Elite 4?

Sounds like a pretty fun idea. Unfortunately, never heard of previous titles, but the pretty damn big goal and the fact that the 5k reward is already sold out is amazing.

I guess I'll just wait.
where is this game basically different from, lets say EVE online? What I read sounds very similar. Though I dont know either Elite or EVE really well. Just what friends told me and what I have read.
Oh so Braben has gone for kickstarter after promising Elite 4 for several years, I think almost a decade now.

That is something I noticed lately, several of the projects that can now be found on Kickstarter have been announced years ago as a commercial product and yet we hear nothing for them until their developers decide to go the Kickstarter route.

I am not really sure I would support this.

Its one thing to support projects that otherwise would never see the light of day but projects like these... well it seems like the developers have been farting around until Kickstarter showed them how they could get a source of revenue.

Then again I would also have to judge Wasteland 2 by the same standards.
Crni Vuk said:
where is this game basically different from, lets say EVE online? What I read sounds very similar. Though I dont know either Elite or EVE really well. Just what friends told me and what I have read.
No. One is an MMO, the other is single player. And EVE doesn't have a realistic galaxy or planets you can land on.
fedaykin said:
Crni Vuk said:
where is this game basically different from, lets say EVE online? What I read sounds very similar. Though I dont know either Elite or EVE really well. Just what friends told me and what I have read.
No. One is an MMO, the other is single player. And EVE doesn't have a realistic galaxy or planets you can land on.
yeah, but do you even need that? Also define "realistic". From what I know it seems EVE has more focus on economy here. How will elite be more realistic then any other game here?

The things I hear about this project sound like "this is super awesome!", yet they don't show anything really, nor do I really believe everything will be even possible. Like thousands, no millions of planets. All which you can visit. Super awesome visuals? I am sure they want to do this all.

But this is one of the kick starter projects where I have quite a few doubts about it.

I hope I am wrong, because I would love to see people have success with their ideas.
By realistic he means our real galaxy, as in you look out of the window, see Sirius shining in all its colours, then start up Elite 2 fly there, and feel all warm and fuzzy. Or how about landing on one of the moons of Jupiter after observing them through your 99$ telescope and watching the solar system move. Its still worth to start up Frontier to do these things despite the basic graphics.
Its better than jumping from square to square in X3. Sure I love X3 for its economic simulation and capital ship battles, but atmosphere and immersion it has not.
EVE is a totally different game, its a point and click MMO, I played it alot and especially adored the market system.
The financial situation of Frontier Dev is worrisome, but without seeing the income statement and balance sheet, theres no way to tell if they will go bust soon. All the english sites seem to want cash to show those.
Crni Vuk said:
yeah, but do you even need that?
Uh, yes? Obviously people want an Elite sequel. What a silly question.
Crni Vuk said:
Also define "realistic".
No jumpgates, go anywhere you want, Newtonian physics, a model of our galaxy, planets you can land on. EVE has your typical automatic MMO combat (boring as fuck), Elite's combat involves player skill.
Crni Vuk said:
From what I know it seems EVE has more focus on economy here.
As I said, EVE caters to MMO fans. Not everyone wants to play an MMO.
Crni Vuk said:
nor do I really believe everything will be even possible. Like thousands, no millions of planets. All which you can visit.
Perhaps you should play one of the Elite games before talking about it. It's possible, it's been done, it can be done even better.
fedaykin said:
Perhaps you should play one of the Elite games before talking about it. It's possible, it's been done, it can be done even better.
we will see.

At the moment its all just "talking" about it.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Oh so Braben has gone for kickstarter after promising Elite 4 for several years, I think almost a decade now.

So? How is it different from Brian Fargo, who, according to his words, dreamed of making Wasteland 2 for 20 years?

Grown people have needs and priorities. The whole team can't just put themselves on a bread-and-water diet for a couple of years. Regardless of how you want to make a game, you need money to make it. Until recently, the only way to get enough money was to ask publishers.