ST- 5
I'd guess,my previous work involved a lot of lifting things ranging from fairly heavy to pretty heavy and some with less than good shape for lifting.(and pushing rolls of paper weighing in at half a ton)
PE- 5
ive got bad eyes but very good hearing and good periferal vision.
EN- 4
Decreasing since I don't move much nowadays...some 6 months ago it'd prob. be 5.
CH- 4
I'm not really an outgoing person initially,but once I know the people I have no problems with it.(and it has become better over the years,so I'm going on 5

IN- 7
Like Ghost21 I am pretty lazy and hated going to school,so I don't have any grades to show for it.
AG- 7
Good hand eye coordination and fast reflexes due to a lot of hours playing assorted FPS's,so few ketchup bottles reach the floor before I catch them if they fall out of the fridge door.
LK- 4
I'm not on a general basis a lucky guy,but when things are going down the drain I've always,somehow had something good happen to me.(like getting more in my paycheck than expected and so on,exactly when I need it best...maybe it's karma rather than luck though)
And yes I know I didn't use 40 points,but if it's supposed to be about judging ourselves fairly,reaching 40 would make you forced into lying if you don't think your number is higher than what you've written.(so I see it more as pick your points,but if you pick more than 40 all in all,there's reason to doubt how truthful you are)
About the IQ's though,I remember reading somewhere that the scales differ between the tests used,so to say 140 IQ is needed for 8 will be harder if you used the "wrong test".
Quoted from mensa,Australia (since they were the first I found when searching to see if my memory failed and to provide evidence) :
"Adult IQ is a somewhat artificial construct. The "IQ scale" varies with the test, so that (for example) an IQ of 130 in the Wechsler tests equates to an IQ of 148 in the Cattell and Raven tests. To be meaningful, IQ score must always be quoted with details of the test and version used."
I haven't taken any IQ test to check my IQ,but during "mönstringen" (a check to see if you're fit to join the army,the army wasn't voluntary in Sweden) I reached a 4+ on a 5 grade scale where 3 is average.(so a 7 shouldn't be an outright lie I think)