European army?

Bradylama said:
None of which would have happened if the Mexican government wasn't such a shoddy piece of work. The same could happen at the present. Assuming a new president comes along and starts doing shit important people don't care for (drug lords) you have the chance for another Pancho Villa. In fact, there are several border counties along the Arizona and New Mexico border that have been in constant states of emergency since last year due to drug trafficking, human trafficking, and other assorted forms of smuggling and vandalism.

they just got out of a single party rule (PRI 71 years of straight rule) you cant expect mexico to really change the status quo (drug lords) they'll have to create jobs for the people and towns that are employed by the drug lords. mexico was on the verge of collapse not to long ago but with our help they got back to "normal" and they've repaid the dept and now have a moderately stable economy but people are still going to want a better life, hell some of them are escaping the drug lords. i mean to tell the truth mexico has its own immigration problem; the south american countries citizens are hopping their borders (ironic) and along with the Chiapas rebellion they've got a full plate. but Fox has cleaned up TJ along with other border towns not to the degree that some americans would like but the suck for them. as long as PRI isn't elected into office again, then mexico will slowly regain its control on its borders so paranoid americans can relax.
and i admit he may have shot up a new mexico town but he never "invaded" the US

*wooz posted as i typed so yeah...
John Uskglass said:

Ey - watch out with that: the Eurofighter is not inferior to those stealth planes the Muricans are building. Granted: it does not have the stealth capabilities of American airplanes - but it also doesn't need them. It can do bankrolls at Mach 2, so almost nothing would even succeed at hitting it. Europe just chose maneuvrability over stealth - but I wouldn't assume it's a worse plane because of that.

Bradylama said:
China's a big country, I hear.

Nigga please. China's not interested in US territory.

Bradylama said:
Your Mexico example, for instance, isn't too far off.

Nigga PLEASE! Don't tell me the US is keeping that fuckload of a huge army because they are afraid of Mexico?

Face it: the US army hasn't been used defensively since the 1770, and all it has been used for in the last fifty, sixty years is to invade piss-poor shithole countries that wanted to set up a form of government or economy that their colonial overlord did not agree with.
Don't tell me you guys need a shitload of air carriers and stealth bombers because you need to defend yourself from friggin' Mexico, man.
Nigga please. China's not interested in US territory.

No, but they are interested in the same thing we are: energy. The potential for China to attempt to secure that energy poses a serious security concern to America and our interests. Keep in mind that the Chinese could practically walk into the Middle East.

Nigga PLEASE! Don't tell me the US is keeping that fuckload of a huge army because they are afraid of Mexico?

Actually, we aren't afraid of Mexico because we have a huge army. My point was that the United States Armed Forces serves as a deterrent to any nation attempting to take advantage of us for their own gain. That includes Mexico, and don't think that anybody'd be above climbing over somebody else's shoulders just to pull themselves out of the shit.

Ultimately when push comes to shove, Americans would rather be the fucker instead of the fuckee. That's why we've been invading sinkhole countries for the past half century, as an effort to defend ourselves through force projection.

Do you think that Great Britain's colonial crackdowns weren't in the interests of National Defense?
Yeah, what about the War of 1812? :wtf:

Hehe. No wonder he stopped studying History. He really sucks at it.
Bah. Well, that was worth typing a big post in the previous page.
Bradylama said:
Nigga please. China's not interested in US territory.
No, but they are interested in the same thing we are: energy. The potential for China to attempt to secure that energy poses a serious security concern to America and our interests. Keep in mind that the Chinese could practically walk into the Middle East.

Now that's clever.

So obviously, you've got the same pattern of thinking as our friend George W. has. Increasing military spending, renting new bases and forging 'alliances' to threaten a nation that is not only your single biggest trading partner, but has advocated nothing but friendship with the USA since decades.
You people just need an enemy, eh? Sometimes I get the feeling that the sense of American citizenship is defined by nothing else than hatred towards a second country.

Bradylama said:
Nigga PLEASE! Don't tell me the US is keeping that fuckload of a huge army because they are afraid of Mexico?

Actually, we aren't afraid of Mexico because we have a huge army.

That's an amazing feat of cyclic thinking you have there, pal.

If you really think that the only thing keeping Mexico from invading the USA is the fact that the USA has a bigger army, then you need to get your head out of your arse. Mexico isn't going to invade the US because it has absolutely no reason to.

