Btw. @Continuum you don't have to rename everything to NodeXXX - as far as I am aware, it's only named like this in Fo2 because of their dialog tool. Personally I don't really see a point in doing that on every script, as it - just like in the case of Nicole - now makes it a lot harder to compare to the vanilla Fo1 decompiled scripts.
Anyway. This is mostly what happened the past days:
PS: Still not ready for an alpha release yet, though. Sorry. Hope it'll happens soonish.
PPS: There is no pointing in porting Fo1 to Fo2 if we aren't using its engine features, so I took the one or other thing from my Fo2 mod and implemented it. As before, everything is optional and can be disabled.
Anyway. This is mostly what happened the past days:
- Another round of code cleanup ...
- ... A fuckton, actually. We replaced lots of raw stuff with defines.
- Fixed: Vats / Master endgame slide order.
- Improvements to Lorenzo dialog (Hub money lender). At least one day has to pass now before player can repay his loan.
- Fixed: Rhombus triggering his own door.
- Adjusted: Vree shows player the library terminal a bit quicker now.
- Fixed: The eyebots near The Master are now in The Master's team.
- Adjusted: The technicians in The Master's lair will now react to an undisguised player (otherwise you can just walk past everything no matter what... no).
- Fixed: Morpheus wasn't teleporting the player to the Master's Lair.
- Fixed: Flip at Mariposa wasn't teleporting the player to Lou.
- Fixed: Critter combat floats (rats won't speak anymore, etc.)
- Fixed: Shady Sands scorpions will disappear once the cave entrance has been collapsed.
- Fixed: Holodisk from Mrs. bookstore in the Hub.
- Fixed: Necropolis entrance points, resting function and generally the location.
- Fixed: Cathedral shop guy not bartering if dude wears a robe.
- Fixed: Can't get unlimited water chips anymore from necropolis computer.
- Fixed: If the player destroys vats or cathedral before returning the water chip, the overseer will assign the still missing quest (destroy x/y).
- Fixed: Necropolis encounter ghouls are called "Zombie Guard" now, like in Fo1.
- Fixed: BoS encounter dudes will wield their weapons now.
- Fixed: Townmap entry points for the cathedral location (entrance / interior).
- Added: Cathedral main doors will make a sound when using them.
- Added: BoS and FoA invading forces can be pushed out of the way now.
- Fixed: Party members are hidden now in the endgame sequence.
- Fixed: Rhombus' door will now close itself on map enter (was stuck).
- Added: Explosive-check to doors, so they can't be destroyed anymore with fists.
- Fixed: V13 EW door had wrong proto flags.
- Fixed: All maps have sfx defined now (dogs barking, wind blowing, vultures, etc).
- ... and even more code cleanup.
PS: Still not ready for an alpha release yet, though. Sorry. Hope it'll happens soonish.
PPS: There is no pointing in porting Fo1 to Fo2 if we aren't using its engine features, so I took the one or other thing from my Fo2 mod and implemented it. As before, everything is optional and can be disabled.

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