Emil clarificates

Weather effects: i do agree to the removal of weather effects from the game. for me, postapocalyptic worlds have a lot to do with some form of static, as in stopped progress. the world recovers, but only up to a degree. this is a very subjective opinion, and for that reason it does not matter. anyway, i am fine with static weather in a wasteland. wouldnt expect too much of rain etc there anyway.

AP: if there is really 1 AP = 1 shot, then wheres the motivation to actually THINK about your characters setup and how to spend your traits and perks? that was MAJOR in the olden fallouts. the extremely seductive fast shot vs. finessed aimed shot chars. keeping in mind to choose slayer for even more pewpew. damn i loved that. i even levelled chars in the wasteland by travelling and killing aliens and centaurs just to achieve that last perk i felt to need before going to the enclave. ridiculous, yes, since 4 shots per round make you damn near invincible... but i loved it.

travel: one argument i dont really get, is the one against travelling. in the original games (original being morrowind and oblivion *duck*) travelling was meh, but ok. i would like to have my dotted line back, and my chance for random encounters... but that aspect does not seem to be of importance. why was travel in oblivion atrocious?

Killing children: ofc, that one will be taken out of context - it makes it just so much easier to depict us as the rabid fanbase we are when you focus on our declared will to kill children. <strike>YES, THAT IS A WRITTEN DEATH THREAT</strike>. I would go so far as to say, i dont mind if there are children in the game. i wouldnt mind if i saw very little of them, children being quite protected in a post-apocalyptic setting (with all the mutations and miscarriages and whatnot). but, as i would like to kill cows if there are any (or brahmin), i would like to be able to hit anything there is in the game. if you look at it from a roleplayers view, one aspect may clear that up: imagine i decide to eradicate a village just for the fun of it. i draw my bozar, spray a few peasants, and accidentally hit a child. now that should give me enough motivation to rethink my approach, doesnt it? still, it wouldnt kill the overall gaming experience to totally leave them out. hell, ive played thru several dens without children, just because i forgot to repatch my german versions.

40 gazillion lines of dialogue: i came. srsly! if he talks about a few thousand lines in fallout 1, i guess he means spoken dialogue. and as other posters pointed out before, that is not a work of creativity, but a work of repetition. yay... 3 voice actors saying "Do you want me to let you in on a little secret? or do you wish to know about my trade? oh, wait... NENENENENENENENENENENEEEESTOPRIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM". i honestly dont expect any coherent dialogues after playing morrowind and oblivion.

SDK: there will be one, i think. maybe after a few months, so that initial sales will not be hurt by any bad publicity bloody mods might generate. i reckon you should look into that matter after christmas business is done, say february or march 2009. if that is happening, i hereby apply to no one in particular as dialogue writer for the upcoming "original fallout mod" for fallout 3.
You're seem to be entirely fixed on rain, snow and shiny rainbows. It could as well have been tornadoes and duststorms. It could have been... But it won't. By removing the weather system altogether they denied modders the very possibility of getting these things in. I also disagree with your view on post-apocalyptic Earth. When a bunch of imbeciles wipe themselves out, the world doesn't really come to a full stop. There would still be rain.

By travel in Oblivion, I obviously meant the fast travel system and the magical quest indication compass point that effectively removed any sense of exploration and adventure in the game. You get a quest, open the world map, press on the location that is several miles away, immediately load into that location, do the requred quest action (usually something very basic), and immediately port back to receive the reward from the quest giver. Let me ask you, what kind of an "open world" design is it?

On the other points, I'm with you. I'm not sure about the SDK though. They didn't seem to care about the Oblivion editor at all. It was buggy as hell, but it only got a single compatibility update when the Oblivion expansion came out. A week later they released the new version no significant changes that had a serious bug in it, so they just took it off the website and put the old version back in. Long story short, don't hold your breath.
Modders will probably still be able to create weather effects. It won't be as easy, but so what? Besides, who care's about graphics? A simple pop-up stating it's rainy or there's a tornado out there should be enough to mod in different weather types.

Yes, because Fallout 3 has popups, just like oblivion. How do you think they got over the bad decision of killing the description box and point and click mechanics?
Morbus said:
A simple pop-up stating it's rainy or there's a tornado out there should be enough to mod in different weather types.

Can't we have at least a... a bunch of pixels floating around, imitating the effects? Can't we? Please don't hit me! Eeeeyaaaah!
I have a thing about physical pain. I tend to scream and curl into a ball when that comes my way. Khm.

Anyway, all in the name of immersion, right? 8-)
@ranne and others :)

I agree that the traveling system in Oblivion was horrendous! (or worse than that!) However, the travel system in Fallout 3 does seem similar to that in Baldur's Gate; you need to walk to a location first, or have the location added to your world map.

I'm not sure about the compas/radar thing. It seems that one dev. says that you will see points of interests etc. from the start while another devs. seems to be saying that you won't see these points from the start - only when you have discocered them will we see them.

My point about the day/night cycles was that it probably doesn't add a lot to the game - from the perspective of the developers.
I would have liked to see weather effetcs as well in Fallout 3, but the developers didn't want them to be in the game. Tornados and wind storms that could blow tumbleweeds around would have been nice, I agree. Its minor point for me, though.


Oh, and thanks for the heads up and the pointing towards the Oblivion mod. Very nice.

edit 2:

As for my disgust? of the mian plot for Fallout 3...well, I agree that it could turn out bad or good... Either way, it just seem that the where Liam Neeson disappears and you have to look for him...could be a plot that is -meh- sort of... But I'd guess we have to wait and see...
Are people STUPID?! What makes them think it's any different than Oblivion's? It's EXACTLY THE SAME YOU DUMBHEADS!!! EVERYTHING AS OBLIVION!

Seriously, like Baldur's Gate's? What were you smoking... Baldur's gate shmaldur's gate. It's oblivion, they said the EXACT same thing about oblivion. Wake up fellas. Just, wake up.
Well, Quake is like Oblivion... with guns! Right? Right? So in conclusion, Fallout 3 is going to be Quake in Fallout's setting, with Baulder's Gate travel system BUT like Oblivion.

Who said Bethesda can't be innovative? Oh, ye of little faith.
Shut up Madbringer. Faith? Can't you see? Faith in what? That war will end in middle east? That the petrolium crisis will settle down and that my country will flourish? That I find the girl of my dreams? Yeah, I hope for that, faith, whatever you want to call it, but faith for Bethesda? They coulçd suck mine and I still wouldn't pay a penny for raping one of my favorite franchises. So, faith, no thanks. Every single time i've had faith in them they've disapointed me, INCLUDING the time I had faith in oblivion, INCLUDING the time I played oblivion blinded by faith (and graphics too, ok, and with mods it wasn't half-bad). It's like oblivion dude. They CAN'T be innovative. The only innovation they understand is dumbind down stuff, handholding the "player" and making things SEEM more pretty with more bloom and less shadows and more contrast and shit. No thank you.

And for the record, Quake is nothing like Oblivion. Don't diss Quake ok? It's a hell of a game, while Oblivion sucks so bad I don't even know why I still keep it's box in my game shelf...