Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

Oracle said:
earthdude said:
If one is truly interested in realism, the doctor skill should be eliminated or severely curtailed. I mean really... repairing your eyesight? Repairing your mangled leg? Without instruments? In the wasteland? I could potentially see being able to use the skill on NPCs, but really shouldn't ever be usable on oneself. What about wound infections?

Of course, it's also unlikely that anyone would invest in doctor skill (or science, for that matter) if traveling from point A to point B was such a struggle. Noncombat/nonsurvivalist characters would be unlikely to survive the hardcore post-apocalyptic environment... and maybe that's the point.

I think it should be more usefull in a more "realistic" gameplay. Not only for yourself but also for your companions. Also about the guns they should be really rare as when 1 bullet becomes lethal random encounters would the hell...


Sneak, docter and outdoorsman being far more usefull

I agree that Doctor would certainly be far more USEFUL in the more "realistic" gameplay, it would also be more unrealistic to have acquired the ability to do surgery unless you grew up in Vault City or SF. And even then, doing surgery in combat conditions would be nigh impossible.

Now, that all being said, a Combat Medic skill could be put in its place, which allowed restoration of hit points and maybe only temporary fixes to crippled limbs. Definitive correction could only be done in VC or SF, maybe Broken Hills and Redding.
yea kinda forget about first aid. I think such skill should give a bonus to stimpack or something like that. (maybe some penalty to someone with low first aid skill since he probable doesn't know how to inject probably)
Hello everyone. Sorry for not posting so long... Is there still any interest in the mod?

To make a release version of the mod, I must first playtest it through all the game, and I abandoned my last play (2 years ago or so) somewhere at first arrival to NCR ;)

I was surprised to notice that there were no new version of RP mod, so current beta should still be compatible. I'll just double the link here
v0.1 link, readme with all changes inside (same file as on previous page)

If you don't want my mod to mess with critter stats, leave Proto/Critters folder alone. Other files are better to be installed altogether. If there will be demand on rebalance with only prices changed (and not stats of weapons, ammo, etc.) it can also be done, because all prices can be changed by single launch of a script...
phobos2077 said:
I was surprised to notice that there were no new version of RP mod, so current beta should still be compatible. I'll just double the link here
v0.1 link, readme with all changes inside (same file as on previous page)
There will likely be a new release in a few weeks.
phobos2077 said:
Hello everyone. Sorry for not posting so long... Is there still any interest in the mod?

I use your mod along with the RP and it is awsome. I would love to see new versions.
Ill most likely use this mod with RP when its released soon then when Weapons Redone gets released ill try it out and see which one i like WR or this one. Yep thats right RP stays no matter what :twisted:
Thanks for the interest. As far as I can remember, I borrowed many things from WR mod anyway, like NPC stats changes, which are time consuming to do by myself.

I will be heavily occupided by RL 'till the start of May. Hopefully, RP 2.2 will be available. Then I plan to continue playtest and balance tweaks.
Does anyone wants to use this mod? Any suggestions for next version?

I think I'm going to include 2 versions of mod:
1) Economy and combat rebalance (+ misc tweaks like changing weight of some items to more reasonable values or critter tweaks)
2) Economy only (barter script and prices of every item in game reduced).

This next version will only be compatible with latest RP.
I like the economy and Mr. FixIt aspects of the mod. Combat rebalancing - not so much. Currently there are too many changes I am not overly comfortable with.

Still better than the original, though. I like how AP ammo and throwing weapons see more use now.

(Can shotgun burst sounds changed for those that don't fire more than 2 shots? Last time I installed the mod duplets sounded like triplets. I kept thinking people were armed with automated shotguns when they were just using new burst mode.)
@ Nevill,
thanks for your input. I'll look into that issue, maybe remove the duplet mode so it will not be so confusing.

What did you mean by "Mr. FixIt aspects" ?

EDIT: created this sound for duplet mode.
There is another issue with duplet mode, when you shoot someone to death, in some cases the he plays death animation (and sound) like he is being shot with automatic fire, doesn't look good with duplet. Is it worth it or should I remove this feature?
I very much like the economy rebalance part of your mod. As far as combat part is concerned, maybe make some weapons more usable? Like grenades? Maybe a perk related to the Throwing skill which increases grenade damage / splash damage?
@ Geras,
I already tweaked all grenades and molotovs to deal reasonable amount of damage. As for the increased damage per throwing skill, I think it's illogical that how you are good in throwing defines amount of damage from explosion. If there were "Explosives" skill in game, I could have tried to use sFall hook script to change damage based on skills, but there is nothing similar. Haven't thought about it before though...
It makes logical sense to a degree in that your better ability to throw the things means you throw it more accurately meaning you deal more damage. Just a thought.
Ok, thanks for idea guys.. now I will try to implement the following feature (first scripting tests shows that it's possible):
- throwing skill affects amount of damage dealt by throwing knife only (not more than 30-50% bonus, same for all below)
- melee skill affects damage with melee weapons
- maybe same for h2h ?

What do you think guys? I like the idea, but I think it goes for a separate mod (it can be fully achieved with single script file), because the purpose of my "combat rebalance" was to make all weapons in game valuable and usable, sticking to the ideas of the original game. And this skill affecting the damage is something that is changing core concept of the Fallout.
Geras said:
Maybe a perk related to the Throwing skill which increases grenade damage / splash damage?

What I meant there was a perk related to the Throwing skill which increases damage, not the Throwing skill increasing damage itself :)

This or other perk maybe would also increase the damage dealt by throwing knives, as you said, but when targeting head or eyes only or just buff critical hits dealt to those body parts. The name of it would be "Aim for the face" or "Ninja shuriken sudden assault face throw". Ok, the latter was a joke :) But you get the point.


And maybe, as far as Magnus who made the Weapons Redone mod is not around, you could make ammo more scarce, like his mod did? I liked that option.
What did you mean by "Mr. FixIt aspects" ?
I meant the inclusion of Mr FixIt at all. I can only speak from memory now, but it is, basically, a crafting mod, isn't it? I am in favor of that.

Other than the sounds, and changes to Bozar (it is really easy to get due to it being swapped with Light Support Gun - bandits near new Reno often have them now. Just ride a caravan and you are almost guaranteed to get one ), I have no major qualms. Single shots make Bozar easier to handle at lower levels, since you don't need much ammo. For a supposedly ultimate sniper gun, it is too affordable.

Do Molotov cocktails still require one more AP to use than grenades? Is there a justification for that?
Nevill said:
What did you mean by "Mr. FixIt aspects" ?
Do Molotov cocktails still require one more AP to use than grenades? Is there a justification for that?

This reminded me that it would be cool if Molotov cocktails required a lighter in the inventory to lit them. And that would justify the +1 AP requirement.