Evaluate your personality based on the "Fallout"-s

ST- 3
im not stong at all infact my wielyness is how i win in most confrentations

PE- 5
ive got bad eyes but im quite good at noticing stuff

EN- 6/8 if im under 25% hp
ive got an iron will if i want to do somthing itll take a bullet to stop me

CH- 3
im pritty ugly looking and have shit all of what most would concider a socil life

IN- 7
im not a genious but i am pritty cunning i can figure out most stuff if i put my mind to it im just pritty lazy

AG- 6
im pritty wiley and have pritty good balance for 1 arm

LK- 7
not that ive won mutch its just im pritty lucky in most stuff

*crippled left arm

one hander
good natured (once you get over my uglyness)

(* cursed luck- although your pritty lucky itll have a sting in the tail youll fall in love but theyl be a lesbian etc that kinda thing)

that would be my personal perk if we had em
You've got an intelligence of 7 and you consistently mess up capitalisation, punctuation and the word 'pretty'?
ST 5
Pretty average. Maybe a little below average, but half the people I know are stronger than me.

PE 6
My vision is fine, except for having a green colour deficiency.

EN 5
My physical endurance is a bit shite, my concentration could be better, I am sleepy as fuck, but I can cope with sleep deprivation or excess alcohol rather well as long as I'm kept busy.

CH 5
I don't look the part, but apparently people tend to like me for one reason or another. I'm not as anti-social as I tend to claim to be.

IN 7
Huh. Yeah, I guess. I can prove my wits, but only when I care about something. I'm quite introspective. I'm not all-knowing and even in fields that interest me I usually don't know as much as some people do, but I'm a quick learner.

AG 5
My agility is so-so. I couldn't balance on one leg if my life depended on it, but my manual dexterity tends to be alright.

LK 4
Well, it could be worse. Good things happen to me, but I tend to screw them up or miss out on opportunities. It's not that I lack the chance, I only tend to miss it.

Whoa... I suck so much I still have some points unspent.


I'd probably have Science and Melee Weapons tagged. Maybe Speech too.

Perks? Night Person. Not sure about the second one. Gifted? I'm not really that good.
ST 5
I'd call my self average here... but considering some of the people around where I'm at that could be biased :lol:

PE 4
Well though I am alright at noticing things my actual vision is very bad (Probably due to too much Fallout :twisted:

EN 6
I'd call this endurance, I do long distance running, usually nothing too long but I've done 5k in about 23 minutes with hills... though I am a lazy bastard which is why I can't be no better than 6... :roll:

CH 7
Though I wasn't so much a few years back I've taken a better out look in Charisma... it seems the other people who are boring me now... :lol:

IN 7
Well, I fairly good at academic things (80+) but that don't matter too much, thing is, and once more, I can only compare, people around me don't make the smartest choices (biased again) and also don't really get anything more complicated than something they have taken 5 years too learn... not me... but I hope that that is normal else where... :roll:

AG 6
Goes with the long distance running, I can do short fairly well as well but nothing amazing... can catch alright, play a little football (soccer) so am alright with the feet...

LK 3
I've been cursed to live here (where I'm at) in this town and school of idiots... and nothing goes well after that :lol:

You'll notice I only have 33 points... I don't think I deserve more :wink:
ST 6
PE 4
EN 9
CH 2
IN 9
AG 8
LK 2

Exactly 40 points. Excellent.

Strength: I'm strong, but not really strong. I could probably handle a Minigun but uncomfortably. I would put myself at the border of 5 and 6.

Perception: I'm near-sighted. Outside of that I have a very good sense of smell (I can pick out people by their perfume), good ears and a very accurate sense of taste. However, near-sightedness keeps any of those from being anything but mitigating factors.

Endurance: My stamina is slightly above-average, but my physical toughness is high. I've been beaten, cut, clubbed with bats and similar clubs, bitten, fallen from heights and none of it has ever phased me. Even when I got punched full on in the face by a black belt, which resulted in blood everywhere, I simply returned the blow (he dodged :( ). I've also been known to sleep in below freezing weather in an open sleeping bag.

