Even Canada hates us...

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Canadian online store Future Shop has Fallout 3 up for pre-order, release date and all:<blockquote>Releases 30 Nov/07. Break out the Pipboy - it's the end of the world. Armageddon has come and gone and humanity, mutanity and just about every other form of life is trying to pick itself up by the bootstraps, the tentacles or whatever else it can get a hold of and start life again. From the developers of the ever popular Elder Scrolls series, Fallout 3 is sure to please...*</blockquote>But, as Bethesda employees have pointed out before, they're sure to announce the release date through regular means before any store announce it, so we can simply discard this as another false Fallout 3 release date. Of amusement is the additional information:<blockquote>*Fallout 3 may not please you if you are one of eleven angry guys who may or may not frequent No Mutants Allowed.</blockquote>Funny. We love you too, guys.

Link: Fallout 3 on Future Shop

Thanks anonymous informer.
*Fallout 3 may not please you if you are one of eleven angry guys who may or may not frequent No Mutants Allowed.

So does that mean the rest of the world will like fallout 3?
Such great news!
Well, if they like Oblivion, then what won't they like? (well, a superb crpg like FO1&2 as an example)
Kharn said:
<blockquote>*Fallout 3 may not please you if you are one of eleven angry guys who may or may not frequent No Mutants Allowed.</blockquote>
You have to admit, it IS kind of funny... Heheh. No?
there is no thing like bad publicity!

and yeah, it's rather funny

still, i'll be proud to be one of the eleven :)
(although i hope it wont come to that, but i'm rather pessimistic on that point)
I'm proud too :) .
I have an impression that there are more of us than just eleven :P .

Eleven thousands maybe...
sHooTer said:
hehe, pretty funny

Seriously, eleven? Thats such an underestimate, I only have 207 accounts, asuming everyone has the same as me, then there's at least 26 individual people!
They are buying the modules, Kotario, that's what separates the dumb people from us :D :D :D

There's more to that crowd:
Go hang out at NMA (No Mutants Allowed - Fallout website) and you'll see that the elitists run the asylum when it comes to Fallout. Unless you are a hardcore advocate of all Fallout games following the turn-based, isometric formula of the first two (even though they came out 8 years ago) then you are not worthy of their time.

Yep, i guess that's true. And the fact that i was playing first person RPGs 16 years ago, and real time ones even earlier makes the statement even more stupid, 1st person and RT aren't signs of progress you dumbfuck. And what could we defend if not Fallout games in ISO and TB? FOPOS? Right :D
As a 39 years old player I can't stand Hollywood-like productions... Too much inane shiny cliches...
I like the innovative Fallouty setting... Can't stand the fake middle age one anymore...
As a professional in life I respect serious professionals and pay attention not to mix with those * cheating customers *.
I'm more than proud to be amongst these eleven "elitists".
Just my point of view, folks
Amen to that.

Games these days all follow the same crap formula designed to sell to the masses, not the make a decent game. Nobody is willing to take risks any more... as a result, the only original creations are independant games and mod's.
Yes very true , all new games sucK , even when stronghold 2 came up it was crap ... F1 and F2 is the best , and i wud be quiet sad if F3 was crappy kinda GTA3 rpg :( wish luck to F3
Briosafreak said:
There's more to that crowd
Only the tip of the iceberg, it seems they really like tossing around NMA as their general villain. Have we started killing puppies or something equally heinous? Not to mention patting themselves on the back over how much better they are on their forums (wait, isn't that the same sort of community reinforcing behavior they rail against us for?).

Being banned from here has become a badge of honor for Extarbags and Rob_Merritt, as they are meet with congradulations for the accomplishment. Even if Extarbags was trolling (though I am unsure he can act any other way) and if Rob_Merritt did post at NMA, he used a different handle (I would rather like to review the true circumstances there).

We are even brought up in completely unrelated topics and as a general purpose insult.

It is simply amazing how much NMA animosity is on those forums.
Hrmmm they seem to have misinterpreted maturity as being arrogant and close-minded. Reading those links scares me. Can people really get to a certain age and think like that?

Dear lord, at first I thought it was cool to have ourselves cited... until I realized the type of people we're dealing with here.

Anyone else amused by the irony of being called intolorant and insane by people that jump at others throats and use our names as insults toward those others they don't even know?

Pot? Kettle? Fuck 'em.