End of the World. Again.

Eating pizza while running around naked with loud rock music until it all ends.

On a more serious note... are there any reports of people who believed in the last one and who sold everything they had? I am highly interested about how they feel and what they do now.
I'm going to have a nice snack, and go jogging. Maybe I'll escape the end.

Lexx, I've read some reports when the "last end" occurred, though I can't find the links now.
From what I remember, most of those still remained fanatical, waiting for the end.

By the way, I wanted to ask you...how do you think 20th Dec 2012 (the last day of Earth) will look like?
I suspect mass orgies, though I'd like to hear some of your opinions.
Eh, middle of the week. But it sure won't be a work day, right?
I mean, you should spend your last day of life on a payed vacation.
Start Darkly Dreaming Dexter and finish TimeLine, I suppose.

Maybe I'll even walk the dog.

Lexx said:
Eating pizza while running around naked with loud rock music until it all ends.

On a more serious note... are there any reports of people who believed in the last one and who sold everything they had? I am highly interested about how they feel and what they do now.

They didn't sell their stuff, they gave it away, so it's even worse
Damn, I overslept.

Anyway, I think I will have a nice dinner today, continue on my school website, chat with some online friends, starring at art from people I admire and be depressed that I can not draw (and that I really should start out of my own in order to learn it).

Perhaps play Fallout New Vegas again, or that cool zombie apocalypse strategy game I found online in which you have to rebuild a city.
I'm going to finally finish the Ramayana and maybe go jogging.

I have a boring plan to end the world with :)
So, I think the apocalypse should have happened by now.
World still looks pretty good, though.
Hassknecht said:
So, I think the apocalypse should have happened by now.
World still looks pretty good, though.

Perhaps it has ended for some like the people who actually bought into this crap and spend all their savings or gave possessions away like the last time Camping spoke the end of the world would happen.

I am of the opinion the old bastard and his organization should reimburse all the people who fell for this crap.
His organization has several millions as well as a couple of radio stations I believe, they should sell those or otherwise be brought to court.
Maybe the world ended but then a new world started right after that in the same time spot as the previous one ended...
A quick scan of Yahoo! news doesn't turn up anything resembling Armageddon; it does, however, report that several supermarket chains are refusing to carry Ben & Jerry's new Schweddy Balls Ice Cream. Maybe the good Reverend misinterpreted the prophecy?
Walpknut said:
Maybe the world ended but then a new world started right after that in the same time spot as the previous one ended...

That happens in a Discworld book where a postmaster destroys the universe but no one notices so you may be on to something.

Bugger forgot the end of the world happened today.
Shit, the world is ending again?
Time to get drunk!
See you guys later...
Tomorrow that is.
Honkus said:
Shit, the world is ending again?
Time to get drunk!
See you guys later...
Tomorrow that is.

I plan on getting high whether the world ends or not.