Charisma: I have Asperger's Syndrome and am a particularly anti-social person to begin with. I would have given myself a 1 but I've learned some tricks to pretend that I fit in. However, I am a loner through and through.

Intelligence: Ah, intelligence is always a tricky attribute. For starters, since intelligence is such a vague measure, it's hard to figure out where one lands in relationship to others. Additionally, since intelligence is often equated with superiority, claiming a high intelligence score is often seen as arrogant, rather than accurate. So I'll be arrogant. I speak six languages, got a 4.0 and figured out algebra before my class was doing multiplication. As far as I'm concerned, algebra is utterly intuitive and a simple extension of counting, but no one else seems to share my opinion.

Agility: I used to be very uncoordinated, but after getting into fights for years (thanks to my CH of 2), doing fine hand-work and practicing swordsmanship and martial arts, it's improved substantially. However, I would place it at the low end of 8, nonetheless.

Luck: I have won one game of random chance in my entire life: a lottery. The catch? I was the only person who qualified for entrance. Aside from that, I was born with Asperger's Syndrome and grew up in an area whose inhabitants tried to use me as a punching bag whenever possible. Since I don't even believe in luck, it is probably getting even.
ST 5 - I am much closer to 4 - several years of lessened physical activity contributed to this...
PE 8 - Great eyesight and hearing... I am great at spotting details and specific things much sooner than ordinary people - I guess I go straight to the problem - I even heard a cockroach tap on the plastic anti-cockroach-poison-trap thingy on the other side of the room once (some RAID model, didn't work at all so I used my slipper instead...)
EN 4 - Again, those same years of physical inactivity affected my endurance... I don't smoke and have no health issues but I can't run or swim for long. However I have some weird persistence in my legs when it comes to walking - I am great for those long-distance walks and hikes, regardless od the terrain.
CH 7 - I am not ugly, but I don't consider myself attractive either. The fact that a lot of people respect me and are willing to spend time with me even if they don't agree with me on some or all topics and that I am quite honest and direct gives me a bonus with a lot of people.
IN 8 - Everyone based this on their IQ score so I will do it too. I have done several IQ tests and I got an average result of 134. Why 8? Well, I tried to make my own table for assigning points in FO system according to your IQ and I came up with this: 0 - 35 = 1; 36 - 55 = 2; 56 - 75 = 3; 76 - 95 = 4; 96 - 105 = 5; 106 - 115 = 6; 116 - 125 = 7; 126 - 135 = 8; 136 - 145 = 9 and finally anything more than 145 = 10.
AG 3 - My muscles have degraded so my general agility is pretty bad. I am however, quite agile on a bicycle and with my fingers :D (lots of typing perhaps???)
LK 5 - All I ever won was a bicycle speedometer and that happened a week after my bike got stolen... So I guess it evens out to an average luck for me, most of the time.
Finesse (developed as a result of my observational skills and knowledge of human body)
Good natured (I was raised that way, not much to say about it...)
Empathy (mostly because I have a deep knowledge of human behavior and psyche)
Tagged skills:
Repair - (I am a born engineer scientist, with enormous curiosity and an unnatural drive to figure out how stuff works - a hard-core systemiser and I love solving practical and theorethical problems, especially in engineering)
Speech - (this was quite undeveloped aspect of my personality up until I met this girl... Now, without going into the specifics, I finally caught up in this department, so intensely that I became quite proficient at it. Well, above-average at least...
ST 5
PE 4
EN 7
CH 3
IN 6
AG 5
LK 4

I like the way pretty much everyone regards themselves as having 'good' or better intelligence :D then again i'm not going to say otherwise about myself :wink:
That might have a connection with how pretty much everyone thinks Fallout is a very good game :wink: . Other than that, it's pretty logical since most of us are at least half-way nerds in one way or another.
Wow you all seem like you're more physically fit than I am.