Secondly, the US army could server as a deterrent towards the Mexicans if it was only a tenth of its current size. So this is no decent argument whatsoever.

Bradylama said:
My point was that the United States Armed Forces serves as a deterrent to any nation attempting to take advantage of us for their own gain.

No, the United States Armed Forces serves as a means for the US to take advantage of other nations for their own gain.

Bradylama said:
That includes Mexico, and don't think that anybody'd be above climbing over somebody else's shoulders just to pull themselves out of the shit.

Yet, the only Western nation in the world doing so is the USA.

Bradylama said:
Ultimately when push comes to shove, Americans would rather be the fucker instead of the fuckee.

The USA have been the fucker since 1945, while no country has ever tried to fuck the USA since the 1770's. Get over your typical American victim complex.

Bradylama said:
That's why we've been invading sinkhole countries for the past half century, as an effort to defend ourselves through force projection.

To 'defend' yourselves. Amazing choice of words.

Defend yourselves against whom, might I ask?

Bradylama said:
Do you think that Great Britain's colonial crackdowns weren't in the interests of National Defense?

You must the last remaining fan of colonialism on earth - except for your administration, of course.

Silencer said:
What 'bout the War of 1812, Jebus? :P

Ehm... It was the USA that declared war against the UK, because they wanted to annex Canada. Get yer facts straight.

Alec said:
Hehe. No wonder he stopped studying History. He really sucks at it.

Hehe, how embarassing for you.
John Uskglass said:
It cannont compare on any level to the Leopard. We should just buy those.


Expenditure on useless military tech = teh win!

jebus said:
Ehm... It was the USA that declared war against the UK, because they wanted to annex Canada. Get yer facts straight.

Yes, but the American army was used to defend Baltimore and New Orleans. You said "hasn't been used defensively", but the army itself was used in a defensive fashion against the British army.

But if you pull the "who declared war on who"-card, you might remember that the Japanese struck first in WW II. On either example, your 1770 story is plainy wrong.

Expenditure on useless military tech = teh win!
I think the JSF is a success story, or at least still could be. Cross-Antlantic development to make a better joint military.

Yes, but the American army was used to defend Baltimore and New Orleans. You said "hasn't been used defensively", but the army itself was used in a defensive fashion against the British army.

But if you pull the "who declared war on who"-card, you might remember that the Japanese struck first in WW II. On either example, your 1770 story is plainy wrong.
I'm also curious as to what he would say about the Confederacy declaring war upon America and invading Virginia, or the Zimmermann Telegram, or the Korean War where we defended a close ally.

You people just need an enemy, eh? Sometimes I get the feeling that the sense of American citizenship is defined by nothing else than hatred towards a second country.
Wow. You're really quite the asshole today Jebus. Wooz not hit your P-spot last night?

Ey - watch out with that: the Eurofighter is not inferior to those stealth planes the Muricans are building. Granted: it does not have the stealth capabilities of American airplanes - but it also doesn't need them. It can do bankrolls at Mach 2, so almost nothing would even succeed at hitting it. Europe just chose maneuvrability over stealth - but I wouldn't assume it's a worse plane because of that.

Actually, according to the only person who has flown both, the two cannot even compare.
And you did not even touch on the LeClerc, a pitifully shitty tank, or the Tiger.

Or the fact that we could produce better and cheaper weapons together then in pissing contests.


What's next? Fear of a Canadian invasion?
That idea seems insane because of the military, not in addition to it.

You must the last remaining fan of colonialism on earth - except for your administration, of course.
China's not going to have any kind of moral qualms about colonialism if they ever rise up high enough. And the French certainly do like to use thier militaries in 'decolonized' countries.
Jebus said:
Ehm... It was the USA that declared war against the UK, because they wanted to annex Canada. Get yer facts straight..

You wouldn't think I hadn't read the material I linked to, would you? But with the White House being burned down, I fail to see how it didn't quickly turn into a defensive war.
@Jebus- don't be such a "naive jerk" to start a flame up on the board.

In response-
Ghoullove said:
The reason why started this topic was to get feedback and indeed I got a lot of good feedback especially from you European brothers. The reason why I asked the Europe army question is because as time goes by the U.S. is slowly withdrawing it's military presence from western Europe. I think in ten years time the U.S. will only have a couple of bases they will fly out of in Europe,not to mention the mass removal of ground troops as well.

The reason US is withdrawing from Western Europe is because it's moving to Eastern Europe. As for presence- how much presence does the US need to have in Western Europe?

