.Pixote. said:
I always wondered what happened to all that gold the Spanish took from South America...
The british stole it.
.Pixote. said:
Anyway, any company thinking about investing in Argentina might feel a little uneasy with the recent events.
Fine with me, we don't want any of your businesses. Every time european/american companies/economies came to our country they fucked us. So the less we have to do with them the better if you ask me. I'd much rather make business with China/Africa.
So yeah, I think this
should be a warning to foreign companies "fuck us and we'll kick you the heck out".
@Iabimyshkin: Please don't start with the "Argentina is oppressing these poor people and UK is selflessly spending millions in maintaining a military fortress just to defend a tiny village of 2.000 inhabitants only because they care about the freedom of the peoples", because I'll be glad to show you what a load of crap that is all over again.
Okay, now that I had more time to make a more complete answer.
Iabimyshkin said:
These people were subjected to a terrifying invasion- a peaceful community forced into the middle of an armed conflict. This was at a time when Britain was ready to come to terms with Argentina over the islands. This was well documented- the British were winding down their naval presence an their claim to the territory. Men, women and children were traumatised.
colorful words, would you mind to dramatize the terror they suffered because of the dirty evil argentinenan foreigners a even further? In any case you maintain the pattern others kepts of ignoring everything I've said, so I'll just keep quoting myself...
KarmaPolice said:
If the Argies would simply offer a deal - say, 99 year leaseback, another 50 years after that 'garantee of customs' (like, say Hong Kong), I think London would accept that. We budge on the whole ownership thing and they budge on the fact the locals feel 100% British.
To wich I answered...
Gonzalez said:
This is exactly what was being negotiated just until before the war, but when rumors were herd that there was oil there, the UK basically left the table of negotiations making clear they were not going to discuss the matter anymore and started sending military vessels to the area. The argentine government at the moment tied those two facts together and decided to try to retake the islands before the UK made a fortress out of them. That fortress exists today, it has two military bases, and a military population nearly as big as the local civilian one.
Iabimyshkin said:
Quoting the UN charter is an unfeeling act of rationalisation which discounts the human beings living on those lands... ...In any case this rationalisation and quoting charters has little to do with human freedoms and liberties.
So you are basically saying that we should ignore international law and withdraw our claim out of the kindness of our hearts, and let them belong to a country that has often ignored all regards for self determination like in the case of the Chagos islanders in Diego Garcia.
Double standards all around, whenever world powers suppress the freedoms of others to get their way they get away with it, even when it goes against UN rulings, but whenever a smaller nation has interests that conflict with their own they scream oppression and tyranny, even when there is not. And when the UN rules something as valid and you still try to say it's wrong is a clear example of it.
Iabimyshkin said:
'They were part of our territory and they were taken away from us.'
This a line often spouted from Argentina. Completely and utterly forgetting the fact that the Falklands have been British territory since before Argentina even existed as a nation proper.
We have gone over this many times already, they were never yours, you had a clandestine base there illegally when they were spanish, they continued to be spanish until argentina was a "nation proper", they had no british population whatsoever when we settled there and the UK kicked us out by force. Oh and by then Argentina had been recognized even by the UK as a "nation proper".
Iabimyshkin said:
No one can possibly see it as moral OR just that the Argentinian government have forced heavy trade embargoes and limitations on the Falkland Islands in order to cut off their food supply. This makes food costs hit the roof and supplies go down, many foodstuffs and vegetables are no longer available to them. This directly hits the islanders quality of life and health. What is justified about that?
This has never happened, no embargo has been imposed, all that happened is that no ships with the islands flag can dock in South America for this flag not belonging to an existing nation, if they want to be british and not be independent they should use the birtish flag. But other than that they can receive any goods they wish as per usual, the same with passenger traffic. What's more, Argentina already proposed daily flights to the islands from Buenos Aires, and if the islands don't trade with us is because of a self imposed embargo, we never refused to trade with them nor tried to prevent other countries from doing it. If you herd about Argentina imposing an embargo to them I'm sorry but it must have been propaganda.
Iabimyshkin said:
People on the islands complain that people from Argentina often ring them to scream death threats over the phone.
Did you know the last islander to ask for the argentine citizenship received death threats from islanders, calling him a traitor and threatening to kill him if he ever returns to the islands?
Iabimyshkin said:
I weigh up the facts and the information.
Like the information of an unexisting trade embargo?
Iabimyshkin said:
They will become independent before being ruled over their oppressors.
The UK wont let them, they're not interested in them being independent. Personally I would gladly accept them as an independent south american neighbor if it meant it would get rid of the British presence and their claims, like their antartic claims. But strangely enough there is never talk about independence, only about them being more british than the british and their willingness to remain british to the bone. Or at least that's what the UK says, there has never been a referendum or anything.
Iabimyshkin said:
They are not a province of the UK nor do they to want to be a province of Argentina. They area an overseas territory with relationship with UK. The Falkland Islands are effectively a nation of itself, just not an independent one.
An overseas territory that is not part of your own territory and is not independent is not a nation, it's a colony. They do not simply have a "relationship" with the UK, they are directly controlled by the UK government, and everything they have, including the right to tax for fishing in the area is given to them by the british government authority and can be taken away any time the UK pleases.
They are by no means a nation o a separate ethnicity or entity whatsoever. They are british citizens (after the war because before they werent even given a proper british citizenship) who wish to remain british and are represented by the british government, not a local government of their own.