Okay, I'm back. As much as I'd hate to admit it, I am as much a part of NMA as it has been a part of my time and efforts to keep the title, and perhaps a little bit of the game industry, as un-fucked as possible despite how much of a futile task it may be given the amount of FUCKING MORONS WHO HAVE MOMMY BUY THEIR GAMES at the Quarter to Three Forums* (and elsewhere, but you know how flypaper works? The QtT forums seem to work the same way for idiots who seem to not like the fact that someone wants a decent sequel and not a cheap name whoring like previous in the series - sorry if we have more clue of what goes on than you, kids.)
Plus, I just got two new people on-site, a new designer and a new personal playtester, so I believe I can afford well enough time to be here and do what needs to be done.
Which includes liberal use of the Cluex4.
Attention Fallout "fans", in particular the whiny little children at Quarter to Three, and the clueless liars who claim to be "Fallout fans" at Bethesda:
Yes, gone are the Origin days, and people have a very fucked up corporate whore mentality around the whole industry, but that's your problem whether you can smell shit and avoid stepping in it, or if you're one of the stoned dumbfucks who have to step in it and THEN bitch because you stepped in proverbial dog shit and people are pointing and laughing while you try to scrape said shit from your shoe as everyone watches. It still amounts to some corporate dog taking a squat and expecting you to praise them for it with your money, hard-earned or otherwise, and then some idiot tries to tell people they don't have the right to bitch...possibly as some distraction from them scraping steaming Fido from their own shoe. Then, believe it or not, despite the amount of shit in this industry obvious to anyone with more than 10 years good familiarity with it, some corporate whores are upset that someone dares to not lick company ass and instead expects A Good Product! OMG! Cast that one from the herd! Well, if the herd is dumb enough to run off a fucking cliff as they pay $50 for an overhyped piece of shit, I'm glad to not be a part of it, since the herd already jumped off the cliff with Fallout for the X-Box, and not a single fucking one of the F
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OS corporate whores has had the balls to come back and apologize for giving US shit when we clearly pointed out the facts for them, while dealing with these aforementioned sackless shits at the same time. Oh, hey, nobody from the Fallout fan sites was dumb enough to buy F
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OS, and given the number of sales and how badly it was pirated compared to those sales, not too many other people were dumb enough to buy it either despite the media whores. These asswipes and shitmongers reprinted EVERY SINGLE ONE of Interplay's lies about the game, made some of their own since they were either too stupid or lazy to do their yob (probably a bit of both), and expected us to swallow the whole hype shitburger. Then after the game was released to nobody wanting to play the fucking thing based upon Word of Mouth, the REAL strength in the video game industry.
If you don't like the facts, go buy yourself an X-Box and forget about having any independent thought about what is developed, because it will ALL BE CONSOLE SHIT. Just like how Oblivion was console shit for the PC port, and will continue to be as people suck off Bethesda for doing the wrong thing.
It makes me fucking sick. It makes me sick how game developers cannot be honest or forthright, instead having to work behind closed doors as if they are too chickenshit to say whether they intend to make a faithful sequel, instead having to use weasel words that are vague and often don't deliver in reality. It is like the hype train takes a higher priority than doing some actual fucking work, and I remember how long it took to develop Ultima VI and VII. Compared to that development time and effort, most so-called modern CRPG developers with a bloated team of 5x the people...can't even make a decent fucking engine or AI, and only graphics have really changed...except for the point where the developers of old had to work with exponentially LESS system specs and even less-supported methods - so that means they had to make entire libraries on their own BEFORE they could start developing the game. There was none of this "licensed engine" bullshit, and when they re-made an engine, it was actually made versus how BioWare tries to compensate for the shortcomings of one engine by releasing a new one with the same exact flaws and even shittier ones. It truly is tragic when you think of how utterly incompetent developers have become lately. Most obviously - Bethesda with the craptacular Radiant AI and the numerous other claims/flaws with the title. Yet they will not cease with their own crap brand of hype that turns to be false (the most-hyped thing, in fact, and it turns out to be a load of shit!) and proves that Todd Howard and the rest need to stop mentally masturbating as some press whores lick their ass - and return to doing some actual work.