The idea that Europe and the US would go to war in the next 20 years or so is just silly. The US and Europe share too many similar interests and are so interlocted in global trade that such a conflict would be too painful. If W's administration has taught us any valuable lessons, it is that the US and Europe are linked economically, politically and socially.

Remember, that the reason for NATO was primarily to work as a military alliance against Soviet attack. Under Article 5, and attack against one is an attack against all. This helps explain why NATO partners are in Afghanistan- itself a rather significant development in NATO history. Remember, throughout the Cold War, NATO never deployed outside of Europe. Afghanistan is a big change in its mandate.

But the other reason for NATO, though less publically declared, was to sit on Germany. Germany, as the most powerful economy and most populace country of Europe could cause security problems for its neighbors. Such problems reemerged at the end of the Cold War when France and England started looking at Germany as the future power center of Europe and Germany looked at its neighbors and thought, "Fuck, we are scaring our neighbors again." This is one of the reasons you see France and Germany working together with such projects as Eurocorps, etc.

But West Germany was the front-line. It isn't any longer. Now the frontline is further East.

Does Europe need a unified military? Well, as I pointed out in the links, there are already efforts in that direction.

Certainly there were will be operations that the Europeans could take abroad. Italian intervention in Albania back in the later 1990s, intervention to protect Kosovo. But then you have French deployments in Rwanda (to protect the murderous Hutus?) or even in other parts of Francophone Africa- to promp up it's clients?

Ok, sure the US does the same in its sphere of influence. But while France might have an interest in protecting its clients, is that also true for the other Europeans? Should Germans be killed in Congo to protect French interests? What if Britain and Germany want to intervene in Dafur to prevent the genocide and France refuses? Would Germany deploy troops to protect British interests in the Falkland Islands?

This is a problem with your unified military- does Europe have a unified foreign policy? For remember what Clauswitz says- War is poltics by other means. If you were to have a military- for whose interest would that military serve.

Consider the US adventure in Iraq- who does that operation serve- the AMerican people? The oil industry? US MNCs? Honestly, most folks are not quite sure. How would Europe respond to such questions?

How big an army would Europe need? What would its purpose be?
Consider again- the US army is basically a war-fighting operation. It was designed and orientated to fighting a conventional war with the Soviets or other modern, mechanized force. It's taken a few years for it to adjust to fighting an insurgency. It's not built for that purpose.

But within Europe there are forces that have been trained for peacekeeping operations or low-intensity conflicts. Canada, for instance is better orientated to peacekeeping than the US (or it has been historically).

But what if you are talking about a big foe- Assume Russia decides to invade Lithuania or Latvia? Or China decides to move on one of the Central Asian oil fields.

If such were the case, chances are it would require that the EU deploy a trip-wire force that triggers a nuclear deterrent.

France and Britian have a nuclear deterrent. Would France be willing to use the nuclear option if Russia invaded Poland? Lithuania? What if Britian was willing to use its nuclear deterrent but France was not?

There is an assumption here that such wars could remain conventional and contained. Perhaps. But since many weapon systems are actuall both tactical and strategic (think nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers- which carry nuclear weapons), than the divide between what is conventional and what is strategic becomes very hazy.

In Canada we are increasing the size of our army by 13,000 troops in the next 2 years due to our mission in Afghanistan as well as U.N. peace keeping operations. Expensive indeed.

Indeed. Remember, the problem with militaries is that they eat up a lot of money and don't contribute a heck of a lot. Sure you get some spin-off technologies. Missiles that can drop a warhead on a city on the other side of the world might be useful for putting satellites in orbit. Computers used for targetting can be used for other forms of guidance systems for satellite imagery. But could those externalities not have been discovered had the government provided more generous incentives to R&D to industries.

Militaries, if they are not used, are not very useful. And by investing in them, you have an incentive to use them.

Consider again energy policy. The US has in the past years been governed by an administration partial to the oil interests and willing to concede to continued support of those industries. Right now the oil companies are making billions in profits while oil prices shoot up the roof. The US deploys its army to conquer Iraq and might deploy to conquer Iran- getting us involved in very expensive wars atop of massive oil fields.

Meanwhile, Germany begins to invest its money in alternative technologies and has become so successful that it is beginning to export those technologies abroad. Regardless of what you think of the peak oil theory- it is inevitable that natural petroleum will eventually dry up, and alternatives need to be found. The US uses its military to further its political influence in the middle east and has found itself in a Vietnam like quagmire in Iraq, allowing oil companies to profit and, ideally, to secure the oil fields necessary for future consumption. Meanwhile, Germany has developed a new exportable and high tech industry, and avoided a messy war.

