bmaninbama said:
Combat in Fallout 1 is completely unfair. With the turn-based system, if you are outnumbered and your opponents have guns, you are dead. It doesn't matter how much armor you have either.
I should be able to rescue the Brotherhood guy in old town by myself easily. My armor is better, my weapons are better. However, I go in there and throw a frag grenade, killing 1, maybe 2 of the guards. I run outside the building and around the corner to complete my turn. All of the remaining guards follow me outside and proceed to slaughter me with no way to stop it. They all get multiple turns and I can't defend myself until it's my turn.
In Fallout 3, I would not have this problem. I would be able to easily take out all of the guards using VATS or run if the battle went sour. Not in Fallout 1.
For all of you who say the battle system in Fallout 3 sucks or is unfair, you don't know what you're talking about. I feel like I truly rule the wasteland in Fallout 3. In Fallout 1, I only rule the wasteland if its one-on-one.
I punched them to death and Dogmeat ate their balls at level 6 . With a couple of game reloadings .
You can't use VATS that much in FO3 to kill 5 or more enemies , not enough AP . Also in Fallout 1 they tend to do criticals more than in FO3 on you .
And you rule wasteland with HtH evade , Bonus HtH attacks , Better Criticals , Slayer , 10 AP , 16 sequence , Dogmeat with patch , Power Fist and Hardened Power Armor . And 100% speech . I also soloed 3 deathclaws at the same time to get Slayer perk . They did kick the hell out of me for sure but

I am become death .
Or did i dream when i punched Mariposa Liutenent to death in a single hit ?
No , he died because "death was instant" or "his spleen is now clearly visible" .
Come on FO3 , try and make some of that .
Now before raging for FO3 , i completely understand guys that only played Bethesda's Fallout . Difficulty is not the same , and there is more to games before . Use tactic more , if you can't do something now return later . And level the right skills and the right perks . You can't be all , energy , big guns , small guns , melee , unarmed at the same time .
But you can take One Hander , small guns and unarmed and still punch and kill with the right pistol . That's just an example .
Also whoever said Charisma is good as 1 should go ahead and kill himself . That's basically a "weapon" skill if you know how and when to use it . Try on Master