Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

Electronic Lockpick looks like military-grade too. :wink: I do not vote against new items though, I just hope they will not be in conflict with other RP-compatible mods (especially my lovely Miria :nod:).
Yeah, I think those are useless as craftable item too. By the time you meet requirements to build those, you'll probably already find one somewhere. And you need only one.

On the other side maybe high-tech craft will be available for workbench user only, and outdoor craft will be hand-made class items only?
For example, vanilla grenades, electronic lockpicks -> workbench, Leather Armor, hand-made grenade -> outdoor.
I was thinking exactly the same for a couple of days already... but as I posted above, it's very hard to find workbench in existing maps that no one already owns (and protects). I'm leaning towards "outdoor" craft only.

Now about junk. As for me it is really rare resource, but again shotgun shells are not. :grin:
I can UNRARE it by adding to general stores. There are a lot if them and it's logical. You still need some kind of case for your frag grenade.

On a side note, I was playing with custom weapon drop script. Made it so an enemy drops weapon if you shot him in the hand where he actually holds his weapon (visually) :) he can't drop his pistol if you shoot in the left hand :) sadly it's noticable that the weapon are dropped to the ground before the shot is made. It looks like the enemy is scared and panicked (like X-Com) :)

See no gain in adding weapon drop on death.

Progress update: implemented crafting several items in one batch (like several grenades from one dynamite) with correct numbers displayed, other minor improvements to Mr.Fixit.
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See no gain in adding weapon drop on death.
The gain is that the enemies can pick up dropped weapons, but they can't loot a corpse. So if, say, a pistol is dropped on death, it can be picked up by someone else and used against you. It adds flavor to the game and makes the fights more interesting.
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Just added two new items previously listed with all graphics and craft rules. Wasn't easy to find appropriate image of home-made grenade in the Net

See no gain in adding weapon drop on death.
The gain is that the enemies can pick up dropped weapons, but they can't loot a corpse. So if, say, a pistol is dropped on death, it can be picked up by someone else and used against you. It adds flavor to the game and makes the fights more interesting.

Hm.. thanks, I'll add it then as an option.

Edit: implemented people drop weapons in front of them 1-2 tiles when they die (looks really cool).

Does anyone know if poison level is reduced over time or it must be cured?
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New version: http://yadi.sk/d/8kDgWV0PFpTqR

- new items (craftable):
- home-made grenade
- Dragon Skin (fire resistance drug)
- 12ga slugs
- .223 AP
- improved Mr. Fixit code to support multiple items in one batch
- added some crafting components to general stores (vanilla items)
- added more town demand item rules
- added weapon drop on death (my own version)
Need feedback. I'm working on learn schematics feature. Just remembered that it is possible to create fake perks in sfall very easy. Do we need those? (all learned schematics will show up in perks like "Schematics: explosives") We can see what we can craft in Mr.Fixit dialog...
Some feedback.
1. Molotov Cocktail from Aldo in Klamath cannot be used to destroy door in Vic`s house. That`s good for me. Makes me think hard to find solution... or to craft one. :cool:
2. I can buy Meat Jerky from Maida for 0$ (2 for 1$) and sell it to Sajag for 1$ (2 for 2$). Easy money. :lol:
3. I don`t like weapon drop after death at all, makes me search for pixels not bodies. :sad: Thankfully it is optional. But, do not remove this part, please. More possibilities are better. :smile:

Now awaiting for "Learn schematics" feature :grin:
Some feedback.
1. Molotov Cocktail from Aldo in Klamath cannot be used to destroy door in Vic`s house. That`s good for me. Makes me think hard to find solution... or to craft one. :cool:
2. I can buy Meat Jerky from Maida for 0$ (2 for 1$) and sell it to Sajag for 1$ (2 for 2$). Easy money. :lol:
3. I don`t like weapon drop after death at all, makes me search for pixels not bodies. :sad: Thankfully it is optional. But, do not remove this part, please. More possibilities are better. :smile:

Now awaiting for "Learn schematics" feature :grin:
Thanks, I'm almost done :)

1. Was it possible before? How doors are destroyed in fallout was always mistery to me... I think it's a fair trade considering you can now use them against wanamingos...
2. I knew about this "feature", but never gave good thought to it. I'll think what can be done.
3. In my version weapon is dropped 1-2 tiles in front of an NPC. In combat most NPC's are facing towards you and most probably there is a free space. So there should not be too frequent pixel hunting exercises :D

About crafting.. I'm thinking on leaving healing powder and antidote available at start:
1) you need this items more in the beginning
2) you learned traditional ways of your tribe.. and knowing how to make antidotes seems logical, with all those radscorpions
1. Was it possible before? How doors are destroyed in fallout was always mistery to me... I think it's a fair trade considering you can now use them against wanamingos...
2. I knew about this "feature", but never gave good thought to it. I'll think what can be done.
3. In my version weapon is dropped 1-2 tiles in front of an NPC. In combat most NPC's are facing towards you and most probably there is a free space. So there should not be too frequent pixel hunting exercises :D

About crafting.. I'm thinking on leaving healing powder and antidote available at start:
1) you need this items more in the beginning
2) you learned traditional ways of your tribe.. and knowing how to make antidotes seems logical, with all those radscorpions

1. It was possible in vanilla RP2.3 http://hem.bredband.net/darek1/f2rp_wt.htm#klamath "Stealing a molotov cocktail from Aldo, the drunken town greeter, and throwing it at the door is a viable alternative if all else fails."
2. No exploits allowed :grin:.
3. Maybe. Now bad news. I cannot open MrFixit interface without weapon drop mod. Game crashes to desktop. It can be some wine issue though. Hope next update will be fine. :grin:
1. It was possible in vanilla RP2.3 http://hem.bredband.net/darek1/f2rp_wt.htm#klamath "Stealing a molotov cocktail from Aldo, the drunken town greeter, and throwing it at the door is a viable alternative if all else fails."
I improved molotov ability to explode in next update. Was it not exploding at all for you? If yes, then this fix should help you.

3. Maybe. Now bad news. I cannot open MrFixit interface without weapon drop mod. Game crashes to desktop. It can be some wine issue though. Hope next update will be fine. :grin:
At what point the crash happens? How do you know it is related to weapon drop mod?

Edit: I think I've found the problem. It's the installer. I'll fix it for next version. For now you can:
1) reinstall the mod with same options
2) manually set all files in folder "data\proto" as read-only

crash should go away

2. I can buy Meat Jerky from Maida for 0$ (2 for 1$) and sell it to Sajag for 1$ (2 for 2$). Easy money.
Can you tell me what charisma and barter skill do you have? Have you modded Meat price somehow? I've found problem where less number of items cost less for each item, it's related to vanilla price (which calculated by engine :(). This exploit can only be ruled out by replacing vanilla price formula, but this cannot be done without removing some of the game flavor.
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I improved molotov ability to explode in next update. Was it not exploding at all for you? If yes, then this fix should help you.
At what point the crash happens? How do you know it is related to weapon drop mod?
Can you tell me what charisma and barter skill do you have? Have you modded Meat price somehow? I've found problem where less number of items cost less for each item, it's related to vanilla price (which calculated by engine :(). This exploit can only be ruled out by replacing vanilla price formula, but this cannot be done without removing some of the game flavor.
1. No explosion at all, just one message something about "not even a scratch".
2. After clicking on myself with binoculars. Then it looks like interface partly (or fully, it`s too fast, hard to say) shows on screen then BOOM... crash.
3. CH7, Barter 8 (with Gifted). No other mods, just RP2.3+your mod+Miria. By the way, no need to repair such minor exploit. :smile:

Ahem... sorry for bothering you, but when next update will be available? :oops:
Ahem... sorry for bothering you, but when next update will be available? :oops:

Well, somewhere around... now :)


- learn crafting before use
- rebalanced craft rules
- fixed molotov not exploding when miss or hit scenery
- slight changes to barter price calculation (use round() instead of floor() on final prices)
- fix bug in installer causing damaged installation
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Only Healing Powder is available. :confused:
I moved it to drugs in the end.

I'm thinking on adding more ammo types for crafting. Any suggestions? It should be something logical and that can be crafted from vanilla ammo of the same caliber.
My ideas:
1) 12ga explosive shells? or higher-caliber shells?
2) plasma rocket?

Some new simple but useful drug would also be nice. I'm out of ideas...
Some new simple but useful drug would also be nice. I'm out of ideas...
What about dazzle grenade? PE-5 for 3 turns. Components - micro fusion cells (5) and plasma or pulse grenade maybe.

Super Earlier Sequence would be nice. First move is always yours. :smile: Side effect - "poisoned" for several hours.
Eyes of Cat (Night Vision) would be REALLY useful. I prefer the Light side of the Force. :cool: Side effect - PE-1 for 8 hours.
Stonewall is nice too. I just hate to be killed lying helpless. Side effect - lower HP to very minor value, maybe even 1.
Main effect lasts 1 hour for example.
What do you think of installable traps and mines? That would make Traps skill useful... strange there is still no such mod for fallout.. or was it?
What do you think of installable traps and mines? That would make Traps skill useful... strange there is still no such mod for fallout.. or was it?
Good idea, also uninstall option would be fine, just in case.
And what do you think about remote controlled mines? :grin:
What do you think of installable traps and mines? That would make Traps skill useful... strange there is still no such mod for fallout.. or was it?
How would they work?

Anything that improved less popular skills is good in my book.
How would they work?

I'm trying different methods. It wasn't as easy as I expected... Don't know how to dynamically set up spatial script. Checking critter positions in global script only works outside of combat.. explosions don't work in combat at all. And there is also problem of how to make people hostile if you set up a trap in front of them... which gives me some insight on why there was no mods for this :D
I found...
remote controlled dynamite in RP item prototypes. But it doesn't seem to work if I just put it in my inventory along with the triggers. Looks like a quest item..

Don't see how to do remote controlled mines either, if explosions don't work in combat...

Maybe I need to actually play a game for a bit, instead of modding it...
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