This ghoul has seen it all

He actually bragged about how good a writter he was for the arrow in the knee line.
Phrase on itself while not poetry, fits into nordic setting of Skyrim. The repetition made it a meme, that's all. But that's another kind of problem.He actually bragged about how good a writter he was for the arrow in the knee line.
Are you so sure about it?Calling them monsters kind of over dramatic.
Close the circle.He is just an asshat.
Brynjolf walks up to me, a total stranger, and says, “You’ve never worked a day in your life for all that coin you’re carrying around.” This is a really screwy thing to say to an adventurer. (I imagine running over mountains and fighting through tombs is pretty labor-intensive.) I guess he’s supposed to be insinuating that I’m naturally a thief, but he says this to the player regardless of what gear they have or how much money they’ve got. It’s also odd because you can’t steal for a living until you join the guild, because you have no way to unload stolen goods. He’s implying you’re a thief, when by definition you can’t be one yet. So no matter who you are, he’s flat-out wrong. It’s also odd to be approached to join the Thieves Guild. I get that the guild has fallen on hard times, but this still feels awkward.
You can murder a civilian in broad daylight and allow the guard to take you to jail for a modest span of time. (Or just pay a 1,000 dollar fine.) But inadvertent food contamination with no victims is worthy of life in prison? It’s a worse offense than murder, even though it might have been an accident or sabotage? And the Honningbrew owner never points the finger at me, the mysterious stranger who he recently allowed into the distillery? He pulled a fresh batch of mead from the vat and never saw fit to taste it himself first?
She shot the player instead of the person she was supposed to shoot with the arrow and then has the audacity to say that she saved your life.Outside, I am revived by Karliah. My character quite reasonably greets her with, “You shot me!”
“No, I saved your life,” she explains. See, the paralysis arrow she used on me slowed my heart rate so I didn’t bleed out. It took her a year to perfect the poison, so she only had enough for one shot.
Karliah dear, if you had shot Mercer Frey then my life wouldn’t have needed saving in the first place.
Todd must ask him first, which he won't since his ego knows better.atleast long enough for Emil to learn how to properly use his brain and write atleast one good Fallout/Elder Scrolls thing in his life.
I'll be short and say, to an extend. Compared to his work on Fallout 3 & 4, where everything is upside down and makes no sense, Skyrim holds alot better, which you didn't disprove and never will since it's a fight against burning windmills. Yeah, still not a fan of half of the game, but still again, at least Skyrim has it's redeeming qualities and proper script pieces. Again, the core shit is in the design, like the forced dungeon crawling and 't000tal player freedom', but that's the question for toddie-boy and nu-TES target audience.
Todd must ask him first, which he won't since his ego knows better.
Okay, even if it is "better" shit is still shit no matter the varying degrees. To me I think they're all terrible with 4 being the worst out of the bunch.I'll be short and say, to an extend. Compared to his work on Fallout 3 & 4, where everything is upside down and makes no sense, Skyrim holds alot better, which you didn't disprove and never will since it's a fight against burning windmills. Yeah, still not a fan of half of the game, but still again, at least Skyrim has it's redeeming qualities and proper script pieces. Again, the core shit is in the design, like the forced dungeon crawling and 't000tal player freedom', but that's the question for toddie-boy and nu-TES target audience.
Todd must ask him first, which he won't since his ego knows better.
It's not like you have something to besides Thieves' Guild (yes, it's shit, move on), because Shamus doesn't have other material on his site. It's not like any other TES game, which is in Todd's domain, any better. It's not like you missed the point of the words 'redeeming qualities'.Okay, even if it is "better" shit is still shit no matter the varying degrees. To me I think they're all terrible with 4 being the worst out of the bunch.
The final word is still behind the Todd, and if he appreciates the job done by Emil, they share the responsibility for the backfired decision.Are implying that Emil is mostly a victim to a game director that has trouble telling the difference between an RPG and FPS? Emil was Senior Designer and Writer for both Skyrim and Fallout 4. I honestly think he's just as responsible for some of the shitty design decisions.
Well lets see you have this which can sum up the college of winterhold well but I'm sure I'm wasting my time:It's not like you have something to besides Thieves' Guild (yes, it's shit, move on), because Shamus doesn't have other material on his site. It's not like any other TES game, which is in Todd's domain, any better. It's not like you missed the point of the words 'redeeming qualities'.
The final word is still behind the Todd, and if he appreciates the job done by Emil, they share the responsibility for the backfired decision.
Wasn't it an appreciation thread?
Atleast the game gave you more dialogue choices.Dragonborn: Well sticking pots on random shopkeepers heads for 4 hours has been fun, but I think it’s time to actually do something constructive with this game, like joining the Mages guild. I mean college of Winterhold.
Ancano: Hi, I’m Ancano, the bad guy and ambassador for the Thalmor. Like all Thalmor in this game, I’m a 2 dimensional Nazi! I’ll be you bad guy for this quest line, not that guessing that in advance will do any good whatsoever!