They LOVE it when you're stupid. It makes their job MUCH EASIER. They don't have to what is expected of them, in particular light their own fraudulent claims about game features and aspects about the titles they release. Here is the little game of denial and self-delusion the industry has been playing for far too fucking long: All they need to do is make a cheerful little "exclusive interview" with some media lackey who is gushing Liquid Fanboy from every unwashed pore, and the mindless cattle lick it up in scenes that would make Caligula blush. This goes on for psychological reinforcement of other cattle joining the herd, until you're a collective "Moo" that doesn't have a single working independent brain among you. You go with assumptions and hinge your interpretation of what the developers and PR say upon what you'd like to believe while looking through the rose-tint, instead of taking a logical disection of the developer's work, development style, (now pay attention, because here's the most important point) and what the developer FAILS to deliver upon their own hype and promises.
Then, as the most amusing part because this is precisely the wrong time to gripe about the design (the game is already released, duh!), people gripe or otherwise have a problem with the game, and the flaws are excused with the "wait for the patch" and other garbage that if you've been in the industry for long - you know that patches are ALWAYS considered OPTIONAL by the publisher because they are counted in the post-development costs and entail more legal work and associated corporate bullshit until it takes five times as much work to release the same amount of content. Then other flaws are covered up by unofficial mods and patches, which are usually of dubious quality, and simply point out how incomplete of a job the developer performed in the first place. And which they presume to charge more money for useless trash in regards to the game.
Then, magically, the goldfish of the gaming world forget about this shit in light of The Next Shiny Thing, and the shitcycle repeats itself ad infinitum, including forgiving the developer when they claim to have fixed bugs/flaws, and use the ever-so-beloved-by-developers-yet-dreaded-by-gamers term, "refined gameplay".
Now we get to shattering your misconceptions about the current gaming industry. They simply don't give a shit about the fans - except for money (another case in point, the shitty horse armor that should have been a complimentary download considering how unfuckingfinished the core game was, and proves that Bethesda doesn't put interface or the PC releases anywhere on the same level as console trash). Fans have become a counted and assumed statistic in the way Whirlpool counts on selling refridgerators based upon name-brand recognition, yet the marketing and in turn development has been dumbed down into MTV-level stupidity as the product is in reality some third-world Whirlpool knock-off that normal consumers don't care about because their old trusty washing machine STILL works and is better. Publishers are turning to the same kind of brand-stereotyping in gaming as with the music industry, and falling to the same flaws as they fail to see that they are delivering a substandard product. They only care about shoveling something with a brand-name out the door, they don't care if it's actually GOOD, and the media doesn't bother to act like any kind of filter but instead mindlessly repost lies like the good little brainless idiots they are. The main reason why people pirate is not mainly for lack of money - it's because 90% of what is being developed IS shit, people buy it because there's nothing better, defend it out of denial, and the publishers believe that they can do even less work for subsequent returns for merchandise priced at a full price tag (cip, Fuckwit Feargus' SLAM DUNK!S of half-ass games sold for a full price tag, and his collection of assgremlin fanboys who anxiously await to see if Feargus can whore himself out to BioWare to even lower standards than the previous time). So people are trying their best to avoid paying $50 for a pig-in-a-poke, and if it means they have to break the law to determine what is good and what is a bit of cheap licensing and development, it means they won't be wasting the money they work for when the corporation does comparatively little. I'm not condoning said actions, but I can DEFINITELY understand them, and can really no longer blame them. If the industry doesn't give people a reason to buy a game, there's simply no way they're going to buy it, but instead of substance they only have hype to go on. Another case in point - Fallout: Piece of Shit has been pirated far more times than it has been legitimately bought. Wow, seems like someone was informed because someone in the media had a spine to point out the bullshit, so when their friends said "This game sucks ass", they had to believe them! Since the release of F
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OS, every ass-sucker who has printed Interplay's lies hasn't bothered to print any corrections, but instead simply dropped covering the game as if it will make their bullshit remarks and empty adolation simply go away. As it happens with every game similarly released.