Which is the better choice?
Welsh , you have taken the words out of my mouth. My reply to you is I agree with you on all of the points that you have laid out. The point of U.S. military withdrawl from Western europe is an echoing of what I have heard from Americans about letting the Euros take care of themselves. That is why they are withdrawing vast assets out of Europe.

Another item concerning a Euro army would be the status of the neutral member states of the EU (Ireland, Austria, Sweden and Finland). They would have to make the ultimate decision of losing their neutrality if they join a common Euro foreign and military policy.
So obviously, you've got the same pattern of thinking as our friend George W. has. Increasing military spending, renting new bases and forging 'alliances' to threaten a nation that is not only your single biggest trading partner, but has advocated nothing but friendship with the USA since decades.
You people just need an enemy, eh? Sometimes I get the feeling that the sense of American citizenship is defined by nothing else than hatred towards a second country.

And being Belgian means nothing but fucking 16 year-olds while acting French and writing in Ductch. I mean, unfounded stereotypes are how we've defined our present personal opinions of each other, so what the Hell?

China is only a potential threat, and an effective military is the means with which to meet that contingency. If you think that preparedness is an example of fear-mongering, then whatever. We'll still protect your heathen ass when the shit hits the fan.

That's an amazing feat of cyclic thinking you have there, pal.

Isn't it though? What does the big fish, after all, have to fear from the little?

I've given you an example where the presence of a weak US military would give a corrupt Mexican regime the opportunity to avoid getting its ass helf over the fire. Since your grasp on History is apparently lacking, the same kind of thing happened when the Argentines tried drumming up nationalist fervor by invading the Falklands, thinking that the British wouldn't care enough to intervene. How much worth is New Mexico and Arizona to us, after all? Clearly not that much if the Federal government hasn't even commented on the constant states of emergency on their borders.

The pre-mobilization strength of the US military was piss weak, and we were still practically caught with our pants down when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. If our enemies shared a border (you know all about that ;) ) instead of being seperated by the entirety of the Pacific, how different would things have been for us?

As far as "what reason do they have to invade?" the same reasoning was used preceding the first World War. Of course we all know what happened next. Well, maybe not yourself, but you'll probably find information on it more easily than you could about American subjects.

No, the United States Armed Forces serves as a means for the US to take advantage of other nations for their own gain.

Precisely. When we gain, the security of the American nation increases. All aspects of foreign policy are tied into the interests of National Defense. Would we have put so much support behind Europe if we didn't think that the Commies would try and bring enlightenment across the pond?

The problem, of course, in projecting force is deploying power where one is guaranteed success. Iraq is not such a case, though it could be argued that Afghanistan, Panama, Korea, the former Yugoslavia, etc., etc., etc., were. Of course, Lebanon and Somalia amounted to a simple waste of American lives, but at least the leadership at the time knew when to cut their losses.

Everybody else has pointed out your historical fallacies, so in lieu of that:

To 'defend' yourselves. Amazing choice of words.

Defend yourselves against whom, might I ask?

It's not always who, but usually what. Communists, nationalization of the Panama Canal, Ethnic unrest in the Balkans, the Petroeuro, piracy, kidnapping, narcotics, the list goes on and on and on. If we didn't expend the effort to defend our foreign interests, then the state of the nation would suffer. It just so happens that in the case of Iraq, those interests don't fall in line with European opinion, which is why words like Imperialism and Colonialism have become so vogue when you raised a glass against Saddam or turned a blind eye to Albanian atrocities.

You must the last remaining fan of colonialism on earth - except for your administration, of course.

I'm not going to even bother going into why the maintenance of Britain's colonies furthered its defense interests in a world of Jingoism. Clearly you can't seem to wrap your mind around context.

Apparently you must be experiencing a bit of a dry spell if you're so hard-up looking for some sap to yell at.

Which is the better choice?

The former, of course. Then again, it's hard to encourage alternative fuels when your consumers see no alternative for decades at a time. We honestly don't have many people to blame for the current state of our foreign policy and the military industrial complex than ourselves.

It's gotten to the point where we can't even afford to cut defense. Defense industries employ hundreds of thousands. The loss of all those contracts would unemploy thousands at a time, and create a humongous hole in the country. Of course, the companies like Boeing that don't make all of their money in Defense contracts are better able to re-tool, but Lockheed Martin would be SOL.

