of both mods and compare for yourself. I heard Magnus wanted to rearm NPCs in maps, I'm almost certain I will not go that path. Maybe only random encounters (because I want my mod to be easily updated with newer version of RP).

@lujo: about rechambering of Sniper rifle (.223 -> 7.62), I did it to make sniper rifle more useful in mid game. My point is this:
a- my weapon balance relies on YAAM and ammo penetration values (conception: larger caliber means almost certainly more penetration and, as result, damage to armored critters)
b- sniper rifle is single shot weapon with zero accuracy at close range (because of scope) and high AP usage, each shot should make considerable damage
c- 223 ammo is weak compared to 7.62; also 7.62 is less common, but available to buy - this should encourage player to actually BUY ammo for a change (which he never does most of the time)

I'm considering many suggestions posted lately, but I will apply only some of them, cautiously.
As for the crashes, If you can provide a save game and a step-by-step guide to reproduce bug at least 50% of the time, that would really help. Otherwise I will finish with current ideas and continue play-through again until I encounter it. This may be some random sfall or hi-res related crash, and may as well be related to one of my hookscripts...
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Ok, replacing sniper ammo is a good idea, as 223 was definitely overused. However, ever since I found the Sniper Rifle the game took a sharp turn towards easy, so if your ammo change did anything to boost it it may have worked too well. I'm also not sure about the bozar change because of this - yes the old bozar destroyed everything, but it also ate ammo like a bastard and was unwieldly due to "burst only" mode.

As for the crashes, I haven't had any recently, so I'm not sure what's up with that, and they were pretty random. The only reproducable ones I've got are in the EPA, but somethign about entering/leaving that place and using the elvators is incredibly bugged in no relation to your mod (since it's been that way without it).

Traps feedback - I can't bring myself to use them anymore because I've got the sniper rifle and many SMG's that use the caseless ammo (well even a grease gun is pretty good), so there simply isn't a fight that I don't waltz through easily. Nothing really takes setup anymore. I did use the spike traps as move stoppers in the EPA lowest level fight against the aliens - that was a nice place to do it since it has a chokepoint and if you sneak run from the starting location the enemies don't spot you on time.

For traps to really work the game would need something that goes beyond what you're looking to do here - it'd need random encounters to be immagined differently. They'd have to be more location-based rather than enemy based. If most random encounters weren't ambushes on an open plain, and if you could, with proper outdorsman, enter them while being unnoticed by the enemies and have a chance to plant some traps, then it would work great. This is just theorycrafting, ofc, but if the average random engounter resembled the Ranger Safe Houses or the Slaver Camp and were scripted so that combat doesn't immediately start traps would be good (you'd be able to run from any such encounter, though, but I'd mix it up with ambushes, clashes and stuff.
Mines update :)))) I tried the explosive traps against the Raiders in vault 15. I am so sorry I didn't try it earlier, while the raiders themselves were more of a challenge. Mines are perfect here - allthough you do need minefields. Trappin a door reliably takes 2 mines, and once one guy is through he clears a path for others. Also, critters can sidestep an incredible ammount of mines by moving diagonaly. Otherwise, Vault 15 <3 Mines. I haven't yet cleared all the robots in SAD, but I suspect I could make good use of mines there too :) Unless you plan on adding mines with multiple-hex triggers, make mines cheap, plentiful and lightweight since you need quite a few to make them work.

Economy Update: Having done everything up to mariposa/navarro/san fran, I can say this about the economy: Even at the harshest setting there's no shortage of loot. All ammo is plentiful, all guns are plentiful, and the later it goes the worse it gets. I don't have any power armor, I traded a bunch of combat armors for implants (yes, I had money for implants at harshest), I've got about 200 stimpaks, and I'm at 101% barter (I think). I could've probably had a lot more of everything if I bothered to steal everything and loot every container. Big issue is inventory space - even with extra perks per level (which mostly doesn't increase my power significantly I've found) and all the +extra carry weight perks + car I get overloaded too easily. This means that the game drops way too much stuff or that the enemies pose too little of a resource drain.

You've managed to fix the economy up to a certain point, but past that point I'm not sure what's wrong. One thing that happened was that whe you get the "scout NCR" quest in VC and go do it you suddenly find yourself in an area where the drops are much better than what you're supposed to be seing (also gold and easy XP). Another thing is that there's no actual (let alone challenging) combat in the VC - Gecko - Abbey arrea, and you get simply showered with all sorts of loot. This sort of thing can't really be solved by tweaking numbers on spreadsheets - the game plays as a good scavengy/post-apoc/western thingy until vault city, and after that point every fight gives either too much XP or too much loot or both, because you can't have a dangerous enemy without a dangerous weapon. Weapons need ammo, and then both the weapon and the ammo drop. And those fights come few and far between and drain little resources while the towns are just interactive goodybags.