So, that's probably why Bethesda hasn't said much except for Pete and Todd's rather self-destructive and ambiguous comments, because they don't want people to do the same as they did for FOT and F
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OS, and essentially do the lead designer and producer's work for them by pointing out the game's VERY OBVIOUS flaws from almost start to finish of the development cycle. Apparently, they are counting on people being just as ignorant of how shit that development is going, and might try something just as spectacularly stupid as the leveling scheme in Oblivion - which was kept silent about until thousands of fans were assraped by how craptacularly it was implemented. Sorry kids, Wizardry, Gold Box, and a shitload of other games managed to scale levels far better than the chuckleheaded liars of Bethesda managed to fuck it up and fail to design pivotal encounters properly. Laziness or incompetence, I can't decide which, but given the "work" done on Oblivion with what hype was shoveled out and what was kept silent until it was inflicted upon the fans, I'm thinking it's definitely a bit of both. More work was performed on the hype than the actual game design, and so that is what you pay for. Funny, I like paying for a game to play it, not pay a bloated price for some developer's ego trip.
A game company develops a brand. They typically brand-cast it by dropping other title names or conventional buzzwords that are vague and don't really describe a damn thing. Case in point, just about every goddamn BioWare product, ever, yet they also have "innovation" attributed to them in the same way that their AI could be considered "innovative" - a cheap rip-off that was far better done in previous games, and subsequent rip-offs of the same concepts still don't display any real "innovation". They were just the first to skullfuck D&D into an RTS to a point that it could be loosely considered a CRPG, and have been sucking on licenses ever since. Now apply this to Bethesda with Terminator instead (I loved the attention paid to the canon of those games...I bet you expect us to believe that you treated that right, huh Todd? Since that is all you've ever done but fuck apart TES...including be the project lead for the Descent to Undermountain of the TES series, Redguard.), and change it so that they at trashing their own IP, and you'll have a fair estimation of Bethesda's "innovation" abilities. I'm not too impressed, given Bethesda's own work and what they have "progressed to".
Speaking of "innovation", let me break a few misconceptions. FP is not new, Wizardry used it long before most of the current cattle have been alive. The same with RT combat and other aspects (have ANY of you young dumbfucks ever hear of Eye of the Beholder and the number of style clones? I realise it was released in 1990 and so therefore it didn't exist to you, but please do take SOME effort in familiarizing yourself with the genre before you spew shit.) RT is only popular now because that is only how the publishers want to see it, console-based gameplay is preferable, as they think they have the industry defined into categories so they can plan development just as easily - case in point the dreadful Medal of Hype 13-hours of gameplay shitfests and the crappy PC ports by Bethesda of a game DESIGNED for a console. So...then enjoy an industry of countless FPS, racing, and Generic Action Hack and Slash games, as this misconception of design has furthered the stupid excuses of why TB and other common P&P RPG style design points aren't "popular". Funny, we want Fallout to have these things, so it ISN'T like the RT trash that was released...are these kids too young to remember Diablo 1 and its numerous spin-offs? Obviously so, yet while Fallout didn't have the mass-market appeal of Diablo, it caught the attention of the CRPG crowd, including developers lame enough to rip it off and add in RT to call it "innovation". Sorry, the "innovation" of RT and FP in recent times is pure bullshit, as they have both existed long before either BioWare, Bethesda, or even Origin! And obviously older than any cattle who use the argument that RT and FP are modern. Face it, kids, perhaps the only thing with more holes in it than the argument that RT and FP are modern would possibly be the nasal cavity of any moron dumb enough to believe it. All it takes is a trip to The Underdogs or even a free trial on GameTap to prove this "FP and RT = modern" idiocy as...well, idiocy.
If the brand is already existing, they can use that as a stepping stone to develop further concepts with brief descriptions, without having to explain the whole premise of the game. Now, Bethesda has claimed to have been developing Fallout 3 as if they designed the first two. Not only is that a bold claim, but it can be taken quite loosely, as Chuck Cuevas SAID THE EXACT SAME THING for F
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OS, and he was a righteous little liar that banned people for debunking his lies publicly on his own fucking forum. Hey, he even said that he had constant talk with BIS, which was proven to be a lie. Speaking of BIS, remember the load of lies around Descent to Undermountain? The half-ass add-on for a game already so half-ass (Ass-Wind Dale), that even cattle complained enough for the company to see that more content would have to be available for download to sell any more copies of the "expansion". Due to this shitty design, those who bought the "expansion" now have to rely on 3rd-party sites for this content since the company's other brain-dead ideas have since flushed Interplay down the shitter. Interplay had reminded people that yes, they were paying $50...that they could be paying someone else who has a far better product and delivers what is wanted.
