Evil Avatar: Fallout - an outside perspective

Sander said:
Seraphim Pwns U said:
You know, the other day, I was at some other forum, and there happened to be a FO poll... and of the four choices, the majority said FO2 was the best one in the series, followed by FOT, then FO1. Only, what, 4 people said POS was the best, IIRC.

It really makes me wonder about the state of today's gamers...
Not really. It's easily explained by the fact that many people liked Fallout 2 because there was a lot, lot more to do there. Fallout was a relatively short game.
The fact that Fallout: Tactics is second is only because people who liked both Fallout 1 and 2 can only vote for one of the two.
also, it's been my experience that most people that first played FO2 and then FO1 will nearly always prefer FO2 to FO1. while the majority of those who first played FO1 will prefer FO1.

so the poll is only natural, since FO2 had a larger audience (even if most then moved on to play FO1 as well).
I started with Fallout 2, then played Fallout 1. I thought the second one was better. This was about 7 years ago.

Now I decided to play them again in order, and think that FO1 is much better than FO2. I liked some of the changes made in FO2 though.
What happens is that most people like Fallout 2 better when they play it. But, then they come to NMA and are told they are stupid assholes for liking 2 better, until they finally conform to preferring Fallout 1.

NOTE: The preceeding message was only a joke, and not to be taken serious in any way.
I actually liked both.

I liked Fallout 1 more because it was the original, and it felt much more concentrated.

Fallout 2 had alot of more water in it. New Reno soiled the atmosphere a tad for me.. Porn studio, hookers, mobsters, etc.

I avoided New Reno entirely in my playthroughs, I saw no reason to go there.

Places like The Den, Vault City, Redding, Gecko, and the like actually were on par. I especially liked fixing the reactor in Gecko, and the consequences for doing so.

Navarro was a letdown mostly because of the procedure they had there, and the length required to pass that area. I won't even describe what procedure or what I'm talking about, as not to spoil it for new players. I swear that I found out about the procedure on my own, and not through a walkthrough or any other means.
I like F1 more because, it's setting is more pure and original.
I didn't replay F2 since a few months because I don't like certain things that IMO don't fit setting like Temple of Trials, New Reno (more how it's portrayed than the idea of a city run by criminals itself), talking Deathclaws, tents in Arroyo, RL weapons, Electric Puzzle, etc.
One of the smaller but significant problems with FO2 is that in the UK version, the .223 pistol doesn't have its lovely 'BOOM' sound.
Sorrow said:
talking Deathclaws,

Thats something I enjoyed actually. I always tagged Goris along when I first played through. When Combat started I'd say to myself, "Ohh look Raiders.... quite alot of you. But I got something you don't. My own Deathclaw! lets go troops!"
Wooz said:
One of the smaller but significant problems with FO2 is that in the UK version, the .223 pistol doesn't have its lovely 'BOOM' sound.
I didn't have that either.....
I did play Fallout 2 first and did love it, it was the only one I could get to install on my old computer.
Well after a while I was able to get Fallout 1 installed and overall I liked it even more than 2. For one simple reason. I didn't feel like I was wandering around looking for the next joke. Sure 1 had it's humour "So you farted Northwest" but it wasn't saturated and the dark overtones and funny ironies were more consistent with the setting.
The best thing about FO2 was the improved interface. It always pissed me off in FO1 when one of my NPC followers would trap me in a corner or stand like an idiot in a doorway trapping me inside a building.

The biggest criticism of FO2 when it was released is that is was pretty much just like the first one. That didn't bother me a bit, and looking at how things turned out, I'm glad BIS got FO2 out when they did.

I love them both. FO1 does have the edge in atmosphere, but FO2 improved in some ways and had "more" to it.
Personally, I felt F1 had the better story, more consistent theme, and superior talking heads. Also got to love the fact F1 didn't force a stereotypical boss fight on you at the end.

F2 had a better refined UI and improved level layout. In F1 there seemed to be too many places with needless areas that could have been merged, the Boneyards and the Necropolis underground spring to mind. I remember getting quite angry the first time I played F1 trying to find all the travel zones, and figure out which one went to where. In F2 it was a lot more obvious, even in big places like New Reno.

I'm glad I played F1 first, otherwise I think I'd have been even more frustrated with it's niggles. I also don't think I'd have really appreciated F2 without prior knowledge regarding the BOS, Maxon, FEV, Tandi etc.
FO Mac Issues

FO Mac Issues

Macplay did OS 10 ports of both FO and FO2.
Do not think you can buy the FO's directly from Macplay these days, but can get the FO2 (Mac) patch.
FO1 (Mac) no patch to worry about.