So if someone wanted the game to keep being challenging and scavengy for longer, they'd need to adress those things. VC-Gecko-Abbey need unavoidable combat against stuff with no drops to justify all the xp, gold and loot. There probably ought to be a reason to switch from upgraded leather to metal (there isn't one, I've got mariposa, navaro and san fran left and me, Sulik and Vic are all in leather mark II. because there seems to be ne point to metal and I can't tell people apart in combat armor (Jules turnes white!)) There outght to be a monster which shoots plasma/laser and doesn't drop anything. Etc. Etc.

- Also, stimpaks. There probably ought to be a way for monsters/enemies to heal instantly which doesn't either drop or be stealable from their inventories. They are way too plentiful as loot. Not that you need them, but if you conisder their cost and how many other drops you need to get a stimpak out of a shop, then they make waaaaaay too good loot and are way too easy to steal. I've got 200 stimpaks. And I had money for 3 implants, and I've got ton of ammo most of which I didn't buy. And if I went around really stealing I bet I could get quite a few more. Honestly, I'd personally check maps/encounters where everybody has a stimpak or two in their inventory and simply boost everybody's health and remove the stimpaks. And replace some of them with healing powder - that thing at least has weight and lowers perception.

- Also, certain monsters get dragged through the progresion for too long, meaning when you do get combat the resource drain is negligable. There's way too many pig rats, mole rats and simmilar "mehish" mele enemies long past the point where you're entire crew is ranged and you're swimming in ammo. Smaller fire gecko's which can burst you (for less than the nasty big ones), something floaterlike which shoots energy beams, somehing which could "cloak" for a short time until it gets in close, or groups of enemies which actually work as a squad (with a ranged healer of some sort) is what the game is missing, especially in the VC-Gecko-Abbey-Broken Hills stretch (and there's almost 0 Fighting in New Reno, too). The occasional Deathclaw just isn't enough, and random encounters always either kill you or leave you with a lot more resources than you invested.
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@lujo: well that's a lengthy posts, as usual :)

1) I'm still planning to do multihex mines. I'm thinking on making each hex to trigger explosion with certain probability (about 50% or higher), this way critters will not always trigger explosion when crossing trigger radius.
2) Not sure what you meant about Bozar. If you need to spend many .223 ammo, use Light Support Weapon (it's basically replaces vanilla Bozar in means of functionality)
3) About loot. Please don't give me spoilers (I haven't been to Abbey and some other locations yet), but answer this. Loot piles you referring to: do they come mostly from fallen humans inventories? Or they mostly picked up from lockers, chests, etc? I can have total control over enemies drops (remove any item, add any item, etc.). Option to remove stimpacks and somehow reduce ammo in dead bodies sounds good to me.
4) Not sure what you meant about critters. This game don't have auto-leveling of any kind (one of the strongest points of old Fallouts, IMHO), monsters are put there by developers. Can you elaborate more on this point? List exact locations where you want monsters to be tougher.
So if someone wanted the game to keep being challenging and scavengy for longer, they'd need to adress those things.
To phobos2077. Random encounters of someone vs someother kind are gold mines for me. Maybe remove them completely or somehow make Chosen One to be an enemy for both sides (will be nice love triangle :mrgreen:)? Or make them rely heavily on drugs? Also couple of homemade grenades in early encounters might add some... flavor, a little adrenaline in boring fights. Trapped caves in random encounters could help to blast your head off :wiggle:
Alas, just cannot resist the opportunity to loot especially on harsh. :oops:
Sorry about lenght, it' my fatal flaw. The following post is lengthly, the post below it is a TL/DR report of the economy at a later stage of my playthrough.

1) Multihex mines, even low tech ones, are rather necessary if you want to make them easier to work with. Looking forward to testing them :)
2) Bozar used to do huge damage, but at least it drained ammo. The current sniper rifle does a good enough job and wastes very little ammo. The current light support weapon is pretty rare (I only managed to find it in a Morton brother encounter) but it's the only big gun worth using as it has both the single and burst mode and I'm very close to the endgame and feel like I won't need much more firepower than that.

3) Eh... A bit of both. Im not sure I can do this without general spoilers :( Or without going long-winded...

