Vault Fossil

Public said:Never heard of it, don't care.
yeah thats pretty much how I feel about whatever the fuck these guys are talking about.
Public said:Never heard of it, don't care.
TVTropes is a site that could be good if it were actually properly edited, unfortunately it's not.OakTable said:It's like TVTropes! It ruins your life! Only instead of making you obsessed with pop culture, it just makes you a douchebag.
Many of the articles are written by butthurt people, either on the subject they are butthurt about or the group who inflicted the pain. Most of the rest are things that people found funny on /b/, which results in a lot of crap, or by people by those guys who used to be (or are) the annoying kids who think they are hilarious but aren't. The good stuff requires far too much digging through crap and reading of retardese therein to be worthwhile.OakTable said:Then go there, and read any article. I recommend the Butthurt page, for starters.
verevoof said:Its all that is wrong with people wrapped in one website.
The populace at large is also susceptible to sex.Brother None said:Nah. ED is kinda funny, but as I said, they mostly get their laughs by humiliating others, or by going for the Freak Show psychological angle. I'm just not susceptible to that, though I know the populace at large is.
Buxbaum666 said:The populace at large is also susceptible to sex.Brother None said:Nah. ED is kinda funny, but as I said, they mostly get their laughs by humiliating others, or by going for the Freak Show psychological angle. I'm just not susceptible to that, though I know the populace at large is.
The beauty of it is no one is serious about all that stuff. There are women, black people, Jews, and Aspies even though the ED articles blast them. No one really finds 9/11 amusing.Deadman87 said:Some segments of this "/b" culture is indeed funny, but i find most of it to be some disgusting pleasure of watching other suffer combined with own social retardation and/ or lack of empathy.
Must be a psychopaths heaven.
I honestly don't get what's so funny to watch a video of people getting killed for example. And I'm glad I dont'.
Those sons-of-bitches, commercializing our shit. Also, they are boring. I want to see gore and horrifying pictures, not some fag in a lab coat taking shit from /b/ and recycling it into their SFW show. At least ED has some original content and not old or forced memes.Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Anything one might find funny on ED is available here, except you don't need to sift through all of the incoherent bullshit.
OakTable said:The beauty of it is no one is serious about all that stuff. There are women, black people, Jews, and Aspies even though the ED articles blast them. No one really finds 9/11 amusing.