Dragonborn: Oh well, at least I got an actual magic lesson just now. That was actually pretty cool Bethesda, and makes a nice change from yet another dungeon crawl.
Tolfdir: Right class, its time for a field trip, otherwise known as a dungeon crawl! Try not to find any world destroying Macguffin just lying around.
Dragonborn: ...
Tolfdir: Actually, there’s some fascinating lore behind this dungeon.
Dragonborn: Which is?
Tolfdir: Go read the wiki or something; you have a Mcguffin to find.
Psijic dude: Beware Dragonborn! That Mcguffin you have found probably means the end of the world! I’ll be honest, I dont know entirely what it is. But then I’m not sure the writers do either, so that’s fine. I’m actually from a lore established order, with some fascinating history behind us.
Dragonborn: Which is?
Psijic dude: Go read the wiki or something, for the purposes of this plot, I’m just walking talking exposition in a robe. Now I could totally solve everything right now, but I guess I’m just going to leave this world destroying macguffin with you, where any old bad guy can use it to destroy the world. Have fun!
Ancano: My, that orb you brought back looks like any obvious bad guy could use it to...oh I dont know...destroy the world! I’m sure glad it’s easily accessible for any old bad guy like myself! Well, that’s just me reminding you I’m the bad guy, so see you later.
Tolfdir: Well that Macguffin sure looks world destroying. Better just leave it out where any bad guy could get at it. In the mean time, why dont you do more research, student who arrived, like yesterday?
Dragonborn: Does this involve dungeon crawling?
Tolfdir: You know it!
Psijic dude: Hi! Just teleporting in to remind you how doomed you all are! Bye again!
Tolfdir: That sure is concerning. I guess this means you’re going to have to go see an all knowing oracle type about this.
Dragonborn: Is this going to involve a dungeon crawl?
Tolfdir: Wow, are you an all knowing oracle type too?
The Augur of Dunlain: I the all knowing Augur must tell you...that Ancano is totes the bad guy and going to destroy the world with that macguffin. You should look into that.
Dragonborn: Well that was worth the trip.
Ancano: Guess what? I’m totes going to destroy the world with that macguffin!
Dragonborn: But why? You live in the world for Talos sake!
Ancano: Actually the Thalmor do have some fascinating theological reasoning in the lore.
Dragonborn: Which is?
Ancano: Go read the wiki or something, I have a world to destroy! And then puppies to eat! Also I killed Headmaster Dumbledore. I mean arch mage Savos Aren.
Mirabelle Ervine: Random pupil who got here, like yesterday, you must retrieve the staff macguffin to counteract this death orb macguffin.
Dragonborn: Say I have to go on another dungeon crawl and I will kill you.
Mirabelle Ervine: I’m still a plot important NPC, so that’s not happening. Have fun in the dungeon.
Savos Aren: Wooooo! I am the force ghost of Obi wan Kenobi! I mean Savos Aren. And as you dungeon crawl, you should know, I too once visited this dungeon and got some fellow students killed or something!
Dragonborn: That might be more shocking character revelation if we’d talked for more that 3 minutes ever. Why is this relevant?
Savos Aren: No idea. Wooooooooo!
Dragonborn: Oh well. At least I have the staff Macguffin now.
One Ancano killing boss fight later.
Psijic dude: Hi again! Well, even though a lot of people would still be alive if I’d just done this to begin with, I’m going to teleport off with the Macguffin for safekeeping now!
Dragonborn: But wait? Will we ever find out what the orb was? What was the point of any of this?
Psijic dude: No idea! I’m sure something awesome will happen with the orb, but like all interesting Elder Scroll lore, It’ll happen in-between games! Bye! Oh, and you’re the arch mage now I guess, even though I dont actually work here.
Dragonborn: But I got here, like, yesterday! I only learned one spell! That’s like Harry Potter being made Headmaster after saving the Philosophers stone!
Tolfdir: All hail the new Arch Mage who got here, like yesterday! Do you want to celebrate by doing some radiant dungeon crawl quests sir?
Dragonborn: ... I’m going back to sticking pots on random shopkeepers heads now.
The final word is still behind the Todd, and if he appreciates the job done by Emil, they share the responsibility for the backfired decision.
Wasn't it an appreciation thread?
What a cringe inducing chore.Anyways, watch dis:
Yes-s...am I doing it right?
Which is pretty much what Skyrim was, fun, a step above Oblivion and Morrowind nonetheless.Its only redeeming qualities would be modding, the unstable wacky physics, and the mindless stupid fun.
One thing I don't get is why Fallout 4 even needs a senior writer.
I mean, there's barely any dialogue or writing in the game at all.
Whenever you get attacked by generic bad dudes there's no build up, you never get to ask questions or talk about certain topics in detail, the dialogue is essentially a glorified distraction from the heaps and heaps of shoehorned combat.
Like, with a game with so little decent writing, why do they even need to hire someone as a senior writer?, Is it just like an honorary title like a knighthood?