I don't take these "awards" seriously especially when they gave Mass Effect 3 a shit ton of rewards even though that game was a mediocre piece of garbage that tried too hard to be a Gears of War clone and had the most insulting and worst ending ever made by human hands.
Why did people have such a high standard for the ending to that game? I mean, most video games conclude in an unsatisfying way. I was more disappointed with a lot of stuff that happened in the game before the end.
I was too but the ending was a slap in the face for everything you fought for and against through out the entire Mass Effect series. Casey Husdon and Mack "The Hack" Walters wanted so bad to copy Deus Ex and have their ending be as thought provoking as it but it ended up falling flat on its face.
I can understand them not wanting a cliche ending to the trilogy. But it might have been preferable to what we got.
The real problem is that Casey Hudson lied to the players faces about it, repeatedly. Mass Effect had this similarity with Fallout that your choices mattered. What you did, who you saved, who you sided with, it all mattered, and it would impact the end of this epic they were crafting. Then we got to the end of the final game... and none of it mattered. Literally three different endings, stolen straight from StarGate SG-1, with different color hues.
People were pissed.
I was pissed.
The series up to that point was easily 120 hours just to get to that point if you started at 1 and went all the way through for a single playthrough, and to have none of your choices matter, none of what you did matter. And they had proven they could make your choices matter. Because in 2 they did, choices in ME1 affected the world of 2, and so the result was a slap in the face of gamers.