Fallout 1 unfair combat


First time out of the vault
Combat in Fallout 1 is completely unfair. With the turn-based system, if you are outnumbered and your opponents have guns, you are dead. It doesn't matter how much armor you have either.

I should be able to rescue the Brotherhood guy in old town by myself easily. My armor is better, my weapons are better. However, I go in there and throw a frag grenade, killing 1, maybe 2 of the guards. I run outside the building and around the corner to complete my turn. All of the remaining guards follow me outside and proceed to slaughter me with no way to stop it. They all get multiple turns and I can't defend myself until it's my turn.

In Fallout 3, I would not have this problem. I would be able to easily take out all of the guards using VATS or run if the battle went sour. Not in Fallout 1.

For all of you who say the battle system in Fallout 3 sucks or is unfair, you don't know what you're talking about. I feel like I truly rule the wasteland in Fallout 3. In Fallout 1, I only rule the wasteland if its one-on-one.
Those guys are notorious for being overpowered. You'll have to use the terrain and cover to your advantage. You can shoot one of them through one of the north windows.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
You can shoot one of them through one of the north windows.
The window method is by far the best method until you're stronger/have a few dudes with you to help. It's also a good place to pick them off while your allies go in and distract them. Just go up to the window, shoot once or twice, and use the rest of your APs to step to the side so they can't shoot you back without having to leave the building, and this separates them, making the fight easier.

I think the combat is just very realistic at times. Even with the best armor and weapons ever made, in real life you wouldn't just go barging in on four/five badasses loaded to the teeth, even if you did had a squad with you. The brotherhood guy rescue has to be one of the more memorable fights for me due to how much I had to plan the fight out.

bmaninbama said:
For all of you who say the battle system in Fallout 3 sucks or is unfair, you don't know what you're talking about. I feel like I truly rule the wasteland in Fallout 3. In Fallout 1, I only rule the wasteland if its one-on-one.
So, basically, you don't want to have to think, you want to mindlessly slaughter? Might as well just play doom.
Yes for some odd reason the bad guys on that specific mission end up getting super bonuses that normal baddies do not get.

Well if you have passed it thats kudos but theres also another way to join the BoS cough electronic lockpicks mk2 cough.
Farmerk said:
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
You can shoot one of them through one of the north windows.
The window method is by far the best method until you're stronger/have a few dudes with you to help. It's also a good place to pick them off while your allies go in and distract them. Just go up to the window, shoot once or twice, and use the rest of your APs to step to the side so they can't shoot you back without having to leave the building, and this separates them, making the fight easier.

I think the combat is just very realistic at times. Even with the best armor and weapons ever made, in real life you wouldn't just go barging in on four/five badasses loaded to the teeth, even if you did had a squad with you. The brotherhood guy rescue has to be one of the more memorable fights for me due to how much I had to plan the fight out.

bmaninbama said:
For all of you who say the battle system in Fallout 3 sucks or is unfair, you don't know what you're talking about. I feel like I truly rule the wasteland in Fallout 3. In Fallout 1, I only rule the wasteland if its one-on-one.
So, basically, you don't want to have to think, you want to mindlessly slaughter? Might as well just play doom.

The only thinking required in a situation where you are outnumbered 4 to 1 by enemies who have weaker armor and weapons than you do but get more turns and never miss is to either run or become uber-powerful. Running is impossible and it's kinda hard to become uber-powerful when there is very little XP to be had and you're on a time limit...
That situation is like the one, where the player asks the gamemaster,
when I jump down this 100miles cliff, how much damage do I get?

The gm answers:"You're dead."

But why, the player asks, I got the armor, and teh hit points.

Now, statistics is not all.

Maybe the situation just wants to tell you, grow stronger,
come back later. There were challenges back in the days.

I was slaughtered like hell there too, not only one time.
And thought to myself, I come back, mofos, with my
turbo plasma rifle, and my power armor, we'll see
has the last laugh, you, are fast firing action boy,
with 6 plasma shots the turn, yeah baby! ;-)
Yeah get the Hardened Power Armor and the Turboplasmarifle, put some pts in Energyweapons. Everything will be turned to jelly before they even get close to you.
Hehe Fallout 1 is really easy. Combat is unfair towards your enemies.
But Fallout 2 turns the tables.
bmaninbama said:
The only thinking required in a situation where you are outnumbered 4 to 1 by enemies who have weaker armor and weapons than you do but get more turns and never miss is to either run or become uber-powerful.
Ever see the movie 300? 300 spartans vs a billion persians. What did they do? Did they go get power armor and energy weapons? No, they hatched a clever plan and kicked major ass(then they died, but that's not important...)

