Even if you manage to hit the other countries' silos before they can launch their stuff, you're dead anyway, because of the fallout. As I mentioned, especially if cobalt bombs are used.
Production of cobalt bombs isn't that unlikely. The Bush administration has revealed that scientists are working on some kind of gamma bomb (much like the neutron bomb but deadlier and with absolutely no material damage). I saw that on CNN a while back. Maybe I'll post a link if I find it.
And GRBs can also happen when two neutron stars collide. It happens every single day in the Universe, and it's arguably one of the most powerful and energetic events in the Universe. The point is, if it happens anywhere near us, we don't even have to bother hiding or duck and cover. The atmosphere won't protect us much, either.
Production of cobalt bombs isn't that unlikely. The Bush administration has revealed that scientists are working on some kind of gamma bomb (much like the neutron bomb but deadlier and with absolutely no material damage). I saw that on CNN a while back. Maybe I'll post a link if I find it.
And GRBs can also happen when two neutron stars collide. It happens every single day in the Universe, and it's arguably one of the most powerful and energetic events in the Universe. The point is, if it happens anywhere near us, we don't even have to bother hiding or duck and cover. The atmosphere won't protect us much, either.