Str 4
Per 6
End 5
Char 4
Int 6
Agi 5
Luck 10

I have Small Guns and Speech tagged (yes, it's true to life)
I imagine Small Guns is at about 85-90%, and Speech is around 70-75%
ST- 5
I'd guess,my previous work involved a lot of lifting things ranging from fairly heavy to pretty heavy and some with less than good shape for lifting.(and pushing rolls of paper weighing in at half a ton)

PE- 5
ive got bad eyes but very good hearing and good periferal vision.

EN- 4
Decreasing since I don't move much nowadays...some 6 months ago it'd prob. be 5.

CH- 4
I'm not really an outgoing person initially,but once I know the people I have no problems with it.(and it has become better over the years,so I'm going on 5 :) )

IN- 7
Like Ghost21 I am pretty lazy and hated going to school,so I don't have any grades to show for it.

AG- 7
Good hand eye coordination and fast reflexes due to a lot of hours playing assorted FPS's,so few ketchup bottles reach the floor before I catch them if they fall out of the fridge door.

LK- 4
I'm not on a general basis a lucky guy,but when things are going down the drain I've always,somehow had something good happen to me.(like getting more in my paycheck than expected and so on,exactly when I need it best...maybe it's karma rather than luck though)

And yes I know I didn't use 40 points,but if it's supposed to be about judging ourselves fairly,reaching 40 would make you forced into lying if you don't think your number is higher than what you've written.(so I see it more as pick your points,but if you pick more than 40 all in all,there's reason to doubt how truthful you are)

About the IQ's though,I remember reading somewhere that the scales differ between the tests used,so to say 140 IQ is needed for 8 will be harder if you used the "wrong test".

Quoted from mensa,Australia (since they were the first I found when searching to see if my memory failed and to provide evidence) :
"Adult IQ is a somewhat artificial construct. The "IQ scale" varies with the test, so that (for example) an IQ of 130 in the Wechsler tests equates to an IQ of 148 in the Cattell and Raven tests. To be meaningful, IQ score must always be quoted with details of the test and version used."

I haven't taken any IQ test to check my IQ,but during "mönstringen" (a check to see if you're fit to join the army,the army wasn't voluntary in Sweden) I reached a 4+ on a 5 grade scale where 3 is average.(so a 7 shouldn't be an outright lie I think)
Strength: 4 Little Weight Power
Perception: 8 Good eye site, I'm an observant
Endurance: 5 Meh
Charisma: 7 I'm happy and approachable, kind and Altruistic
Intelligence: 7 ya
Agility: 4 Suck so bad at basketball
Luck: 7 Nothing bad ever really happens to me
Strenght: 5 I'm fairly strong for someone with a "small-frame" build like me...
Perception: 5
Endurance: 6 African blood, aye... :P
Charisma: 7 Very easy in contacts...
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 8 Why? Couple days ago, me and a friend got in a stick battle. With tree branches. Score, he hitted me twice, I hitted him about a dozen times.
Luck: 5 I have an average luck, I think. When I have problems, I talk myself out of it...

Tagged? Guess, eh, sneak, speech and art... if there was a tag for art...
STR: 4 (Only because I'm fat)
PER: 8 (I'm able to spot unattainable women from miles away)
END: 1 (I had to take an hour break before finishing this post)
INT: 3 (See how I spell 'SPEICAL'?)
CHA: 2 (You got a problem with that?)
AGI: 7 (I'm able to tie my shoes without falling down)
LCK: 2 (I'm not dead or in prison, so it's not a '1')

They would be much better if I wasn't addicted to Jet.

Tagged skills: Eating, Television Viewing and Energy Weapons
- strength: 4
I don't work out or anything, but I do a fair bit of sport so I'm just below average

- perception: 8
I am quite perceptive. I notice a lot of things that most of my peers don't, I have excellent peripheral vision and I can hear a mouse fart.
- endurance: 3
I give up. Easily.

