End of the World Scenarios

Asias Drey'j said:
From what I've come to know (in theory) the moon was created by a Mars-sized meteor which hit the Earth over four billion years ago when it was still really hot and being formed. That same meteor than came by again and killed all of the dinosaurs.

Actually, we still don't know how the moon was created. Currently, there are 5 theories

1.) The Fission Theory: The Moon was once part of the Earth and somehow separated from the Earth early in the history of the Solar System. The present Pacific Ocean basin is the most popular site for the part of the Earth from which the Moon came.

2.) The Capture Theory: The Moon was formed somewhere else, and was later captured by the gravitational field of the Earth.

3.) The Condensation Theory: The Moon and the Earth condensed together from the original nebula that formed the Solar System.

4.) The Colliding Planetesimals Theory: The interaction of earth-orbiting and Sun-orbiting planetesimals (very large chunks of rocks like asteroids) early in the history of the Solar System led to their breakup. The Moon condensed from this debris.

5.) The Ejected Ring Theory: A planetesimal the size of Mars struck the earth, ejecting large volumes of matter. A disk of orbiting material was formed, and this matter eventually condensed to form the Moon in orbit around the Earth.

I think the Condensation Theory is the most probable.

Asias Drey'j said:
There are novas in our galaxy exploding and collapsing all the time, but I doubt we'd get another black-hole. Our galactic center point is occupied by a black-hole, and if our galaxy had two we'd probably die as our system is tworn apart.

Actually, according to modern science, the center of our galaxy is formed of multiple black holes.
And our sun will not ever become a black hole. It doesn't have the size or mass to die like that.
I was looking for the theory that could explain both the creation of the moon and the extinction of the dinosaurs.

I've never met anyone on the net who knew anything about astronomy, KoC. What're your views on different dimensions and parellel universes?

King of Creation said:
Actually, according to modern science, the center of our galaxy is formed of multiple black holes.
And our sun will not ever become a black hole. It doesn't have the size or mass to die like that.

The Sun won't be a black-hole ever, yes. From what I've learned, it will eventually explode and then our solar system will become a planetary nebula.
Asias Drey'j said:
I've never met anyone on the net who knew anything about astronomy, KoC. What're your views on different dimensions and parellel universes?

Well, I actually believe that multiple dimensions/universes can exist. My belief in these is founded in the basic principles of quantum mechanics. See, according to the Big Bang Theory, the Big Band itself was the result of a quantum fluctuation. The interesting thing about quantum fluctuations is that they can happen anytime or anywhere. So if our univserse was created by a quantum fluctuation, then it is very possible that other quantum fluctuations created other universes.

The only problem with this is that quantum fluctuations aren't really very well understood, according to modern science. Also, even if multiple universes existed, we probably wouldn't be able to observe them. Hell, we can't even observe parts of our own universe. So when we start moving into topics like multiple universes, we begin to more away from actual science, and into more metascience, parascience if you will. Its like telepathy or something. Scientifically plausible? Maybe. Scientifically observable? Definitely not, yet, at least.

Asias Drey'j said:
The Sun won't be a black-hole ever, yes. From what I've learned, it will eventually explode and then our solar system will become a planetary nebula.

I don't mean to keep contradicting you, but that's not what will happen to our sun. Eventually, about 5 billion years from now, the sun's hydrogen fuel center will begin to run out. It will be choked by the helium in the sun, and the hydrogen burns in layers surrounding the core, slowly bloating the sun. It will slowly become a Red Giant star, very slowly engulfing the solar system as it bloats outwards. It doesn't explode, though. This is a very slow process. Eventually, though, the sun's ultimate fate will be to die out as a white dwarf star. The sun isn't really massive by sun-standards, it will never get hot enough to produce nuclei heavier than carbon and oxygen. So, eventually, these elements will collect in the core of the sun. The Red Giant will eventually shed its out shell, creating the planetary nebula you spoke of, and the resultant object will be the white dwarf star. Eventually, after a really long time, the white dwarf will cool to the point of invisibility.
My brain just became a red giant... :(

That'd be teh coolio to see the Sun as a Red Giant. Although, we'd be half-way inside of it... It'd still be cool. Kinda. Sorta. Not really...
I'm a mezmorized by your avatar. It's dancing to mah music. "Get it on the floor, get it, get it on the floor!"
I never said the sun would become a black hole. The black hole thats eats up the dying star throws out the energy contained in the star, like a column. This happens everywhere in the Universe all the time, but only in other galaxies so far. And it doesn't "consume" the galaxy, it just symblizes the death of a star due to a black hole. It just doesn't care about such puny things as the Earth. There's a theory about GRBs wiping out the dinosaurs or being the cause of other mass extinctions on our planet. As far as I know, Humanity has yet to see a meteor attack such as the one that supposedly killed the dinosaurs.

