F3 Game of the Year Edition with all DLC Announced

Also coming :


768 pages...
Is there really that much to say about it ?

The book looks cool though.
Beelzebud said:
Anyone else find it rather sad that you have one company, Interplay, that could make amazing games, but had shitty marketing; and another company, Bethesda, that makes shitty games, but has amazing marketing?

If only Black Isle had been owned by someone who knew what the fuck they were doing on the business side of things, the gaming landscape would look quite different today.
I've always felt that we live in the Bizzaro alternate universe to a normal place with a vibrant, robust RPG industry where BIS and Troika prospered, Todd Howard works in a comics shop and Hines is selling used cars.
What could possibly be in that book??

I'll most likely buy the GOTY edition, because I'm in the mood to waste money. :lol:
Cimmerian Nights said:
I've always felt that we live in the Bizzaro alternate universe to a normal place with a vibrant, robust RPG industry where BIS and Troika prospered, Todd Howard works in a comics shop and Hines is selling used cars.
I'd rather have Pete Hines selling BIS and Troika RPGs. Say what you will about him, but he seems to be pretty damn good at what he does.
NFSreloaded said:
That book intrigues me. I wonder what great things about FO3 are written in it.

It's a strategy guide, not a making-of book.

But I can't help wondering why 768 pages though.
Probably a chapter on how to separate gullible gamers from their money by creating the illusion that your work is a true tribute and sequel to a great original game.
Scorpius said:
I'd rather have Pete Hines selling BIS and Troika RPGs. Say what you will about him, but he seems to be pretty damn good at what he does.
He reminds me of a politician. He stays on message and hammers away at this talking points, never deviating. Spin, spin, spin. He'd make a good presidential press secretary.

He's well scripted, they all are.
What the hell? When I saw that book I thought it was a joke. What's next, "Fallout 3: Game of the Year Collector's Survival Special Championship Edition"?
Cimmerian Nights said:
He reminds me of a politician. He stays on message and hammers away at this talking points, never deviating. Spin, spin, spin. He'd make a good presidential press secretary.

He's well scripted, they all are.
I'm actually not that impressed by their facemen. Pete and Todd aren't very well-spoken, and they do make errors. Pete in particular says some silly things. And Emil gives me the creeps.

They do have a good script, though, and they are very good at presentations and demos.
Sorry for hijacking this thread but Cheng is talking again


Who the hell does the guy think he is?

It is not so much the fact that he comments on Halo ODST as MS really did shuffle with this thing, from a budget release to a full retail priced game, but more that Cheng seems to focus on any game that somewhat competes with Bethesda's releases for popular purchases.
Forhekset said:
I think once the GotY edition is about $20-30 I'll finally play this game.

But you certainly played the demo, beta or whatever, right?

Bashing a game without playing at least 5 minutes of it is...lame.

[ ]'s
Ashley Cheng is probably the most annoying person at Bethesda.
Todd and Pete at least are usually nice guys.
Ashley Cheng on the other hand...
The Dutch Ghost said:
Sorry for hijacking this thread but Cheng is talking again


Who the hell does the guy think he is?

It is not so much the fact that he comments on Halo ODST as MS really did shuffle with this thing, from a budget release to a full retail priced game, but more that Cheng seems to focus on any game that somewhat competes with Bethesda's releases for popular purchases.

Isn't it professional courtesy for one company not to bash another one publicly?

Alot of game forums won't even let posters put down other game companies.

Anyway, i was pretty hyped about the game but finding out its only 4-8 hours long really killed the deal since i have zero interest in multi-player.I was pretty disapointed in 3 too because of its length.