Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

I want them to really screw the pooch so they can't continue chasing trends by mixing Borderlands+Minecraft+Call of Duty or whatever other cynical focus-tested thing is going to sell. I want them to do everything possible to alienate their current fans and undermine any loyalty or goodwill they have left.

"When Fallout is ashes, then you have my permission to die." - DVL

Wrong comparison. Fallout is a much-loved relative being kept on life support that Bethesda keeps raping to make the babies they need to replenish their feeble and inbred postapocalyptic settlement alive. Killing it now is a mercy.
If Obsidian never made New Vegas I think Fallout 4 would have been better received by their fanbase.

I suspect they might have sold fewer copies of Fallout 4 though, since New Vegas convinced a lot of people that a 3D first person Fallout with real-time combat isn't necessarily going to be a creative dead end. I mean, I was about ready to give up on Fallout after Fo3, but New Vegas gave me a lot of hope (that ended up largely being dashed by Fo4, but I digress.)
Hard to tell I guess. The main point in all of this though is Obsidian is a much better developer. They can ship a solid product (with quirks) in a much shorter timeframe. Bethesda takes 7 years (yeah right) to pump out the same mediocre turkey shoot year after year.

The next big PA RPG needs Ron Perlman to voice the intro.
I don't have a lot to add to this, I didn't like the article, it was too pro Bethesda, but when simplified it has a coating of "not satisfied with Bethesda." And it reopens the wound that I hope never closes.
I hope that Obsidian does another Fallout game, but they keep Bethesda's engine and some of their design elements. I don't like the turnbased nature of the originals, and think that if we simply took Fallout NV's gameplay with F4's shooting, crafting and (maybe) settlement building, it'd be a true contender for GOTY.
Obsidian just needs to ditch that engine if they plan to make another game, I would prefer isometric with all the good of Fallout 1 and 2.
I disagree, on principle that I can't stand turn-based gameplay. Honestly, I'd much rather have another NV instead of another F1/2.
I prefer not to have yet another FPS Fallout but like New Vegas, like I said before New Vegas was good but Fallout 1 and 2 are better in my opinion. I rather see Fallout go back to its roots than have some FPS twitch shooter stuff that makes the game less than challenging but all of this is just my opinion.
I'm just tired of all the AAA FPS released now and having a new isometric turnbased Fallout would be a breath of fresh air.
I'd rather have it be an FPS, so Obsidian can once again one-up Bethesda at their own game.

That, and again, I think NV is the best game in the series.
Obsidian presents Fallout: New New Orleans.
jokes aside. I'm glad people are making their voice heard about Bethesda's mediocrity. It's a breath of fresh air to see that there are actually people (lots) aside from us here at NMA that really care about the series. :') Godspeed Obsidian.
Eh I just find twitch shooting to be boring after a while, Obsidian doesn't need to stoop to Bethesda's level(well with the ancient engine and the pop a mole shooting) just to show they can beat them at their own game. They already showed that with New Vegas, they just need to release Van Buren. :P
I think FPS combat works pretty well alongside RPG stats in the JSawyer mod. It keeps combat interesting because you can't rely on brute force as much. I like the turn-based isometric system, but Ilike Fallout in first person much more and prefer that to stay.
Just conjecture here but perhaps Bethesda will be inclined to sell the rights to fallout before they kill its value with lackluster games. Lets face it they are not exactly making the most of the IP as it is, it took them 7 years to make the sequel to a GOTY, that turnaround time is way too long. If they are going to do elder scrolls and fallout they need to expand their operation so they can work on both franchises at the same time.
Just conjecture here but perhaps Bethesda will be inclined to sell the rights to fallout before they kill its value with lackluster games. Lets face it they are not exactly making the most of the IP as it is, it took them 7 years to make the sequel to a GOTY, that turnaround time is way too long. If they are going to do elder scrolls and fallout they need to expand their operation so they can work on both franchises at the same time.

Bethesda has published three Fallout games, and has sold 10m+ of each, I doubt they're looking to sell it, and if they were the asking price would be astronomical (to the point where the only people who could afford it and would be inclined to play would be like EA and Ubisoft).

It's more likely that Zenimax invests in a B-studio for Bethesda Games Studio to expedite production of these things.
Wrong comparison. Fallout is a much-loved relative being kept on life support that Bethesda keeps raping to make the babies they need to replenish their feeble and inbred postapocalyptic settlement alive. Killing it now is a mercy.
More like a friend of yours that had some issues, got lobotomized by the doctor, who's telling you that he is in a much better position than before.
Bethesda has published three Fallout games, and has sold 10m+ of each, I doubt they're looking to sell it, and if they were the asking price would be astronomical (to the point where the only people who could afford it and would be inclined to play would be like EA and Ubisoft).

It's more likely that Zenimax invests in a B-studio for Bethesda Games Studio to expedite production of these things.

See how Ubisoft advertised and heavily put effort into Assassin's Creed Unity only for it to flop completely, while the undermarketed and underrated Assassin's Creed Rogue became their sleeper hit? I wager something's going to happen like that with Bethesda eventually. Especially if Bethesda Montreal turns out to be better developers than Bethesda Game Studios.

I wonder what it says about companies like Ubisoft when their spin-offs and small-scale games turn out vastly superior to their bloated, excessively advertised AAA big brother games.