I've won that fight before at level eight with a hunting rifle, aimed shots, shooting through windows, running around corners to separate them, shooting from a distance, and a stick of dynamite: When using the shoot-duck behind corner method and someone gets about 8-10 paces away, drop some explosives with a ten second timer and run at least five paces away, good chance they will run around the corner to get to you, run out of AP, and get caught in the explosion)

My point is, in many fights you can use your terrain to your advantage and kick some pretty tough ass

bmaninbama said:
when there is very little XP to be had and you're on a time limit...
The time limit shouldn't be an issue unless you're running around the worldmap like a madman. Besides, the time limit gets removed about a quearter of the way through the game. And there's tons of XP to be found if you're doing quests.

Also, why do you want to rescue him so desperately? You have to get into the BOS before you get your reward, and getting in requires moving very far on the worldmap eating up about 40 days of your time limit. Better figure out how to get rid of it first... Remember what you were supposed to be doing, the reason you're in the wasteland in the first place?
bmaninbama said:
Combat in Fallout 1 is completely unfair. With the turn-based system, if you are outnumbered and your opponents have guns, you are dead. It doesn't matter how much armor you have either.

I should be able to rescue the Brotherhood guy in old town by myself easily. My armor is better, my weapons are better. However, I go in there and throw a frag grenade, killing 1, maybe 2 of the guards. I run outside the building and around the corner to complete my turn. All of the remaining guards follow me outside and proceed to slaughter me with no way to stop it. They all get multiple turns and I can't defend myself until it's my turn.

In Fallout 3, I would not have this problem. I would be able to easily take out all of the guards using VATS or run if the battle went sour. Not in Fallout 1.

For all of you who say the battle system in Fallout 3 sucks or is unfair, you don't know what you're talking about. I feel like I truly rule the wasteland in Fallout 3. In Fallout 1, I only rule the wasteland if its one-on-one.

Have you tried locking them in the building and sniping through the windows?
Since when is the goal to rule the Wasteland? You play an important role in the how the future of the Southern California wasteland plays out, but you aren't ever meant to be an unstoppable force that can take out legions of well trained and heavily armored soldiers in a straightforward gun battle. You have to get creative to beat them.
If you want a real eye opener try the opening quests of Fallout 2.

The problem is that the new Fallout games are so ridiculously easy in terms of fights (even on very hard mode) that there isn't much of a challenge to them.
Tagaziel said:
Have you tried locking them in the building and sniping through the windows?

My thoughts exactly...just lock the door and toss in some grenades through the open window. :roll:
I love the dudes in Hub. It's one of the best fights in the game, because of the difficult level. I still remember when I first met them, 10+ years ago. They totally fucked me and I needed many tries until I got them down. Then it was a great feeling.

Fallout 3 or FNV has nothing like this. Combat in these games is boring popamole.
Lexx said:
I love the dudes in Hub. It's one of the best fights in the game, because of the difficult level. I still remember when I first met them, 10+ years ago. They totally fucked me and I needed many tries until I got them down. Then it was a great feeling.

Fallout 3 or FNV has nothing like this. Combat in these games is boring popamole.

Try playing Fallout 2 as a solo man/woman, and as scumbag - (you must kill all the innocent people you meet in the wasteland, especially children). It's a constant challenge, especially with those bloody bounty hunters...but I'm hoping to max out on the negative Karma. :twisted:

And yet the game feels right; as a player many of the battles are desperate encounters, often you need to flee just to survive, and that to me is what the Wastelands should be all about - attack the weak, and flee the strong. :look:
I would usually get a shot at one of them through the window then run behind a hub policeman and wait for them to hit him.
After a very quick firefight the bad guys are usually dead :wink:
Black Feather said:
Yeah get the Hardened Power Armor and the Turboplasmarifle, put some pts in Energyweapons. Everything will be turned to jelly before they even get close to you.

Oh yeah. To get the quest to save the initiate you have to first gain access to the BoS bunker. That means going to the glow which also has a suit of power armor inside of it if I remember correctly.