Can't say Eisenhower didn't warn us.
Bradylama I mean this in all seriousness: are you a conservative?

Precisely. When we gain, the security of the American nation increases. All aspects of foreign policy are tied into the interests of National Defense. Would we have put so much support behind Europe if we didn't think that the Commies would try and bring enlightenment across the pond?
We gain very little from these invasions: Iraq’s oil reserves aren’t really going to help all that much and if anything we just piss off more of the middle east. So how does that increase our national security. If anything it provides a training ground for terrorists, here I’ll help you out the rest the middle east hates the west is because we fuck with their politics, think Ayatollah Khamenei would have gained power if the US hadn’t put the shah in power twice. We stomp around all over the world and for what to stop the commies, the spread democracy to other nations, to replace crappy leaders, most of these “police actions” were fronts to allow the US to get a more favorable leader into power or make sure that “US Interests” are protected.

we don’t need the military we have now. if the US is is to actually win this bull shit "war on terror" that stupid (I don’t call him bush or dubya or W anymore I find this one word the best description and at the same time name for him) got us into, we need a better train, better equipped military, reducing the military doesn’t mean we have to cut the budget I mean that’ll be good but we don’t have to. NOT the big stick we’ve got in Iraq or Afghanistan, if we had went into those "wars" and hit the really key targets and took out the key people we wouldn’t still be there.

I've given you an example where the presence of a weak US military would give a corrupt Mexican regime the opportunity to avoid getting its ass helf over the fire. Since your grasp on History is apparently lacking, the same kind of thing happened when the Argentines tried drumming up nationalist fervor by invading the Falklands, thinking that the British wouldn't care enough to intervene. How much worth is New Mexico and Arizona to us, after all? Clearly not that much if the Federal government hasn't even commented on the constant states of emergency on their borders.

And Mexico isn’t going to invade us, hell if they did all we would have to do is let the south know and we would be in Mexico city by next week. Same goes for China, our people would rise up and do something about it. That is if they can even get to the us, we would still have a military and being the US no ones going to fuck with us we tend to nuke countries that blow up some destroyers and a few battleships is if they invaded us we would blow the shit out of them. China's military isn't really all that up to speed, they NEVER retire ships, NEVER, so they may have a navy of 1000 ships but most of them are broke dick. they couldn't land troops on beaches on they can't make it out of port if they need to. Most of China's weapons are Russia's old stuff, they may have powerful long range missiles but they tend to fly straight and SeaWiz tends to shot those down. So i mean how hard would it be for us to really mess them up, at worst we would force them into a stalemate.
shmee said:
Bradylama I mean this in all seriousness: are you a conservative?
And what the hell would be wrong if he was? Unless of course you're one of the ignorant that group conservativism with the current administration of the US which has completely lost track of American ideals and interests as both the left and right see them.

And on the matter of China, American and Chinese policies still have us locked in a standoff on the matter of Taiwan. Granted China may be our largest trading partner, yet their own annual military summeries have placed the US as their primary military adversary.

And Shmee, your take on the Chinese military is not current and incorrect, they may have massive amounts of out-of-date equiptment, but they also have massive amounts of powerful and current military hardware. The out of date equiptment, while somewhat of a liability, also amounts to cannon fodder and extra guns, both of which can prove extremely useful on a battlefield as history has shown.
I'm actually a Libertarian, but for people that tend to see things in black and white, you might as well consider me a conservative. Intervention isn't exactly a Libertarian ideal, but there are a lot of Libertarian ideals I'm willing to put on the sidelines for the sake of political expediency, for instance, a Flat Tax as opposed to a Consumtion Tax.

I also think the Libertarian Party needs to downplay the anti-prohibitionist stance we take, as much as I believe in it. Wanting to legalize weed put a huge dent in Badnarik's campaign, let alone if he made the abolishment of all drug prohibition a campaign platform. If we could avoid the drug issue and focused on the Flat Tax or the Consumtion Tax, we could reach Perot-levels of popularity with the right exposure.

We gain very little from these invasions: Iraq’s oil reserves aren’t really going to help all that much and if anything we just piss off more of the middle east. So how does that increase our national security. If anything it provides a training ground for terrorists, here I’ll help you out the rest the middle east hates the west is because we fuck with their politics, think Ayatollah Khamenei would have gained power if the US hadn’t put the shah in power twice. We stomp around all over the world and for what to stop the commies, the spread democracy to other nations, to replace crappy leaders, most of these “police actions” were fronts to allow the US to get a more favorable leader into power or make sure that “US Interests” are protected.