Basicaly, there are too few non-random-encounter fights in the midgame. Most of these are against humanoids which leave more loot than they drain resources. At the same time there's too much easily acessible loot in the towns, even if you don't steal everything and do every little quest / secret. And the random encounters are problematic because everything you kill drops loot. For example:

On the way between VC and either Broken Hills or New Reno, I got a Grease Gun from a random encounter. I kept it "untill I ran out of ammo". Then at NCR I scored the H&K SMG that uses 10mm bullets. But I thought I'd use it once the ammor for he Grease Gun runs out. Then I got the H&K casseless SMG from somewhere (I have 3 so far, not sure how), and I'd though that once the grease gun runs out, I'll just waste all the 10mm ammo, and then use the caseless gun. But I never ran out of grease gun ammo - 3 locations on the whole map left, and I sold the grease gun (and leftover 100ish ammo) for inventory space. And I've been using it in every fight since Modoc.

Or - at the Raiders I scored a bunch of FAL's, and decided to keep them "untill I run out of ammo". I never ran out of ammo, and now I have 3 sniper rifles on 3 characters, and nobody is having ammo problems.

Or - somewhere around Gecko (possibly while scouting) I landed an Assault rifle or two, upgraded them, and decided to keep them untill I run out of ammo (and well, because they're good). 3 locations left, I finally gave up on assault rifles, and I'm trying to get rid of the ammo via bursting single targets with Marcuses minigun.

Or - I decided to kick Vic out of the party in favour of Cat Jules because the Cat can use energy weapons and all the laser stuff (and ammo) has been piling up like crazy).

You need to seriously cut down on the ammo. There's way too much of it everywhere. The fact that you get a full clip when you upgrade a weapon is also a bummer, because if you use the "free upgrades" guy in New Reno when Assault Rifles and FAL's are dropping like mad you can immagine what happens.

4) I know there isn't any auto leveling, and this works out fine since it lets you solo, go with a large party, reach certain locations at different power levels and whathave you. the problem is that in the midgame there simply aren't too many fights to be had at all. It'd be easier to list the locations where there are reasonable fights from Modoc onwards:

- Redding - very little quests, but both fights are fine.
- Raiders - decent fight before you can snipe. Too much loot, but still.
- Vault 15 - too huge reward for the fight if you do it early when it's a good fight, too easy if you do it later.
- Abbey - the fight is the only quest fight around here, and it's ok if you come early.
- Frog Morton's brothers - are rather tough, but are kings of "humanoid fight -> too much loot"
- EPA - I had an awesome time here because I came with homemade granades, scoped hunting rifles, a grease gun and just Vic, Sulik and Cassidy.

- And possibly a mafia family in New Reno, allthough you don't really have to fight any (I didn't).
- There's a load of robots in SAD, but I didn't fight the vast majority of them

Fights which you are likely to be doing while being too strong:

- NCR Slavers
- Slave Camp
- Broken Hills ants / mine

That's it, those are all the fights you're likely to do in the entire midgame (if you count EPA as midgame, but why not?) which aren't true random encounters. And you can avoid most random encounters. Compare the resource drain those fights pose with the following list of places which give you resources: VC, Gecko, Abbey, EPA, Redding, New Reno, Broken Hills, NCR, SAD. Lets say you don't even loot much from the EPA or do most of the stuff there, say you only go for a fight and an NPC.

More than half of these fights give you loot (only the wanamingo mine and the EPA fight don't, and the SAD robot's I'm not sure about). Add that loot to everything you get from quests/containers/stealing. Then count in random encounters where every fight with something dangerous (which means ranged) - more loot, most often more than you spend. See the problem?

What a proper economy balance mod would have to do is (too much work, but):

- Find a way to fix the fact that every gun everywhere is loaded. As long as guns in containers/quest rewards are always loaded (as well as upgraded ones), you'll be swimming in ammo once guns start appearing in containers (namely from Modoc onwards).

- Seriously cut down on the stuff you can steal from guards/townspeople everywhere. Namely ammo and stimpaks. Not by making it impossible, to steal them, but by having fewer people have them instead of everyone from VC onwards.

- Cut down on the ammo/stimpacks in random encounters. If there was a special "reload" function for enemies which doesn't require ammo in the inventory, that would work out fine. I could be only usable once per fight, to avoid limitless ammo situations.

- Cut down on the ammo in the shops even more.

- Make a bunch of "monsters" which use ranged attacks but don't drop anything, Firebreathing gecko's in the VC and gecko area for a start (same as Fire Gecko, except lower stats/damages). After you reach VC you'r probably going to have 2 ranged guys in the party with decent range capabilities, and the dynamic of the fights changes drasticaly even if you're melee.