Web seems the best option if desire FO version Mac.

This Macplay is not the same company, also called Macplay, that did the first Mac FO.

Chris McVeigh's apple.com review: http://www.apple.com/games/articles/2002/09/fallout2/

MacPlay continues its forward-thinking strategy with Fallout and Fallout 2, which have been released exclusively for Mac OS X. (Macplay's Henry) Price is more than happy to note that both games run flawlessly under the next-generation operating system. ...

OH nose, APPLE OSs -X- TEH NEX GEN 2woo !!!!!1

Josh Jansen's, August 15, 2002, Inside Mac Games review:


Page 1:
This game first came out for the Wintel platform on November first, 1997. Shortly thereafter, it was ported to the Mac. Now, here we are, nearly five years after its original release, and Fallout has been ported for the second time to the Macintosh, although this time, for OS X only. ...

Page 3:
... Graphics
Not much to say here, really. Sure, it's beautiful, sure you see animations of deaths in some of the most grotesque manners possible, sure it has a ton of FMVs and a good deal of rendered speech animation, but, it's still a 2D, 3/4 isolinear view with a sprite engine on a hex grid. It's just your standard, late-nineties, sprite game fare. It's very pretty, but it's nothing revolutionary. ...
Page 4:
... Fallout truly is the 'War and Peace' of the gaming world: a masterwork of brilliance, an undying statement of fiction, and a cast of characters you need a database to keep track of.

• A classic game, a game for all times, a game that has and shall continue to endure.
• Modest system requirements.
• Beautiful, though primitive graphics.
• Excellent, engrossing, long-lasting, ever evolving story.
• Never-the-same-way-twice game style.
• Easter eggs and secrets abound.
• Puzzles that don't look or feel like puzzles, mazes that are mazes but don't look like mazes, and mysteries that are flat out obvious mysteries, just waiting to be solved.
• A fantastic value; I was still using my OS8 iMac to play the original port before I received the review copy.
• MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson) does an amount of voice acting.
• This release sets up both the port of the sequel, and the in-progress port the spinoff quite nicely.

• Not classic compatible. The original port will work on OS 8.5 (if you can find it), but OS 9, you're still sans Fallout.
• Primitive, though beautiful graphics.
• Without a root folder for the Fallout .app, the screenshots that could be taken with F12 before now end up in the home folder, under /Library/Application Support/Fallout, next to the save files. This was confusing to a Fallout vet like me.
• I noticed some minor, though annoying bugs in this release, such as the fact that the health status of allies and enemies are not reported when using the 'examine' command. I countered this by using stimpacks whenever in doubt. ...

No mention if the old Mac FO playable on the Motorola 68xxx processor, the OS 7 Mac's.

It appears that to run the original FO (Mac) you would require an old Mac running OS 8.5. OS 8.5 required the PowerPC processor.

G4 and G5 PPC processor Mac's have a "Classic" OS 9 emulator, that intervenes when an OS 9 application is started. System Preferences implies I can boot OS 9. Never tried an OS 9 only game on this G4. BUT J Jansen wrote that his old FO only worked in OS 8.5. So if you don't have an old Mac ....
Those with the old Mac version and no old Mac might try loading OS 8.5 (free like OS 7.5 at Apple?) on an external hard drive and booting that, BUT the hardware issues of Beige Era PowerPC processors might be a problem.
Those with Intel processors, to my knowledge, do not have the OS 9 emulator - boot option, BUUUTt that hardware configuration can boot Win XP with the Boot Camp software.

The only problem with FO1 is resolution. I play FO2 on a laptop, thus i can't change resolution (it doesn't change it, just makes the screen smaller) and so i end up with sore eyes. I even don't want to know what will happen after playing FO1. Same with starcraft, d2 and c&c. I love those games, but my eyes don't. :?
DarkLegacy said:
I think we've all universally agreed that FO2 was a tad worse than FO1 because of various detachments from the atmosphere. :)

Agreed, nowhere near as dark or desolate. It almost seemed like they were trying to have fun with it. Like they made it more of a "game" and not as much of an experience of FO1. It didn't conjure up the emotions of despair associated with the futility of war, the realism, or the hope of the remnants of humanity trying to rebuild civlization. It was a great game, don't get me wrong, but it was nowere near as epic.
..............i see that no one talks about FalloutTactics , besides Fallout Tactics is the best there is in Fallout :|

Explain to us why it's "the best there is" in Fallout, least I mistake you for a troll.
Wooz said:

Explain to us why it's "the best there is" in Fallout, least I mistake you for a troll.

It has real time combat, robots and hummers. WTF man. :roll: