But best title ever!
There's a huge thread on the Bethboards complaining about exactly that, C2B.
That could be a draw distance thing. I started up DMC4 in order to take a screenshot (need to get one of the game recording programs) and it appeared as if there weren't shadows at really long distances where I was. Of course there's the other equally possible explanation which is that they're lying about the new engine having environmental shadows. Finally, the shot could be from and old build but that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense when you're talking about the new engine having environmental shadows.C2B said:By the way. Are my eyes playing tricks on me or are there still no shadows?
UncannyGarlic said:It's going to look a few years old upon release but it's definitely a major leap from what Fallout 3 looked like. I worry about engine optimization though, it's fine if it looks a few years old if it uses the same amount of juice that those games did but if it requires as much as a bleeding edge game, it'll be a problem.
Ausdoerrt said:^ Resident Evil 4 *chuckle, chuckle* Or DMC3, for that matter.
Dead Space, Borderlands, Just Cause 2 and a number of other multiplatform games are stable and well-optimized on PC. You make it sound like it's normal for multiplatform games to be poorly optimized.
Vik said:What's kind of weird is that they are very slow with screenshots and information. Isn't the game coming out in 11 months?
Now that you name those games I hope that finally for the love of jesus Bethesda got a half-way decent third-person camera in their game ... the one they had in Oblivion and F3 was simply shit.