- Make a few combat maps simmilar to the Farell's garden or the wolves attacking cattle in Modoc for every city (using random encounter maps or something). Then use these for combat encounters which would make certain containers acessible. The "rewards" are allready in the city, but walking up to them and taking the stuff doesn't cost you anything.*

*Example: Being able to loot the VC vault clean for just doing the 1st reactor quest is silly. If you could get "clearances" inside the vault by doing combat encounters "teleport you there, teleport back when done" (like the Brahming guarding in Klamath or Modoc), and then fight monsters with range capabilities but no serious drops there - that would be something.

- Use this system not for the main quest but for all the loads of freebies you get in towns from Modoc onwards. If you're interested in trying to make one of these "resource drainers" PM and we can make one or two and I can test them out. Midgame simply needs more combat sidequests, as it's currently giving too much for very little effort in terms of loot and rewards.
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To TLDR the above post - there's too damn much loot in every encounter with anything that has weapons, and there's too damn much loot everywhere. I'm having trouble selling it off because there simply isn't enough gold and chems to sell for, and there isn't anything to do with the gold. If it wasn't for your mod I'd actually have even more trouble selling it because I'd be getting more gold per gun and the shops would run out of money faster.

I've done the Navarro quests (still need to go in and kill everything). I've got Sniper and Slayer available but I simply don't take them because any fight would drain even fewer resources. I've bought all the implants (around 90 000 gold total) and I still have tens of thousands of gold, heaps of chems, enough ammo to kill everything on the whole map, and a big stack of loot which ATM I can't sell off because every shop on the map has roun out of money and chems. And I only have a power armor because there was one in a container.

The problem with this picture is that I haven't in fact touched about 2/3 of the "static" loot on the map. I haven't stolen from anyone in New Reno, or killed any of the crime families off (I did loot everyone's safe and assassinate all the bosses), but for all practical purpose there's about as much loot in New Reno as there is on me right now (or thereabouts, if not more). I haven't stolen from anyone in NCR (and there's containers with loot there which I didn't touch), so that's more loot. I didn't kill everything in SAD, or loot almost anything from the EPA (because it's crashing like mad), so that's also a ton of loot. I haven't killed anyone in Navarro, or stolen from anyone, and that's an impossible haul. I haven't done anything in San Fran, but just visiting the brotherhood bunkers gave me tons and tons of loot. To top it all off, I haven't even been to Mariposa wich is notorious for the fact that you have to cart the loot out of it in several trips (expensive loot at that).

I'm negotiating a slight tweak to the RP that would fix shit hitting the fan because of the early trip to the NCR, but the map has way too much loot on it. I'm playing the insane harshest difficulty of your mod, and I've tapped into very little of the global cache of stuff there is on the map, and I got way too much. If I were being pedantic i'd have 4-5 times as much, and what I have is enough to outfit a party of 6 with several weapons of choice, ammo to never run out, and at least combat armors on everyone, after having blown 4 combat armors and 90 000 gold allready on silly perks alone.

EDIT: The newly implemented Dr. Evilscientistchineseguy map near San Fran is the perfect example of the kind of encounter the game should have more off, as random encounters. Just the fight if you have one there. Tough monsters with ranged attacks which don't leave either a gun or ammo behind. Fighthing these guys drained my resources and gave nothing in return. If you're not up for changing up random encounters, I really ought to make a separate thread and look into this. When you get to that map, check it out considering what I've been saying, it's the asolute best combat encounter in the game terms of being econmy friendly.
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@lujo: Thanks again for an in-depth analysis :)
I'll read all your posts again later and make an update. I can say that I agree with most things you mention about unbalanced mid game, but face it - you are a hard-core player :) Not every Fallout player is as hard-core (I try not to use different exploits of the game and don't try to sell every single loot that drops from random encounters). However, it is true that something could be balanced...

- Find a way to fix the fact that every gun everywhere is loaded. As long as guns in containers/quest rewards are always loaded (as well as upgraded ones), you'll be swimming in ammo once guns start appearing in containers (namely from Modoc onwards).
Just tried it using prototype editing - no success. The gun appears loaded even if I don't set default ammo type, but set the caliber. It's loaded with some magical ammo :)
Easy method - use hook scripts to strip all guns from their ammo only when someone dies, or maybe when you steal it (not sure if possible).
More advanced method will require some kind of new engine hack(s) with sfall (or maybe some smart scripting that I can't think of).