And Asias, if a star gets ripped apart by the black hole we already have in our galaxy, it will still be close enough for this to happen. You mentioned black holes spit out gamma radiation (X-rays too) when they consume another black hole or dust, e.g a star, which is pretty much what I was saying. It just has to be facing us. Which hasn't, fortunately, happened in our history.


Here's a little something about it.
Here's a whole list of end-of-the-world-scenario's:


I personally think that doomsday will be anounced like this:


Symbolically speaking, of course.

I've heard two particularly interesting theories on the end of the world.

Unfortunately, I can't remember where I heard/read them.
The first theory is called something along the lines of "Vacuum Fluctuation". I can't remember the specifics of it, but the general idea was that the properties of our universe (or, given the title, the properties of a vacuum in our universe)would suddenly "flip", creating an event horizon spreading outwards from the point of origin at the speed of light. This event horizon would essentially destroy whatever it hit, and there wa nothing that could be done to stop it.

The second theory was that the current population is so large that we are more likely to be at the end of existance than any human alive previously. Therefore, the end of the universe must be at hand (by some unspecified mechanism).

It is, however, highly likely that one or both of these theories were put forward in a sci-fi story.

EDIT - I think this is something similar to the first example.
Thanks for the link Blade Runner.
In the future a group of colonists will recieve massive funding from the Federal Government to venture into space and find an inhabital planet. Years of deep space exploration and at last the colonists found a world they could live in! After landing, though, they found that life on this world will be a harsh one; they had to alter their bodies using bionic implants and robotic organ replicants to cope with their surroundings.
Thirty years after the colonists had left, an unidentified spacecraft passed a grounded space station on the moon. A welcome party was sent to greet the colonists, but it seems the machine overpowered the man, and the colonists attacked. The world would end that way.
I have a few predictions...made a short story for an english assignment once based on one of them.

Here is one of them. It takes place several years from now.

The United States is now a bit geographically different. Along with the entire pacific and nations which have a pacific coast. A earthquake on a record breaking scale has destroyed almost all of eastern Asia, western America's, and Australia and the pacific islands, although a few survived. The rest of the world also felt the shocks, and some devastation followed. Following this massive catastrophe, the world takes a huge economic plunge, and markets around the world crash, echoing the great depression in. The world's economy in shambles, nations collapsing left and right, madmen take advantage of the situation, mimicing the rise of Hitler around the globe. The United States Congress, desperate for an economic relief, accepts a proposal by the president, for a short term dictatorship to get things back on track. Soon after the vote, and turn over of power, the constitution is destroyed, and many liberals and senators, congressmen, democrats, activists, protesters, and institutionists are murdered. Republicans bend to the new government, and many are spared. With this new dictatorship, the United States' economy is back on it's feet. For a while, at least. A required service act is issued, and the military numbers of the United States is enormous. With this, the U.S. paves way for war, much like what Hitler did for Germany in the 30's.

The EU, despite predicitions of an early collapse, unifies in hopes to restabilize Europe after the great world plunge into poverty. Now with over 2/3's of Europe in the union, and Russian talking of joining, the EU becomes a world superpower. It's economy regains slowly, but surely, and the EU becomes slightly prosperous. Tired of being second hand to the U.S., however, the EU withdraws it's seat(s) from the U.N. and establishes the World Parliment. Many nations, fearful of the United States, refuses proposals from the EU to leave the U.N. and join the WP and come under the protection of it. The United States, angry at the EU, warns the WP and any future prospects, that there will be reprocusions for siding against America.