I'll give you the Iraq war. It's left a severely bad taste in my mouth, and I think the overall incompetence of the Administration has led to the entire affair becoming extremely FUBAR. I also don't care at all for the war crimes we've committed, and feel strongly that the President should be impeached for them.

From a Realpolitik perspective, however, despite the unsavory things we did in third world countries and the suppression of Democratic sentiments, we did keep the Kremlin from gaining an ally in our own backyard. Also, between the choices of an oppressive one-party system and a shit economy, or a Generalissimo, a lot of Latin countries are probably better off with the latter.

we don’t need the military we have now. if the US is is to actually win this bull shit "war on terror" that stupid (I don’t call him bush or dubya or W anymore I find this one word the best description and at the same time name for him) got us into, we need a better train, better equipped military, reducing the military doesn’t mean we have to cut the budget I mean that’ll be good but we don’t have to. NOT the big stick we’ve got in Iraq or Afghanistan, if we had went into those "wars" and hit the really key targets and took out the key people we wouldn’t still be there.

Actually, Rumsfeld came into the Defense Department with the intent of decreasing the size of the military and updating it technologically. The end result is an effective fighting force that kills uniformed enemies like metal ducks at a shooting range, but Rumsfeld's stubborness regarding troop deployment (he initially wanted to invade with only 50,000 troops) led to an invasion force half of what was suggested, and led to our inability to secure the post-Baath Iraq.

Mexico isn't going to invade us, no. I was trying to make a point regarding circumstances that lead up to exploitation by superior military powers in unstable regions. As armed to the teeth Texas is, those yahoos would still be too unorganized to effectively resist a regular army.

I also have to second PhredBean's assesment of China's capabilities. I also didn't suggest that China would invade us, but if you're willing to go that route, I recall a discussion a long time ago in which Roshambo made the case for how the Chinese could land a large army in North America, despite our Navy.
No, I was asking if he was because I can general figure out a person’s political belief by what they say but I could figure him out. I went with conservative because if he was he wouldn’t get mad or at least to the degree that he may have if I called him a liberal. Liberals tend (from my experience) to just correct you and reply as he did. To tell the truth I do tend to group conservative in the same group as the administration because most, if not all of the conservatives I mate, tend to be completely pro bush and the war in Iraq. But living where I do, the only people around are ignorant conservatives and liberals. I mean I know that there conservatives out there that hate bush as much as I do, but in Oceanside we have a surplus of the ignorant variety. As he stated under location he lives in Loserana, and from personally experience the conservatives in the south are the same they are out here, seeing as most of them tend to be from the south.

PhredBean you said that my view of the Chinese military was incorrect and out of date yet you just agreed that they have out of date weapons. Cannon fodder is useful but not if it cant move, think wooden ships. To clarify What I meant but that missile/SeaWiz thing was that SeaWiz which if you don’t know is a minigun attached to a moveable platform (think R2D2 with a minigun in its middle), but its out dated and need to be replaced, because as I said it can shoot down straight flying missiles with their radar constantly on, things that sway and make sharp turns while their radar is on only when it hits its corners messes SeaWiz up and it’ll melt barrels before hitting it. But we have other stuff for those.

Well I’m done arguing about this, and as it seems, at least in my mind, we've have similar ideas on the military, I think, anyway so I am giving up as it seems over and there’s no need to further argue the point, as I read your first posts it seem like you were just attacking the idea of doing anything to the military. but as you further posted it seems to me that we tend to agree.

To tell the truth I like the fact that we can bully others into giving us what we want. But, that’s because I’m American. It may be wrong but at least I know, that no sane country would declare war on us :wink: . Iran is crazy on the other hand, I mean its leaders anyway. the populace is just there to be shut up and allow crazy people to rule over them.
Conservative and Liberal are meaningless terms that lump entire groups of people into categories which don't apply to them. Liberalism itself is a term that only applies contextually, and the nature of it exchanges philosophical hands as you go from decade to decade or nation to nation.

There's a huge difference between a Keynesian and a Socialist, and yet one would refer to both as liberals.

Conservative does not mean "I support the President." Then again, with as much wino yuppies as you have in California, I can see how you'd get the term confused.