Aren't that what they're supposed to do?Ancient Oldie said:handguns really only bring more harm than they do good.
Aren't that what they're supposed to do?Ancient Oldie said:handguns really only bring more harm than they do good.
But there is a lot in teachings of Jesus that advocate peace and love and understanding
Seriously, that's a bullshit argument. The fact that something is used more for one thing than for something else doesn't make them less dangerous. Besides, YOU aren't benefitting as a criminal from the easy access to guns.My guns will probably kill far more paper targets than living creatures.
It's HOW they are used, not whether they are used or not.
Sander said:Guns lying in homes aren't used, cars are being driven. THAT's what I was saying, don't twist my words, Gwydion.
So the real argument is not "guns should be allowed just because they're used for harmless purposes more", but it's "guns should be allowed because they prevent more damage than they cause"
Which, in my opinion, isn't true.
Gwydion said:How do you prove that, though? Let's be honest, statistics aren't great for that purpose, as it's easy to adjust the data to say what you want.
We need tighter car controls
adultery illegal because people have killed their spouses to marry a lover
You can put an action in court for abuse of free speech, like slander remember?We need to license Free Speech
We need knife control because a cop is more likely to be killed with a knife than a "semiautomatic assault rifle" even though either one isn't all that common.
That shouldn't have been hard to understand if you tried to.
Kharn said:Yeah, but...a gun thread?!
They're really tiring and REALLY uninteresting.
I mean, I must've heard that Ghandi quote at least 3 times before, and every time I think "Man, it's just Ghandi, it's not like everything he said was automatically true, the dude prolly said some really stupid things too"
Briosafreak said:Americans have many regulations on cars, you need a drivers license, a plate, you have codes to regulate what you should do while driving.
They did it with your almost harmless guns, remember?
You can put an action in court for abuse of free speech, like slander remember?
Big knives should have a permit to be carried, just like small and bigger guns. And serial numbers too.