China, devasted by the great earthquake, forcedfully grants independce to Tibet and Manchuria. Soon after, rebels take over the ruined capitol, and institute a new government, of democratic ideals. A few years later, Manchuria, the remants of Japan, Tibet, Nepal, Vietnam, Siam (which used to be the nations of Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos), and Korea (no longer seperated) join with China to form the Republic of Asia, or referred to as the Asian Powers by the U.S.

Russia, devastated by rebelions, revolutions, limited nuclear war, and economic crashes, joins the WP, and shortly after, the EU. With it's nuclear arsenal, Russia makes the EU a nuclear superpower.

South America capitulates to the United States, which now controls all of the America's with the exception of Ottawa, which left Canada shortly after the market crash.

Africa is in ruin, and no one wants it. The former states of Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, and Zimbabwe, join together to try and bring Africa together and make it a first world country, and eventually a superpower.

The middle east is in ruins. The U.S. angered by the forced withdrawal due to the economic collapse, and under the new tyrannical rule of the despot, launched some 100 or so nukes at various regions, other than Israel, and destroyed whatever nation which used to call that region home. India, and Pakistan, did not apply however, since they already wiped eachother out earlier.

Israel, now without surrounding hostilities, expands, and shortly after, is annexed by the U.S. This leads to the U.S. invasion of Turkey, a province of the EU, which causes a nuclear exchange, and eventually, a world war. The world comes to an end, as newer, more devastating weapons are developed by both sides, and leads to the destruction of billions. From the ashes, "modern" man starts all over.

I have a few more, but I'll let post it later.

BTW, welsh, great topic.
This is the way the world ends.

This is the way the world ends.

This is the way the world ends.

Not with a bang, but a whimper.

~T. S. Eliot.
Paladin Solo said:
The middle east is in ruins. The U.S. angered by the forced withdrawal due to the economic collapse, and under the new tyrannical rule of the despot, launched some 100 or so nukes at various regions, other than Israel, and destroyed whatever nation which used to call that region home....
Israel, now without surrounding hostilities, expands, and shortly after, is annexed by the U.S.
Where does Israel expand to?
If the surrounding area has been nuked not only would there be no point expanding there, but Israel would be got by the fallout anyway.
Israel expands across the middle east, for the purpose of acquiring resources cherished by the United States, despite the fact that nuclear fallout is around in certain, not all, areas. People still survived too you know, it's not like it was carpet bombed by nukes across the entire region.
Well when a black hole encounters another black hole, they fuse and add their event horizon areas over.
GRB are, like Asias said, the result of dissipating black holes. Each time a black hole absorbs another object, it emits particles and energy like a hot object in a smaller scale. Each time this happens, the mass of the black hole diminishes and the extreme gravitational forces shift a bit. Eventually those gravitational forces are unable to sustain the infinite density that a black hole has. Just like the Big Bang when the universe started, the infinitesimal point will burst releasing energies close to Planck Energy. Naturally such a burst will produce vast amounts of cosmic rays including high energy gamma rays. Such a powerful burst has the power to actually close off the graviational field of the black hole into a small closed universe. Now, GRB are only dangerous if they happen in close proximity to the Solar System. Remember that moving those vast amounts of energy takes in turn energy and if the distance is far enough, the gamma rays start losing energy and drop frequencies into some less dangerous types of rays.
Parallel universes kick ass and so does Dirac's Sea. Anybody motivated enough to start an astrophysics thread?
An astrophyisics thread would be very cool....sort of a collective of knowledge so I can refer to it when I write papers! I'll start one up tomorrow if someone hasn't done it already, cause its almost 3 am and i'm too lazy to start it now.
"last reserved of oil" wouldnt they be in antarctica? hasnt antarctica got masses of all fossil feuls?
I remember that site. cool beans.

I doubt a GRB would hit us even if it was near. We 'nearly' get hit by huge asteroids every week and nothing seems to have happened in the last 2000 or so years.

Any end of the world scenarios involving nukes are pretty far-fetched. You'd need a string of events to happen, mostly involving terrorists. I just think these are the modern communists/witches/whatever? Not much of a threat, just something too talk about on the news. And I don't think full out nuclear war would kill 100% of the world human population. Chances are you'd hit the other countries silos before they had a chance to launch everything.
australia is completely on a tectonic plate paladin solo. i dont think that would be possible.