EU referendum: Leave Vote

Are you aware that UK hasn't left EU yet, right? You are still rolling the old EU legislative dude, so you should wait a year or two before celebrating anything positive. Just sayin'
Are you aware that UK hasn't left EU yet, right? You are still rolling the old EU legislative dude, so you should wait a year or two before celebrating anything positive. Just sayin'
Yeah, I'm aware of that. My point is the Remain campaign spent the entire Referendum saying that after the first month we would have sunk and everything would be awful and thousands would lose jobs, and we all might as well leave the UK if we vote out and it will be so uncertain, and everything will be awful even before we activate Article 50. And now the unemployment rate is going down.
Its delicious.
It's a continuing trend, unemployment has been going down since 2012. Turns out a political campaign worked with scaremongering. I'm shocked.
So you're back to Pro Brexit again?
It's a continuing trend, unemployment has been going down since 2012. Turns out a political campaign worked with scaremongering. I'm shocked.
So you're back to Pro Brexit again?
I'm not pro anything, whats funny is that they said it would go up exponentially and its going down.
Yeah, imagine that scare tactics have been used by both camps. What a novell idea I guess ... however, we shouldn't ignore that many of what the pro-brexit campaigners said, was based on lies (that red Bus anyone?) or missunderstandings where many of their leaders later backed down, while at the same time a lot of the more sensible warnings actually happend, like the droping of the pound. And this, has already costed the British people money. That's a fact. THough no one knows what will be in 2 or 3 years after everything is set and done.
Evidence? Well, let us talk about the funds to European science by the Brits.

Thunderfoot talks about it in some detail, which is also a topic he knows about a lot, as a scientist. When the pound drops a lot, then it is loosing value compared to for example, the Euro. This is great for those who import gods from Britain, because we basically get more bang for our buck, but it is bad for anyone in Britain importing goods from the rest of Europe and the world. This doesn't effect all prices, but it certainly does some. Or do you think the British bank has cut interests just for fun?

At some point the consumer will eventually feel the effects just as how it is always, but not immidiately, since it is like a pyramid, when prices fluctuate, then those who are at the bottom or the source will feel it first and they will in turn pass over this fluctuation, which takes naturally some time. That is for example companies that deal with finances and money directly, like banks which will influence interests, later companies that buy and sell resources directly, like oil with said money, and so on. And at some point, the normal guy who's buying gasoline, food, or any important goods, will see either a drop or rise in price.

You have to be in serious denial or delusional if you believe that the droping of the pound will cost the Brits nothing at all in the end. British people don't sit in some kind of vacuum. Seriously, didn't you had the topic of how inflations and currencies work in your school? I am not saying that Britain is colapsing tomorrow, I am just saying that the British people will one way or another feel the effects of the drop. What ever the cause for this was, if you want to call it a recesion, or what ever doesn't matter.
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Dude, I am not playing this kind of game with an obtuse dimwit. Attack the arguments, or leave it be. You bloody well know what I am talking about, even with all the grammatical and spelling errors of my post.
Dude, I am not playing this kind of game with an obtuse dimwit. Attack the arguments, or leave it be. You bloody well know what I am talking about, even with all the grammatical and spelling errors of my post.
Twas' merely a joke chap, calm thyself. But seriously do you not get those big red lines under grammar/spelling errors?
Anyway, property prices look to be going down though which is great.
The remain campaign said companies would withdraw immediately so unemployment would rise immediately after an out vote.
Unemployment has gone down, which is the funny bit.
Again, a campaign has lied. Who's surprised? Next you'll be surprised when Brext doesn't result in 385 million pounds per week being available for public healthcare.
Ok, Farage already admitted that that wouldn't happen, but hey, doesn't mean it's not amusing.
Twas' merely a joke chap, calm thyself. But seriously do you not get those big red lines under grammar/spelling errors?
Anyway, property prices look to be going down though which is great.
It's hard to know who's joking and who isn't in a serious debate. Particularly as I don't know where the problem is with Thunderfoot. If you wanted to make a joke, then I don't see it.
Anyway, you're going to buy a house any time soon in London :p? By the way, if Brexit is the cause for it, then it hits at least those that own property, loosing 1000 pounds every day? I am sure the owners welcome that loss of value with open arms.

So yeah, Brexit will hit (cost) the British people, one way or another. As I said ...
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One more insult and you fellows are going to get some time off.
Discuss the problems and arguments and don't throw around any insults.