Emil Pagliarulo on the ending that wasn't

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Speaking at a GDC "Evolving game design" panel, Emil Pagliarulo discussed, amongst other things, the intended ending sequence for Fallout 3 that wasn't.<blockquote>When asked if there were things in “Fallout 3″ that he loved but had to cut, Pagliarulo talked about the game’s ending, which had the player following around a giant robot named Liberty Prime as it battled and blew up enemies. When I got to this part, I wondered why I couldn’t control the giant robot. Pagliarulo explained that the original idea for Liberty Prime was that it was five times bigger than what it was and players would get to ride in his head.

“[Executive producer Todd Howard] and I had championed this idea for a long time,” Pagliarulo said. They also had the idea that Rivet City (a dilapidated aircraft carrier) would become operational and it would drive down the Potomac River. However, due to time and technical limitations, P agliarulo said they had to scale back their plan, and that that was just of many things that had to be cut.</blockquote>From the same panel, Emil also enters Kotaku's Awkward Moments HoF.<blockquote>After sarcastically revealing that he drinks cold medicine to find game design inspiration, Goichi Suda asked Pagliarulo whether Bethesda was planning on "a Japanese version of Fallout" to which the Fallout 3 designer said, "Well, what can we destroy in Japan?"

After processing that post nuclear destruction and an awkwardly long pause, Suda simply said "Wow..."

"I just realized how stupid it was of me to say that!" Pagliarulo said, surprisingly understandable with foot in mouth. Obviously, he didn't mean it that way, but it made the room a bit more ill at ease.</blockquote>
moyogo said:
Sounds a bit like Ghost Busters, no?

and the last Transformers live action movie.

So essentially they had planned an end sequence with even less player agency? Amazing.

They should be doing movies, not games.
Thank God they didn't implement THAT ending...

(And to be honest, I liked your trek towards the memorial with Liberty prime tossing anticommunist oneliners)
Powerangers came to mind, maybe if you could control the big bad robot like that they could make a mod with a giant mudcrab for you to fight Godzilla style at the end. :lol:
Don't worry. Maybe they'll release it as DLC, together with brahmin armor.

JESUS said:
giant mudcrab

This would be, like TOTAL AWSUM!!!111oneoneone
Honestly, Bethesda is worse the Michael Bay with this directionless "has gotta be awesome" stuff.

At least we know this about Bay, though, and we recognize he's not an artful or intelligent film director but just someone who gives us awesome shots of awesome explosions in crappy films. Consumers know this, critics know tihs, by that footage even Bay knows this.

But Bethesda? Why is no one standing up, raising a hand and saying "but hang on, you guys have no artistic vision at all, you just shoot whatever is awesome at the player in hopes of distracting them from your game's flaws".

Nope, instead they get awards for it.

EDIT: added foot-in-mouth moment from same panel
Pagliarulo explained that the original idea for Liberty Prime was that it was five times bigger than what it was and players would get to ride in his head.
Oh fucking wow. There are no words to describe how bethesda "gets it".
Sometimes you'd wish that stuff that was cut from FO3 was the reason it was awful... But, in the end, it comes down to being more "kewll" stuff that they were too lazy to program.
An even bigger robot huh?

Sounds a little like Emperor Palpatine's obsession with super weapons.
Rather than expanding the Empire's conventional forces and improving their weapons/defenses and give them edges on various points, major effort is done into single large super weapons such as Death Stars and Galaxy Guns.

Sure its impressive as hell when a giant battleship appears on the battle, but if you think how the resources could have been used to create an equal force of conventional ships and troops that are not only just as strong as said one ship but can also be deployed in other ways.

Same is sort of the case here, it sure as hell would have made the commies piss their pants when giant Liberty Prime appears on the field as it was intended but it pretty quickly looses its purpose after the ground forces have been defeated and the Chinese send in their bombers and start launching missiles at LP from a save distance.

Yeah somewhat useless rambling but I wanted to make clear how an even bigger robot would be even more useless on the long term.
Brother None said:
Honestly, Bethesda is worse the Michael Bay with this directionless "has gotta be awesome" stuff.

Kinda like Owe Boll did with "Hi, I'm Owe Boll and I make movies" and shit. I didn't really understood on the end of Bay's awesome commercial, what it was all about...

I seriously don't think they should be doing either. They should be watching movies and playing games, connection should end there. Would be for their own best.

C'mon. Give them a chance at least in movies!
Good old Suda 51.

He could probably make a great Fallout game.

It'd probably have a lot more severed heads that talk in backwards gibberish, but at least it'd be funny.
Maybe if you controlled it with a snes controller.
I found Liberty Prime just annoying, why won't he stop defying physics and fall over when something hits him?
Alphadrop said:
Maybe if you controlled it with a snes controller.
I found Liberty Prime just annoying, why won't he stop defying physics and fall over when something hits him?
With a Wii remote! A Wii I tell yeah ! :mrgreen:
I'd say piloting Liberty Prime would be the better choice because then you wouldn't just be a useless observer in a grand battle.
Bad game designer! Back in your cage!