- charisma: 6
I'm sociable, I'm not as ass to people based on their appearance (unless they're really fake, or they try an hit on me), I've got ups and downs with how I perceive my image, but mostly ups.

- intelligence: 7
IQ in the 130's, an awesome amount of general knowledge, keen on politics and international affairs.

- agility: 6
I'm reasonably agile, a few people have called my movements "graceful" (in a non faggy way, of course).

- luck: 2
I have terrible luck. I've been blamed for things that I haven't done atleast five times in my life. And these aren't small things.

-Putting porn on the school network
-Smashing a car window
-Throwing a bottle at someone while they were performing on stage

Each time I was spoken to by the appropriate authority (School, police, head of college). In one case it took me 4 weeks to prove my innocence, in another the head of college still thinks I did it, even though all the residents know it was someone else.

I'd definately be Jinxed and Bloody Mess (every time I drink, unfortunately)
St-05 (Nothing much to say here. Pretty average.)
Pe-08 (My senses guide me, like Daredevil without the blind bit)
En-5 (Can I sit down now? I've been walking for an hour)
Ch-4 (Gah I'm kinda not a looker, so don't talk to me)
In-7 (I can read, write and add, tank gawd fer pubelik skool)
Ag-6 (Look at me, I can barely walk and breathe at the same time)
Lk-5 (Went to Vegas and came back with the same amount I left with)

Heavy handed (punch hard not well)
Chem Resistent (Not even pain reliever works :: pouts :: )

Tag skills
Unarmed %60-%70 (I scrapped with my bro ALOT)
First Aid %80-%100 (Working in a daycare will do that for ya)
Outdoorsman %60-%70 (live in Wyoming, no brainer there)
Erm, one quick point before I begin, when you rate yourself, you're not scoring yourself in absolute terms, each of your abilities is only scored in terms of your other abilities, or, if you prefer, in terms of your total 'worth' as a person. Everyone has 40 points, whether they are a prize winning polymath or a semi-retarded cripple. So you just have to reflect your strenths and weaknesses as an individual, not as a member of the speces homo sapiens.

Sorry if that's been said before, I would have thought it was obvious, but reading through the posts, it seems it isn't.

Strength: 7 - I'm lucky in that I'm fairly muscely naturally, but I don't work on it at all.

Perception: 5 - Horrible eyesight, normal hearing, wierdly overdevelloped sense of smell...

Endurance: 6 - Meh.

Charisma: 4 - Good at dealing with strangers, can express myself well enough, but slow to make attachments, and not quick to warm to people.

Intelligence: 10 - I'm no great genius, but it's certainly my strongpoint. IQ of 152 isn't bad. Though you wouldn't know it from my spelling (horrible dyslexia).

Agility: 5 - Not great, not awful.

Luck: 3 - Currently missing my second year of university in a row due to ill health. Go figure.
ST: 4

Comfortable carry weights*: 45Lb Left Hand, 50Lb Right Hand. 30 Lbs on Body. (125)
Maximum carry weight*: 60Lb Right Hand, 50Lb Left Hand. 50 Lbs on Body. (160)

Comfortable carry weight means enough to move around, but maximizing weight to fatigue ratio.

Maximum carry weight means absolute straining and pushing muscles to the limit. Heavily fatiguing.

PE: 4
10/10 Eyesight. Average hearing. Average sense of smell.

EN: 7
High tolerance to pain. Heavy refusal to succumb to conditions and burning desire to keep fighting until the bitter end.

CH: 4
Way below average Charisma. Small social circle, poor speech skills, hard at making new friends but good at keeping them. Problems expressing thoughts in a manner that doesn't offend others. Generally acceptable among those who are willing to listen.

IN: 7

AG: 4
VERY Lazy.

LK: 10
Extraordinarily lucky. I've had some coincidences that a person wouldn't believe unless they were there to experience for themselves. Good at bets, good at predictions, good at any task that requires risks or has an uncertain outcome that is affected by luck. I could probably win the lotto if I tried. :shock:

Night Person. :P