The developer lies have been proven repeatedly, yet no media lackey has the balls to ever admit they lapped up upon the developer's asshole and reprinted their lies, without any spine. Another case in point, "Special Ed" Lewis at IGNorant, or was it another whore site? I can't remember, the faceless whores are far too numerous to really be memorable when they run in the same herd and lick ass all the same, and the supposed "fans" who are still in denial about having bought a digital turd with the name "Fallout" carved onto it. Dumbfuck Chuck and Special Ed were both even attributing BIS to some of the design when BIS wasn't really around at that time...
You know what the pathetic thing is? Whores are typically PAID to be fucked, yet the video game industry whores are indeed cattle enough to PAY for that distinction. Well, minue the press whores, who ARE paid to print whatever shit they want to come up with to sell magazines and get page impressions by those obviously quite impressionable by such dreck. Given Bethesda's past track record, they will likely blow canon so much, it will either resemble a Civil War Reinactment or Castro Street (Obligatory Gay Joke), and they will develop for a console port - AS THEY HAVE ALREADY SAID THEY WOULD (obligatory wake-up call for those too stupid to have missed this). Now, given how the PC versions of Morrowind and Oblivion were fucked up because Bethesda can't do any effort to meet common PC interface standards, I think it paints a pretty clear picture that Fallout 3 will be fucked in the same way since they Obliviously didn't learn a fucking thing from Morrowind, but perhaps I might be just enough of a genius to discern this much from simple fucking observation. Cattle don't observe and make decisions for themselves.
So...on behalf of the Fallout fans expecting a decent, proper sequel, and who don't appreciate paying $50+ for what is obviously inferior to what was of equal price years ago; to those who want some crappy little shooter:
Go buy an X-Box and forget ever having any other purpose in this industry except to throw money away, because that is all you kids have the spine to do, waste your parents' money. It will then become just like in the 90's where game success was determined by how much media coverage and how many media whores decided to spread their legs for the publisher's advertising money, until it drowned out anything but the constant deluge of shit - leading to the concept of "indie developers", when it was in truth "people who got excluded from the hype machine because they didn't pay someone enough to kiss their ass or otherwise pay attention to their game". What is sad, most gamers then still had a clue and a spine, even if the industry was starting to choke itself on its own shit. Now, "fans" speak with the current hype hound's balls in their mouth, which might explain why the intelligence level on general gaming site forums tends to have gone downhill. Or, if they aren't fans, they decide to come along and play the "how DARE you not kiss developer ass!" game. Compared to many aspects of modern gaming, the days of the Quake clannies were a blessing.
And far more intelligent of a read, given that reading more than a paragraph is a challenge to the modern equivalent, the mindless MMO grinding trash. It is interesting to see how these simps believe that we shouldn't have our own opinion, and forbid anyone expect a SEQUEL to be um...a SEQUEL! And they believe this to the point of verbally cocksucking over being banned from here. No matter, as if pointing out how they have their head up their ass will ever help them if they had to rely on thinking for themselves, and in this, I doubt they will get to this point even if I put it two or three paragraphs into the rant. Which is why I put this insult at the bottom, so they can be bothered to read and understand the whole fucking thing, since it bruises their Cattle Pride as Big Masses Of Words Hurt and so they'll give it a better read to see how badly their pride was impugned...if they were bright enough to look up what "impugned" means.
Wake the fuck up, children. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to remind you little retards of this shit on a nearly weekly basis, but now you're not even trying to achieve anywhere near the same level of mental acuity of high-school drop-outs, which would be a major improvement over the drivelous crap that the industry currently has drooling into the gear box, so to speak.
* - And now, for an Obligatory Generic Insult in return:
"'Quarter to Three'? Is that like the crackhead's version of 4:20?"