- Cut down on the ammo/stimpacks in random encounters. If there was a special "reload" function for enemies which doesn't require ammo in the inventory, that would work out fine. I could be only usable once per fight, to avoid limitless ammo situations.
As already mentioned, this easily achievable by using ondeath hook script.

- Cut down on the ammo in the shops even more.
If only a little and some ammo types... In my vision of a good balance, the ammo (a good part of it) should be bought from shops. If you remove ammo everywhere and even reduce it in stocks, what will you shoot then?)

- Make a bunch of "monsters" which use ranged attacks but don't drop anything, Firebreathing gecko's in the VC and gecko area for a start (same as Fire Gecko, except lower stats/damages). After you reach VC you'r probably going to have 2 ranged guys in the party with decent range capabilities, and the dynamic of the fights changes drasticaly even if you're melee.

- Make a few combat maps simmilar to the Farell's garden or the wolves attacking cattle in Modoc for every city (using random encounter maps or something). Then use these for combat encounters which would make certain containers acessible. The "rewards" are allready in the city, but walking up to them and taking the stuff doesn't cost you anything.*
I will consider broad rebalance of random encounters for a future version.
Ok, it's true I'm a bit hardcore, but I do sort of try to keep myself in check and keep a perspective of the overall abundances and deficencies. I'm not playing with the intention to win, but rather with the intention to mod :) And, i'm not even that hardcore as much as I'm at a "thorough sweep" phase so when I finally start modding stuff in earnest I know what i'm doing. The extra perks per level which I'm using, for example, is actually me just testing all the perks out and how much they increase your power. This is so that I can do a nice "perks redone" mod which would also turn a number of them into quest rewards as to decrease the overall number of sellable loot/gold you get from quests. I also try to keep the kleptomania to a minimum (as i've said, I've actually looted very little overall - my "loot everywhere!" comment is inspired by how much I have with so little looting). I'll also try to keep textwalling you to a minimum, since I'm actually happy for giving you food for thought, and at least a good idea or two (or confirmed a good idea or two you already had) :) Keep up the good work :)
After trying to use burst fire for the first time after map change game crashes on the latest version.
^ burst seems to be crashing it for me too rather often. It first was the shotgun, but it can be any weapon at any time.
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Ok, I tried random savegame and very soon stumbled upon crash. There was a bug in combat damage hook script (related to Taser code). Here is a hotfix: http://yadi.sk/d/0Pe2EjPsHn5vc
Hope there is no more crash-bugs hidden somewhere :)

This is great, bursts aren't crashing it anymore!

Can you think about whether anything in your mod could be (in theory) causing any of the following:

- EPA elevators crashing (not likely your fault)
- Hubologist stash crashing on entry (I suspect this is an RP bug, not yours)
- Companions unable to put on power armor (that is, I can't get them to put it on through combat controll, but I can get them to put it on manually by starting combat and putting it on. Then they have it on but their graphich don't change from whatever they had before. This one might be yours if you've fiddled with armors).

Also, I've killed the end game boss and all the turrets with throwing grenades at him. Go throwing!

- Also, sometimes when i try to arm a trap, for no particular reason, the game instead opens a dialogue windiow with one of the companions. This seems to happen every time I try to arm the pressure plate with dynamite (Dunno if that was supposed to work anyway but it's a really weird interaction)

- This one's very probably yours - explosive traps in mariposa leave brwon splotches on the screen in the place where they explode. Graphical artifacts.
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Can you think about whether anything in your mod could be (in theory) causing any of the following:

- EPA elevators crashing (not likely your fault)
- Hubologist stash crashing on entry (I suspect this is an RP bug, not yours)
- Companions unable to put on power armor (that is, I can't get them to put it on through combat controll, but I can get them to put it on manually by starting combat and putting it on. Then they have it on but their graphich don't change from whatever they had before. This one might be yours if you've fiddled with armors).

Can't think of how I could've caused this. About power armor - that might be because of changed armor class, only if they have another armor with better AC in their inventory. If it's the only armor, than I don't know.

- Also, sometimes when i try to arm a trap, for no particular reason, the game instead opens a dialogue windiow with one of the companions. This seems to happen every time I try to arm the pressure plate with dynamite (Dunno if that was supposed to work anyway but it's a really weird interaction)
This is most strange indeed. Maybe you accidentally click on companion instead of the mine?

- This one's very probably yours - explosive traps in mariposa leave brwon splotches on the screen in the place where they explode. Graphical artifacts.
Are you talking about vanilla traps set against player? If so, than it has nothing to do with my mod.
If not, please be more specific, how can I reproduce this?

Edit: forgot to mention that previous hotfix also changed Taser to affect all animals as well.
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